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Dion_ddc 2011-05-16 10:45

Re: Wp7 f yes!

Originally Posted by James_Littler (Post 1007280)
God no, Nokia going windows 7 had sealed the deal for me.
I will never own another Nokia device again.

Their piss poor communication, I can deal with.
Their **** software, I can deal with.
Their short-sighted hardware, I can deal with.
Microsoft's **** software combined with Nokia's crap communication and short-sighted hardware decisions = LOOSE!

Are you talking about the N900? I have had those issues as well.

ASIAN 2011-05-16 10:45

Re: Wp7 f yes!
I have rights to voice my opinion, if Maemo fanboys/girls can convince me to love my N900 again, then It's a win for them.

ASIAN 2011-05-16 10:47

Re: Wp7 f yes!

Originally Posted by dion_ddc (Post 1007287)
are you talking about the n900? I have had those issues as well.

lLOL, my thoughts exactly.

jedi 2011-05-16 10:48

Re: I cannot wait!

Originally Posted by Dion_ddc (Post 1007276)
I am very pleased to say that I will finally be released from this Maemo and MeeGo disaster.

I cannot begin to say how happy I am that Nokia is going with WP7. I hope they forget the N900 and learn from their mistakes! :)

Who else agrees?

The people of this forum will be pleased to see such a outstanding member of this forum go elsewhere.

Enjoy your Windows phone! LOL!

ASIAN 2011-05-16 10:48

Re: I cannot wait!
^cool story.

Dion_ddc 2011-05-16 10:49

Re: I cannot wait!

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 1007291)
The people of this forum will be pleased to see such a outstanding member of this forum go elsewhere.

Enjoy your Windows phone! LOL!

There are people on this Maemo forum? Didn't know Maemo was known to the wide public.

teh 2011-05-16 10:50

Re: Wp7 f yes!
Obvious trolls are obvious. Please don't feed them.

ASIAN 2011-05-16 10:52

Re: Wp7 f yes!
If we were trolls, why would we troll on a forum that has like 50 members =.="

Dion_ddc 2011-05-16 10:52

Re: Wp7 f yes!

Originally Posted by teh (Post 1007294)
Obvious trolls are obvious. Please don't feed them.

How are we trolling? By asking our fellow Maemo and MeeGo supporters for their opinion?

You're just jealous cause now there will only be you and Jedi on the forum left.

teh 2011-05-16 10:54

Re: Wp7 f yes!

Originally Posted by Dion_ddc (Post 1007296)
How are we trolling? By asking our fellow Maemo and MeeGo supporters for their opinion?

You're just jealous cause now there will only be you and Jedi on the forum left.

Its obvious if you have a read of the forums that a lot (I would like to say majority but I can't factually prove that) of maemo/nokia users are NOT happy with the idea of WP7, and topics like this will provoke flames, and troll beating.

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