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dswan 2007-07-14 17:46

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
Open "Application Manager" ; go to "Tools" and then "Application Catalog" ; select "New" button and enter matrix into web address field ; chose the cancel button and then select Red Pill

fanoush 2007-07-14 17:54

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by db3d (Post 59823)
I'm in the middle of the process (copying system files to MMC) after flashing IT 3.2006-49-2 and have found that tar is already installed, so no need to apt-get it.

So, the updated install instructions would read:
tar cf - -C /floppy . | tar xvf - -C /opt

you need to install real GNU tar as described, busybox tar on the device is not enough, it makes incomplete copy

db3d 2007-07-14 19:28

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by fanoush (Post 59993)
you need to install real GNU tar as described, busybox tar on the device is not enough, it makes incomplete copy

Yep. Found out the hard way... It did boot up from the mmc, but kept reebooting afterwards. I had to reinstall it with the GNU tar and it is now working.

One potential problem people might be having is not being connected to the internet when they try to apt-get, so just check that if you are having problems.

bunanson 2007-07-14 22:11

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
I am stuck at the last step, i.e., I use the TAR from the 770 and now it keeps on rebooting. I keep trying on the GNU TAR, it keeps on saying some files are not download. I tried to follow the red pill as in the above post, but dont know where is the matrix. and I am very frustrated with this thing now, been going on for several hours, pls somebody help me out?

current status, getting an incomplete copy to MMC and getting repeated booting......., having problem in getting the GNU TAR or the red pill?


bunanson 2007-07-14 22:42

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
db3d: could you pls show me how you go around either to find the real GNU TAR or how to use the file from the red pill mode? TIA


bunanson 2007-07-15 03:24

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
I finally made it boot from the MMC. Not quite sure which is the step that correct the problem. Basically, I 'enable'-ed both repositories, non-free and non-free. I also turned on the red pill (Appl manager>Tools>Appl catalogue>New replace "http://" with "matrix" and press cancel, then take the red pill ;)
And the error statement "failed to download some files" disapppered I then follow,

start from section:
Now it's time to clone the whole original system !

Bristo, it worked!


bunanson 2007-07-15 03:34

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
N770 running latest 2006 with 1G MMC

Proof that I am running from MMC, other than the booting menu say so, I looked into Tools>Control panel>Memory:

Boot from MMC:
Storage mem in use 9.8 MB; Storage mem avail 279.5 MB

Boot from Flash
Storage mem in use 9.8 MB; Storage mem avail 32.7 MB

Other than that, there is very little difference between the two, including speed, practically (see my other post


msk_kapoor 2007-07-16 21:31

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by bunanson (Post 60086)
I finally made it boot from the MMC. Not quite sure which is the step that correct the problem. Basically, I 'enable'-ed both repositories, non-free and non-free. I also turned on the red pill (Appl manager>Tools>Appl catalogue>New replace "http://" with "matrix" and press cancel, then take the red pill ;)
And the error statement "failed to download some files" disapppered I then follow,

start from section:
Now it's time to clone the whole original system !

Bristo, it worked!


I faced the same problem and found th issue. I was having some more repositories other than the needed ones. i removed them and retained only the non-free, and non-free ones and i was able to install without any issues.

bunanson 2007-07-17 01:34

Re: Help! Boot from MMC

Originally Posted by msk_kapoor (Post 60469)
I faced the same problem and found th issue. I was having some more repositories other than the needed ones. i removed them and retained only the non-free, and non-free ones and i was able to install without any issues.

I thought about that too, but being too new to the N770, not quite sure which is the "required" repository, so I just keep trying......maybe I just happen to deleted the unwanted ones. Thanks for confirming this. My next project is to pair the &*&*(^$%Treo 650 w the N770. I have tried everything and comes to the conclusion 1) 2006OS does not work 2) my account is bogus My IT colleageu said it is number 1). Well, still hacking...


stewp6340 2007-08-06 20:46

Re: Help! Boot from MMC
I have been trying this process for several days, with the same problem each time. I have a N770 with a Kingston 2GB MMCmobile card. I follow everything successfully until the cloning command (I am using GNU tar from apt-get):

/tar-temp/bin/tar cf - -C /floppy . | /tar-temp/bin/tar xvf - -C /opt

it starts to copy, and this continues for around 30 min. or so. Then, at some point the XTERM window closes on its own accord. Cannot say if at same spot each time, although that is a possibility. If at this point I continue on through the remaining directions, when I reboot, and select mmc2 for by boot location, it gives the error:

error booting from mmc2, booting from flash instead

My N770 then runs fine, but I am not running from MMC, but from flash, so defeats the point of this operation. Has anyone gone through a similar problem? I am assuming my copy ends up incomplete somehow because of the XTERM closing early (crash?), so boot from mmc2 fails. Help please!

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