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copperviking 2011-05-19 16:29

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by savorau (Post 1010175)
1. sudo gainroot

2. apt-get install libqtm-11-declarative

Thanks! Now it works. Looks great!!!!!

Gusse 2011-05-19 18:07

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns
Would it be possible to get Mapsi to work with Qt Mobility 1.2.0?
I have installed libqtm-12 earlier, but not libqtm-11 (Qt Mobility 1.1.3).
To install 1.1.3 would require ~14Mb disk space, that's the (small) problem.

copperviking 2011-05-19 18:10

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns
Working great and simple to use! Every time I use it, (not downloading maps) it takes some space of MyDocs? File manager shows nothing new in .mapsi folder. Does anyone know what and where it downloads some files?

Answering to myself. In .mapsi folder is file called: pti_wms.db. It will getting bigger every time you use mapsi. Maybe if settings/WMS is disabled, it wont getting bigger. I try to delete it and mapsi is still working. Also MyDocs get back all space.

copperviking 2011-05-20 09:16

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by savorau (Post 1010083)
Great to have topo maps back to n900!
This is 10+ program if i could figure out how to
get all Finland maps straight to n900 memory...? I use maps
lot without 3g network.. And it would be possible to
use without data packet(via bluetooth gps)

You can download all Finland maps straight to N900 memory. If there is enough space? I dont know how much that take, but you can try first smaller area, and then bigger. It takes alot of time. It would be good to use fast wlan connection. Then you can use it without datapackage. N900 gps dont need to use data. You can switch it off. Getting gps fix take more time, but it will get it. Then you can use it offline mode. If you get all Finland maps let me know how much space it take.

orava 2011-05-21 07:38

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by copperviking (Post 1010321)
Working great and simple to use! Every time I use it, (not downloading maps) it takes some space of MyDocs? File manager shows nothing new in .mapsi folder. Does anyone know what and where it downloads some files?

Answering to myself. In .mapsi folder is file called: pti_wms.db. It will getting bigger every time you use mapsi. Maybe if settings/WMS is disabled, it wont getting bigger. I try to delete it and mapsi is still working. Also MyDocs get back all space.

All map tiles are saved to pti_wms.db file so you shouldn't delete it if you want to use Mapsi in offline mode. In the settings box the icon with two arrows disables/enables use of Paikkatietoikkunas WMS server from which map tiles are downloaded. So when that is disabled no new map tiles are downloaded (i.e. Mapsi is in offline mode).

orava 2011-05-21 08:03

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by Gusse (Post 1010314)
Would it be possible to get Mapsi to work with Qt Mobility 1.2.0?
I have installed libqtm-12 earlier, but not libqtm-11 (Qt Mobility 1.1.3).
To install 1.1.3 would require ~14Mb disk space, that's the (small) problem.

I think it gets too confusing if there are two versions so only Qt Mobility 1.1 version at the moment. But the next version will only use location and systeminfo modules and those require only about 2.5Mb disk space.

copperviking 2011-05-21 11:02

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1011727)
All map tiles are saved to pti_wms.db file so you shouldn't delete it if you want to use Mapsi in offline mode. In the settings box the icon with two arrows disables/enables use of Paikkatietoikkunas WMS server from which map tiles are downloaded. So when that is disabled no new map tiles are downloaded (i.e. Mapsi is in offline mode).

I dont understand what is difference between make map mode/download only mode? Make map mode did .png file to mapsi folder. Do I have to use make map mode if I use mapsi in offline?

mve 2011-05-22 09:04

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1004460)
- If you have AGTL(Advanced Geocaching Tool) installed Mapsi can use its database to show geocaches in Mapsi.

Thank you for making this application.

I have noticed one problem with geocaches. Mapsi shows only thin black line where the geocache shoud be. If I touch that line I can get cache description but it's very difficult to locate those lines. Do you have an idea what could cause that?

Other problem for me was that it took some time to notice that there are more icons below geocache icon in the menu. It should be somehow more clear to user that are more than 4 icons.

orava 2011-05-23 07:33

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by copperviking (Post 1011846)
I dont understand what is difference between make map mode/download only mode? Make map mode did .png file to mapsi folder.

In "make map" mode one big map image is created from selected area and in "download only" mode map tiles from selected area are downloaded to database for offline use.


Originally Posted by copperviking (Post 1011846)
Do I have to use make map mode if I use mapsi in offline?

No. When you're moving around in the map all map tiles that you see are automatically saved to database for offline use. If you want to download all map tiles from selected area you can use "download only mode". (There's a bug in the current version that causes Mapsi to crash if map tiles are downloaded faster than they are written to database so you might have to limit download speed if you have fast Internet connection. That is fixed in the next version.)

orava 2011-05-23 07:46

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by mve (Post 1012470)
Thank you for making this application.

I have noticed one problem with geocaches. Mapsi shows only thin black line where the geocache shoud be. If I touch that line I can get cache description but it's very difficult to locate those lines. Do you have an idea what could cause that?

Do you have latest the libqt4-declarative package(4.7.0~git20100909-0maemo1+0m5)?


Originally Posted by mve (Post 1012470)
Other problem for me was that it took some time to notice that there are more icons below geocache icon in the menu. It should be somehow more clear to user that are more than 4 icons.

I will make it more clearer in the next version. I think I should also write some using instructions because there are some features that cannot be found if you don't know them (e.g. you can list all currently visible geocaches by double tapping geocache icon and you can switch between showing all/showing unfound geocaches by long pressing geocache icon)

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