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BLIZZARD 2011-02-12 20:28

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 944341)
What do you want a miracle??? WHAT COUNCIL ? does it really exsist or has it dissapeared into the shadows along with Nokia.

Two posts above?

abill_uk 2011-02-12 20:31

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by BLIZZARD (Post 944344)
Two posts above?

Your easy pleased then if you consider THAT anything near a statement !!!.

abill_uk 2011-02-12 20:34

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
Some of us have just had enough of the bad sad excuses and lets face it they are coming from every direction now and for what? it is the biggest cover up i have ever seen from anybody.

JamesBond@ge 2011-02-12 20:57

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 944346)
Your easy pleased then if you consider THAT anything near a statement !!!.

Calm down mate, I know this news has probably hit you really hard but you seem to be foaming at the mouth and losing control of your senses.

Every thread I've seen you in during the last few days, you seem to be ranting on like a madman.

geneven 2011-02-12 21:02

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
Thanks for your responses.

Since the Council is the only elected group on this site, it naturally serves as the defacto representative body on just about any issue involving this site. Note that I didn't ask for an official response, just a general one, which you provided.

As for that Texrat fellow, you may know that he frequented this site for years, but he has recently been much scarcer. I thought he might have gotten a better job or something. Fortunately he reemerged after I asked about him.

I would qualify this as a crisis situation and it is natural to expect some leadership from leaders. I'm glad it is being provided after what I perceived as an initial silence.

abill_uk 2011-02-12 21:17

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by JamesBond@ge (Post 944366)
Calm down mate, I know this news has probably hit you really hard but you seem to be foaming at the mouth and losing control of your senses.

Every thread I've seen you in during the last few days, you seem to be ranting on like a madman.

Oh but i am calm all i want is a PROPER statement and i am expecting something like.... this community will no longer be supporting Nokia or Maemo or Meego and untill the words are written and read people are just going to prolong the misery.

This IS time for everyone to be straight and then we can move on... simple as that no swearing or arguments.

SD69 2011-02-12 21:27

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by abill_uk (Post 944390)
i want is a PROPER statement and i am expecting something like.... this community will no longer be supporting Nokia or Maemo or Meego

You want to say it will no longer be supporting Maemo? :confused:

sjgadsby 2011-02-12 21:37

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by SD69 (Post 944403)
You want to say it will no longer be supporting Maemo?

Yeah, software development is hard. Let's go shopping!

abill_uk 2011-02-12 21:37

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by SD69 (Post 944403)
You want to say it will no longer be supporting Maemo? :confused:

Truth is without proper Nokia support how can support Maemo, this is some sick joke now as we all know Maemo is finished and Nokia either let loose all component drivers which upto date they have still not done and that alone has stopped this community from proper support.

Sooner or later has to realise that Maemo is simply dead and buried and to stop living on dreams.

US owners of N900's need clarification and that should be official without argument from whoever seems to run this site.

This is not anger this is plain talking and if anyone thinks different then they are just trying to make argument.

abill_uk 2011-02-12 21:39

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 944412)
Yeah, software development is hard. Let's go shopping!

Yes absolutely agree with you and without the needed support from Nokia it is impossible.

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