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rm42 2011-02-17 14:44

Re: Winners and loosers
Does some one know something I don't? The stock is plummeting today. It has already lost over a point since the day began.

rm42 2011-02-17 14:52

Re: Winners and loosers
This is old news by now, but relevant. So, I'll put it in this thread:


Nokia Should Pay EUR100,000 To Staff Laid Off - Finnish Union

lma 2011-02-17 14:56

Re: Winners and loosers

Originally Posted by rm42 (Post 948939)
Does some one know something I don't? The stock is plummeting today. It has already lost over a point since the day began.

I think the only reason it rose slightly on Tuesday was the Nokia Siemens news.

BigBadGuber! 2011-02-17 15:06

Re: Winners and loosers
NOKIA did the right thing. They had all the time to bring an alternative OS to the table that can compete with the rest. They didnt. Even Meego looks still infantile:

rm42 2011-02-17 15:23

Re: Winners and loosers

Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 948958)
NOKIA did the right thing. They had all the time to bring an alternative OS to the table that can compete with the rest. They didnt. Even Meego looks still infantile:

The UI is not something that Nokia seems to have given much help with to begin with. Could it be that Elop was actually trying to stop it from being too attractive?


the first MeeGo smartphone, thought to be the N9-00, has indeed been canned. Instead, a second (and possibly last) MeeGo smartphone on the roadmap – the N9-01 – sans physical keyboard will be pushed out first, as earlier reported by Engadget.

Interestingly, well-placed sources also tell us that the device won’t feature the stock MeeGo UI but instead one designed by “a three person external team rather than any of Nokia’s hundreds of internal designers.”

BigBadGuber! 2011-02-17 15:40

Re: Winners and loosers
I dont think Elop had much to do with it. I think that he was busy learning the business and figuring out what is going on. I doubt that the first thing he did was to kill Meego. The layoffs are yet to come.

NOKIA did a brave thing as a corporation. They were outgunned and surrounded. They were losing market share big time. They had loyal followers, but all that was dwindling. They had to change, and I think, given all the possibilities, they did the right think. Remember, Elop is just one guy. The board has to agree with his decisions. The board wanted a change and they brought him in. Elop is nothing but an executor of a plan concocted by multiples within Nokia

retsaw 2011-02-17 15:52

Re: Winners and loosers

Originally Posted by rm42 (Post 948967)
The UI is not something that Nokia seems to have given much help with to begin with. Could it be that Elop was actually trying to stop it from being too attractive?

Nokia were always planning to put their own UI on top of Meego, I don't see why they would want to help their competitors. Having a common base for all Meego handsets can help get more apps onto the platform, but the UI can be quite a significant differentiator between Nokia Meego and other Meego as far as what Nokia's customers see.

EDIT: And can someone please fix the topic title, it is "Losers" NOT "Loosers". I don't want to be a spelling nazi, but this misspelling of "lose" is far too common across the web, and it gets quite annoying.

stlpaul 2011-02-17 15:56

Re: Winners and loosers

Originally Posted by deyons (Post 948606)
I'm in the US and we have WP7 on HTC's and not a Fuq is givin. Now I should buy it cause it's on a Nokia? I better be able to remove it and install Maemo5 at least.

Exactly, the non-USians seem to have an idea that US market wants WP7. Truth is, nobody here cares about WP7, nobody talks about it, nobody buys it. Kind of like Symbian... or Nokia for that matter.

It's all about iPhone, Android, Blackberry. In that order.

rm42 2011-02-17 16:04

Re: Winners and loosers

Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 948984)
I dont think Elop had much to do with it. I think that he was busy learning the business and figuring out what is going on. I doubt that the first thing he did was to kill Meego. The layoffs are yet to come.

I guess we'll find out one day when insiders write the next best seller: "The great northern tech war: What happened at Nokia when Elop came in."


Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 948984)
NOKIA did a brave thing as a corporation. They were outgunned and surrounded. They were losing market share big time. They had loyal followers, but all that was dwindling. They had to change, and I think, given all the possibilities, they did the right think.

I don't share the idea that committing suicide in the face of possible defeat is a brave thing. They had a credible strategy with Meego + Symbian + Qt. Where there challenges ahead? Sure, but that is what the business is all about. With focus and determination they could have succeeded. Lots of investors saw it that way. They had the backing of the whole open source developer community that were just waiting for that last step device and for a clear sign from Nokia that they meant it, that they were not just playing around. (There was always something fishy about the lack of commitment and marketing behind the N900.) Companies have been able to pull it off with much more dire prospects. They lacked the guts to stick to their plan and make it happen.


Originally Posted by BigBadGuber! (Post 948984)
Remember, Elop is just one guy. The board has to agree with his decisions. The board wanted a change and they brought him in. Elop is nothing but an executor of a plan concocted by multiples within Nokia

That I do not dispute. He is just the hand waving puppet.

rm42 2011-02-17 16:16

Re: Winners and loosers

Originally Posted by retsaw (Post 948992)
Nokia were always planning to put their own UI on top of Meego, I don't see why they would want to help their competitors. Having a common base for all Meego handsets can help get more apps onto the platform, but the UI can be quite a significant differentiator between Nokia Meego and other Meego as far as what Nokia's customers see.

Fine. But how do you explain the tiny outsourced UI team?

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