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godofwar424 2011-04-05 10:33

Re: Phone lags when it shouldn't (i think...)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 982278)
FLASH IT CLEAN!!! no am kidding, turn off the smart reflex as its not stable on quite a few devices.

Jesus can't you read! Smart Reflex causes reboots NOT lag!

The OP is suffering from LAG issues!

PS. As stated before, Smart Reflex ONLY causes reboots on a small minority of devices and seeing as the OP has had it enabled for quite some time without problems, its safe to assume SmartReflex has NOTHING to do with this.


Originally Posted by SkyKnight (Post 982232)
Hi all,

I was wondering why the phone lags so much when i configure 5/6 IM services... and enable Email updates once in 2 hrs.. (2 mailboxes)..

I haven't overclocked... But i use Smart Reflex Technology in QCPUFreq and ive got Swappolube installed with the proposed settings turned on..

Well, the main reason im curious about this is coz since i come from the symbian phones.. (profimail + nimbuzz for ppl who r familiar there...) there was no lag... Ive installed a few apps in maemo extras and some from maemo testing repositories...

Is overclocking the only solution i wonder... Coz ive looked through the forum and found out that it would reduce the phones lifetime and i would like to keep this device for a verrry long time since its one of a kind... :D

Anyone experienced may help..

Thanks for reading../

Anyways. I have noticed that with several IM accounts online at once, the phone tends to lag around a bit. Think it is due to all the checking if people are online/offline and for new messages. Try setting up different settings so you can only have 1 or 2 IM accounts online at a time and see if that helps.

As for the email, it shouldn't really cause any problems. The main lag cause is the IM accounts, I have experience this lag and it doesn't really ever go away. Overclocking does help though.

Ps. Swappolube controls the Swap data and using IM accounts is more a processing issue than a swap issue so swappolube won't help hugely in this scenario but in most cases swappolube has been proven to help out and anyone disagreeing with this should take it up in the Swappolube thread.

SkyKnight 2011-04-05 14:38

Re: Phone lags when it shouldn't (i think...)

Originally Posted by vi_ (Post 982265)
Jeeze, ignore this dumbass. There is nothing wrong with SR, however on some 'rare' devices it can cause reboots. If yours has been working with it enabled, definatley keep it switched on.

Don't worry about swappolubes VM settings, they have been shown to improve things, tried and tested RELENTLESSLY by almost every TMO user.

Make sure you have disabled automatic updates as this causes the phone to 'lag out' once every 24hours trying to find updates (which there are none). From xterm as root do this:


gconftool -s -t int /apps/hildon/update-notifier/check_interval 1440000
Overclocking, when done responsibly will not reduce the the lifespan of your phone. You will probably have worn the keyboard out and knackered every mechanical assembly on the device before you fry the CPU with responsible overclocking.

In general the best compromise for batterylife and a significant speed improvement is a mild overclock to 805MHz at 'ideal' voltage profile with SR.

Can you be more specific about what circumstances the phone lags in? WHat are your useage patterns?

You did click 'store' on swappolube right?

well... isnt store supposed to make swappolube settings permanent... i kinda thought i would do the manual way.... like, every time i restart ma phn i reapply the proposed settings... is there any difference other than that?

also... i dont run apps outside extras repo much... but i do multitaskin all the time... heavy browsin... chat.... and i carry tons of media with me.... around 40+ gb..:) which contains around 10k pics... i dunno if tats a prob...

finally, if overclockin is ma only way... suggest me a safer and efficient way.... with less battery drain....:D

Switch_ 2011-04-05 14:50

Re: Phone lags when it shouldn't (i think...)

Originally Posted by SkyKnight (Post 982458)
well... isnt store supposed to make swappolube settings permanent... i kinda thought i would do the manual way.... like, every time i restart ma phn i reapply the proposed settings... is there any difference other than that?

Thats the whole idea of changing the settings. Keeping the phone optimised. Permanently.


Originally Posted by SkyKnight (Post 982458)
also... i dont run apps outside extras repo much... but i do multitaskin all the time... heavy browsin... chat.... and i carry tons of media with me.... around 40+ gb..:) which contains around 10k pics... i dunno if tats a prob...

You may want to look at trackercfg and changing the folders / locations that the tracker process monitors. This should free up CPU cycles and hopefully reduce lag.


