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pwrjjf 2007-07-08 04:14

Re: Boot from 2gb Card
I just noticed the 32 vs 18 mm. Thanks for pointing that out.

So would this card work? Seems like a better deal than newegg, and it meets the specs.

Milhouse 2007-07-08 04:51

Re: Boot from 2gb Card

Originally Posted by pwrjjf (Post 57763)
I just noticed the 32 vs 18 mm. Thanks for pointing that out.

So would this card work? Seems like a better deal than newegg, and it meets the specs.

Yes that card will work just fine, although I can't in all honesty recommend buying flash memory from eBay - there are far too many fakes on offer. :(

BcNexus 2007-07-08 06:54

Re: Boot from 2gb Card
ikonosin is right: mmc and mmc plus won't fit. DON'T get them for the 770.
Your choice should be between RS-mmc and MMC-Mobile. Get the MMC-Mobile.
For example:

pwrjjf 2007-07-08 08:25

Re: Boot from 2gb Card

Originally Posted by milhouse
although I can't in all honesty recommend buying flash memory from eBay - there are far too many fakes on offer.

hehe, true, but what the heck, i'll take my chances. ;)

Gameross 2007-07-08 12:32

Re: Boot from 2gb Card
How truthful are those transfer rates they list with various cards? The Kingston(from EBay) is like 3x faster than the Sandisk and will there be a noticeable difference?

As for buying from EBay, someone with a 154210 feedbacks with 98.3% positive is extremely likely someone you can purchase from without worry.

weezedog 2007-07-08 16:46

Re: Boot from 2gb Card
newegg, zipzoomfly, amazon, and are my vendors of choice. I've bought and sold enough on ebay to get 100 feedbacks and I don't like ebay that much. It's good for hard to find stuff, but it's often very slow shipping, very expensive shipping, etc.. that really irks me.
Plus you have to wait 5 days for the auction to end, only to get outbid 10¢ in the last 5 seconds by some douche without a job who can sit in front of the computer all day.

weezedog 2007-07-08 17:01

Re: Boot from 2gb Card
Also all OEM products warranty is through the SELLER and not the MANUFACTURER, so good luck trying to get the warranty honored. I'll spend the $38 on kingston rather than $35 on an OEM then another $38 on kingston when the OEM dies and the warranty is not honored. It may say lifetime OEM warranty, but it's the sellers lifetime, if they stop selling on ebay and close their account in 6 months you're SOL.

pwrjjf 2007-07-08 23:58

Re: Boot from 2gb Card

That's a fairly flawed assessment of ebay.

Before i buy from certain sellers, I always go for the "buy it now" option, and compare the price and shipping, and shipping location, also user ratings obviously.

Those sites you listed above have regular prices, and charge tax, which is why i go for ebay sometimes, especially for insignificant things like memory modules.

So if you get screwed on ebay, it's probably due to your own lack of research on the seller.

elfworks 2007-07-09 05:21

Re: Boot from 2gb Card

Originally Posted by pwrjjf (Post 57763)
I just noticed the 32 vs 18 mm. Thanks for pointing that out.

So would this card work? Seems like a better deal than newegg, and it meets the specs.

I ordered one of these OEM cards from fastmemoryman on eBay just last week.

It shipped fast, but the the card I received was NOT a Kingston labeled card, and it seems to top out at 2MB/sec when tested on the card reader in my Dell E1405. (Shouldn't it be 8MB/sec?)

pwrjjf 2007-07-09 09:27

Re: Boot from 2gb Card
damn, that sure is unfortunate. What brand is the card though? And regarding speed, are you sure it's not a drivers/software problem? since it's getting read from a laptop and all...

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