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hansaka 2011-05-15 19:15

Re: [demo] use your N900 as remote control for iTunes

Originally Posted by izero (Post 1004685)
Hi all,

CuteRemote is Qt/QML based client as the name hints. I've now completed the features I want to include in 1.0 version. After I've fixed few nasty bugs, I will give the client to few testers so that I'll get an idea if the app is ready for public.

I'm hoping to release this during the summer, but it depends on how the app works with my testers' devices and how many new bugs are found.

count me toooo

hansaka 2011-08-08 16:24

Re: [demo] use your N900 as remote control for iTunes
are you still working on this ?

izero 2011-08-10 11:41

Re: [demo] use your N900 as remote control for iTunes

Good news, I've just submitted the Maemo5 version to Ovi Store, so if all goes well it should be available soon. After that I'll submit Symbian version and finish the MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan version.

deviantv1ral 2011-08-25 18:06

Re: [demo] use your N900 as remote control for iTunes
ovi store says not compatible with my device, n900

izero 2011-08-25 18:25

Re: [demo] use your N900 as remote control for iTunes
Should be any day now. There was some problems in QA process, so I had to update the app couple of times. The good part of that was that I got also Symbian and Harmattan versions ready. Now it seems that Symbian versions went through the gates faster than Maemo, but like I said should be available for N900 also very soon.

hansaka 2011-08-25 18:30

Re: [demo] use your N900 as remote control for iTunes

Originally Posted by izero (Post 1076612)
Should be any day now. There was some problems in QA process, so I had to update the app couple of times. The good part of that was that I got also Symbian and Harmattan versions ready. Now it seems that Symbian versions went through the gates faster than Maemo, but like I said should be available for N900 also very soon.

I cant wait no more!!! :D

deviantv1ral 2011-08-25 23:00

Re: [demo] use your N900 as remote control for iTunes
great, can't wait been waiting since start of summer, i have a foobar2000 music server sending bitperfect stream to an HK reciever. been using a really slow ipod touch!

BenjiEssex1985 2011-08-29 15:51

Re: [demo] use your N900 as remote control for iTunes
This might not be the place for this, but i downloaded Cuteremote for my N97mini, And am having problems, Do you have a support page at all?

izero 2011-09-01 15:57

Re: [demo] use your N900 as remote control for iTunes
@BenjiEssex1985 Sorry, I haven't noticed your message here. There's a facebook page for support (you don't need to log-in to read) and you can contact me by e-mail izero79 (at)

Ovi Store publishing says that Maemo version should be available now, but at least I cannot see it with my N900 in finnish Ovi Store. Can someone check if it is available somewhere else? I need to contact Store to check what's going on there.

izero 2011-09-01 18:03

Re: [demo] use your N900 as remote control for iTunes
And now the N900 version seems to be in place in finnish Ovi Store. Hopefully everywhere else too.

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