Originally Posted by SkyKnight (Post 982458)
finally, if overclockin is ma only way... suggest me a safer and efficient way.... with less battery drain....:D

OVERCLOCKING IS SAFE AND SAVES BATTERY MAN!!! Jeez, I don't know how many times this story has to be told. Seriously, try this out. Just try it. See if it works better;

Open terminal. Type the following;


sudo gainroot
apt-get install kernel-power-settings
<answer yes to installing>
kernel-config limits 250 805
kernel-config load ideal
kernel-config save profile overclock1
kernel-config default profile overclock1

If you honestly can say that your battery life does not improve and that lag is still prevalent I will eat my socks and provide pictures to prove the act.

vi_ 2011-04-05 14:55

Re: Phone lags when it shouldn't (i think...)

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 982467)
Thats the whole idea of changing the settings. Keeping the phone optimised. Permanently.

You may want to look at trackercfg and changing the folders / locations that the tracker process monitors. This should free up CPU cycles and hopefully reduce lag.

OVERCLOCKING IS SAFE AND SAVES BATTERY MAN!!! Jeez, I don't know how many times this story has to be told. Seriously, try this out. Just try it. See if it works better;

Open terminal. Type the following;


sudo gainroot
apt-get install kernel-power-settings
<answer yes to installing>
kernel-config limits 250 805
kernel-config load ideal
kernel-config save profile overclock1
kernel-config default profile overclock1

If you honestly can say that your battery life does not improve and that lag is still prevalent I will eat my socks and provide pictures to prove the act.

What he said, however this assumes you have power kernel installed. If no, install it first.

Switch_ 2011-04-05 14:56

Re: Phone lags when it shouldn't (i think...)

Originally Posted by vi_ (Post 982471)
What he said, however this assumes you have power kernel installed. If no, install it first.

kernel-power-settings is dependent on kernel-power hence the instruction only to pull the one from the repos. It will install kernel-power as a dependency saving you having to apt-get both of them ;)

SkyKnight 2011-04-05 16:34

Re: Phone lags when it shouldn't (i think...)

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 982467)
Thats the whole idea of changing the settings. Keeping the phone optimised. Permanently.

You may want to look at trackercfg and changing the folders / locations that the tracker process monitors. This should free up CPU cycles and hopefully reduce lag.

OVERCLOCKING IS SAFE AND SAVES BATTERY MAN!!! Jeez, I don't know how many times this story has to be told. Seriously, try this out. Just try it. See if it works better;

Open terminal. Type the following;


sudo gainroot
apt-get install kernel-power-settings
<answer yes to installing>
kernel-config limits 250 805
kernel-config load ideal
kernel-config save profile overclock1
kernel-config default profile overclock1

If you honestly can say that your battery life does not improve and that lag is still prevalent I will eat my socks and provide pictures to prove the act.

thanks man... exactly what i was lookin for..... u rock......:D

will try and post results.....

SkyKnight 2011-04-06 04:45

Re: Phone lags when it shouldn't (i think...)

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 982473)
kernel-power-settings is dependent on kernel-power hence the instruction only to pull the one from the repos. It will install kernel-power as a dependency saving you having to apt-get both of them ;)

now it shows 500 mhz min and 850 mhz max frequency in qcpurefreq.... does that mean it works as it should?

mr_pingu 2011-04-06 05:04

Re: Phone lags when it shouldn't (i think...)
yes, but you can also run the following command to check the frequencys ;)

sudo kernel-config show

vi_ 2011-04-06 07:00

Re: Phone lags when it shouldn't (i think...)
Yes that is correct, however do not try and use smart reflex over 805MHz as it will cause the n900 to reboot.

SkyKnight 2011-04-06 08:21

Re: Phone lags when it shouldn't (i think...)

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 982467)
Thats the whole idea of changing the settings. Keeping the phone optimised. Permanently.

You may want to look at trackercfg and changing the folders / locations that the tracker process monitors. This should free up CPU cycles and hopefully reduce lag.

OVERCLOCKING IS SAFE AND SAVES BATTERY MAN!!! Jeez, I don't know how many times this story has to be told. Seriously, try this out. Just try it. See if it works better;

Open terminal. Type the following;


sudo gainroot
apt-get install kernel-power-settings
<answer yes to installing>
kernel-config limits 250 805
kernel-config load ideal
kernel-config save profile overclock1
kernel-config default profile overclock1

If you honestly can say that your battery life does not improve and that lag is still prevalent I will eat my socks and provide pictures to prove the act.

Tried it and it works well... phone performance improved a lot and lag issues seem to be minimal...

But, sometimes (for eg. while running browser... app manager.. etc) phone lags still.... and the cpu usage is always 100 percent at that time.. is that normal behaviour?

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