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Hurrian 2011-07-10 02:52

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
@f2thak : yes, the N950 has the same 8MP as the N9.
And people on #maemo say that the slider is slightly weak.

Basically, the higher-ups at Nokia did something to gimp both devices, hardware and software wise before release, in addition to Sea Ray.

chase15 2011-07-10 03:02

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by F2thaK (Post 1048042)
oh and I heard somewhere that the N950 actually has same camera as N9...

nope it's different.

nwerneck 2011-07-10 04:45

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 1048013)
All of us here have pretty much decided to buy the N950 and to leave the N9 for the plebs out there...

Dunno... I would prefer if the N950 looked a bit more like the E7.

I have a feeling hwkb kind of defeats the purpose of making stuff small and mobile. I don't think it makes typing on phones suck _a lot_ less. Being able to type with full screen is really the top advantage... And between E7 and N97 style keyboards, and N72/blackberry style, I feel the second one is more justifiable, but then you have the loss in screen size.

If you need to type a lot, get a BT keyboard. If you are not typing a lot, you are in "mobile mode" then, typing a little. In that case you win something for having a more simple and smaller device.

Of course, everyone got his tastes. Nokia can always just release two similar devices with and without kb, like N8 and E7...

#Justsaying! :) I own an N800 btw.

To keep a little more on-topic: What does the N950 owners out there have to say about the hinge? Is it "flimsy"???

ysss 2011-07-10 04:58

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
@nwerneck: apologies for my bitter and not quite sensical comment back then. I mentioned about 'buying the n950' while it's not possible to do so, I thought that was a clear flag to those in the know ;)

As for hwkb, personally I've found having a physical keyboard with feel'able markings, boundaries and tactile feel helps me a LOT. And this is coming from a user who've owned every iteration of iPhones since the first gen.

Sure, vkb has its benefits (flexibility in format, orientation, localization, getting full screen, etc) but for plain typing (email, text, im, forums, and even typing long URLs) hwkb is always my first choice...

BT keyboard needs space to exist. Extra battery to maintain. Extra battery on the main device to maintain the bt connection. They need time to sleep/wake up and reconnect. Etc. They're not perfect, though they're better than tapping on glass.

hwkb ain't perfect either... they're more rigid, if the layout/keyset isn't optimal then you're stuck with it, orientation-fixed, takes up some space that can be reserved for more battery, they either eat up screen estate or they introduce some additional mechanism to hide/produce them.

gerbick 2011-07-10 05:28

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by JamesBond@ge (Post 1048044)
I'm enrolling on the Developers Program even though I couldn't 'develop' a piece of toast without burning it.

Been there, tried that... Quim Gil himself came down with a judgement of "no" in record time.

Oh well... I wish them luck, but don't have high hopes due to how badly this is being handled.

jakiman 2011-07-10 05:54

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
N950 isn't that big. I expect N950 to be about the same size as the E7 which isn't that big at all. So it's smaller in footprint than SGS2 or other HTC phones. It is also MUCH thinner than the N900. FYI - E7 is exactly the same thickness than the bottom half (keyboard part) of the N900. Oh, and here's a photo of N950 next to the much tinier N8 for comparison.

nwerneck 2011-07-10 06:08

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 1048072)
@nwerneck: apologies for my bitter and not quite sensical comment back then. I mentioned about 'buying the n950' while it's not possible to do so, I thought that was a clear flag to those in the know ;)

OK, sorry for not getting that. I then suggest us to expand the talk into comparing the N9 not only with the N950, but also maybe the pegasus, the gryphon, pink unicorns and other interesting although non-purchasable/unattainable creatures! :rolleyes:

I actually never managed to get a BT keyboard for myself. Neither a BT GPS, or a very large SD card (stopped at 4GB). I only started tethering my N800 to a phone for 3G access on-the-move very recently.

I think that was part of the N800 concept... It is cheaper because it doesn't have a hwkb, GPS, 3G, a decent camera and neither a lot of memory. You (at least me) buy it promising to get all these enhancements afterwards (on a cool S40 phone e.g. the 7020), but you end up buying nothing. By including all that in the package, the company kind of forces you into getting to this higher level of existence...

A few days after I bought my N800, and that was more than one year after it was released, I show it to some friends, explained that it was like-an-iphone-but-it-has-just-wifi-no-3G, and one guy said: "nah, why didn't you get a PSP?". I was furious, because it's obvious you can't compile and alternative kernel to the PSP. (I only learned later it's actually hard for the N800 because of the components that still haven't made to the mainline kernel.) But he kind of had a point... If I had shown him an N900, or maybe even the N810, he wold have never said that.

So, getting back on topic, which one is less like a PSP, the N9 or the N950? :)

lma 2011-07-10 07:38

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by JamesBond@ge (Post 1048044)
I'm enrolling on the Developers Program even though I couldn't 'develop' a piece of toast without burning it.

I suppose you could say you can /dev/elop it.

lma 2011-07-10 07:42

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 1048081)
N950 isn't that big. I expect N950 to be about the same size as the E7 which isn't that big at all. So it's smaller in footprint than SGS2 or other HTC phones. It is also MUCH thinner than the N900. FYI - E7 is exactly the same thickness than the bottom half (keyboard part) of the N900. Oh, and here's a photo of N950 next to the much tinier N8 for comparison.

Here it is next to an N900 (see also the following two pics). Looks much better than the specs would imply IMHO.

MyNokiaN900 2011-07-10 08:13

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by JamesBond@ge (Post 1048044)
I'm enrolling on the Developers Program even though I couldn't 'develop' a piece of toast without burning it.

Best comment I've seen all year... :) You've just made my morning.


I am going to do the same. I can code, and prehaps this is the kick in the backside moment for me.

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