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abill_uk 2011-04-06 14:51

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by hhmah (Post 983090)
it was like abt 60%, i was trying to download meego on my memory card, than toke the battery out and put back in, and than every time i turn it on the blu light comes up

Can you report this on the MeeGo thread MeeGo 1.2 RC1 on 30.03.11 currently on here as i have no knowledge of this problem if it is in any way related to a MeeGo install to the sd card.

Please get your battery charged somehow externally and read my ps comments on a few posts back about connecting to pc via usb.

hhmah 2011-04-06 14:55

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by ashwin (Post 983087)
i had same problem couple of times battery charged externally and it worked fine

it doesnt charge, when i connect it to the computer using usb port, it just trun on and off, i only see the NOKIA writing, and i see the yellow light for abt 5second than turns off and turn on again, just repeating same thing, on and off and the orange light comes for abt 5 seconds and than turn off than trun on etc.

when i charge it using the charger, i only see the NOKIA writing and no orange light

hhmah 2011-04-06 14:58

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light
one more thing the last thing i uninstall was Enhanced Linux kernel , than turned it off, and that when the problem appeared

thankx for the help

FP125 2011-04-06 14:59

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light
Try taking your battery out for a few mins then put it back in again.

Now hold down the U key whilst you power the phone back on.

I had the same problem and this worked for me, so worth giving it a go.

ashwin 2011-04-06 15:46

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by hhmah (Post 983095)
it doesnt charge, when i connect it to the computer using usb port, it just trun on and off, i only see the NOKIA writing, and i see the yellow light for abt 5second than turns off and turn on again, just repeating same thing, on and off and the orange light comes for abt 5 seconds and than turn off than trun on etc.

when i charge it using the charger, i only see the NOKIA writing and no orange light

take out the battery and charge it externally shud work

Vasikaran 2011-04-06 15:54

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by hhmah (Post 983095)
it doesnt charge, when i connect it to the computer using usb port, it just trun on and off, i only see the NOKIA writing, and i see the yellow light for abt 5second than turns off and turn on again, just repeating same thing, on and off and the orange light comes for abt 5 seconds and than turn off than trun on etc.

when i charge it using the charger, i only see the NOKIA writing and no orange light

Funny to see "abill_uk" thanked this post..! The person is in a problem so it would be better to help him out rather than giving a "thanks: :)...however, coming to the problem - I too faced a similar problem like this, I charged the gadget using external charger for nearly 1-1.30 hours. It repeats the on-off sequence but dont care about will charge. But to bring it to life again I did 'reflash'. Might be this would be your last option if other solutions dont work out.. All the Best. Do let me know :)

abill_uk 2011-04-06 16:02

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by Vasikaran (Post 983127)
Funny to see "abill_uk" thanked this post..! The person is in a problem so it would be better to help him out rather than giving a "thanks: :)...however, coming to the problem - I too faced a similar problem like this, I charged the gadget using external charger for nearly 1-1.30 hours. It repeats the on-off sequence but dont care about will charge. But to bring it to life again I did 'reflash'. Might be this would be your last option if other solutions dont work out.. All the Best. Do let me know :)

Did you just jump in and reply to a post before reading from the start? their are only a few posts to read and in one of mine i did tell him
"Even if the battery has fallen below BME detection it will still charge over a long period of time which makes me think it is a usb port problem"

I thanked him for giving more information he was asked to give and if you read through all the posts you will see the full answers given by everyone to help him. ;)

woody14619 2011-04-06 17:37

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by hhmah (Post 983039)
i did charge it for a bit and it doesn't show the yellow light when charging.. not sure whts wrong with it

When you say the yellow light was on, do you mean it was on solid, or it was blinking like a normal charging phase. There's a difference. The solid yellow indicates something very different is going on.

One thing I noted is you said you were installing MeeGo to the uSD card. I assume you loaded a boot loader that allows you to boot off the uSD. Have you tried removing the uSD card? If the uSD card image is corrupt, and it's trying to boot off of it, that could cause this.


Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 983065)
BME manages the charging of the battery > if the battery has discharged to the point where BME cannot kick in > no charge and no power.

Not entirely. There's a fail-safe circuit that will attempt to charge the battery if the BME is unable to kick in. The difference is that the fail-safe just turns the light to a solid yellow on, not blinking like BME. That way you can tell which system is doing it. It will take much longer to charge with the fail-safe system than with BME, but you should be able to unplug/re-power and use BME after about 20 to 30 minutes of fail-safe charging.

hhmah 2011-04-06 19:07

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by woody14619 (Post 983172)
When you say the yellow light was on, do you mean it was on solid, or it was blinking like a normal charging phase. There's a difference. The solid yellow indicates something very different is going on.

One thing I noted is you said you were installing MeeGo to the uSD card. I assume you loaded a boot loader that allows you to boot off the uSD. Have you tried removing the uSD card? If the uSD card image is corrupt, and it's trying to boot off of it, that could cause this.

Not entirely. There's a fail-safe circuit that will attempt to charge the battery if the BME is unable to kick in. The difference is that the fail-safe just turns the light to a solid yellow on, not blinking like BME. That way you can tell which system is doing it. It will take much longer to charge with the fail-safe system than with BME, but you should be able to unplug/re-power and use BME after about 20 to 30 minutes of fail-safe charging.

i see solid yellow for abt 23 seconds with the NOKIA writing on the screen, than i turnes off for abt 20seconds no light shows only NOKIA writing on the screen. it just repeat the sam thing for hours and hours,, the solid yellow shows up for abt 23seconds than turn off, than the NOKIA writing come on the screen for abt 20seconds etc.. repeating same thing

i really need help... thankx

hhmah 2011-04-06 19:12

Re: My phone is not turning on, shows blue light

Originally Posted by Vasikaran (Post 983127)
Funny to see "abill_uk" thanked this post..! The person is in a problem so it would be better to help him out rather than giving a "thanks: :)...however, coming to the problem - I too faced a similar problem like this, I charged the gadget using external charger for nearly 1-1.30 hours. It repeats the on-off sequence but dont care about will charge. But to bring it to life again I did 'reflash'. Might be this would be your last option if other solutions dont work out.. All the Best. Do let me know :)

how can i refresh it.. not sure how

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