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kureyon 2011-09-14 04:05

Re: Geeksphone Zero

Originally Posted by don_falcone (Post 1087538)
ARM11 and 256MB RAM? Let's port Symbian to this - it's better HW than most Nokia Symbian phones ever had (N97 *cough*)!

Nokia seems to have upped their hardware game, the 701 has a 1GHz cpu and 512MB ram.

abill_uk 2011-09-14 04:12

Re: Geeksphone Zero
For a device to be a "geekphone" it must have minimum of 1024mb of ram, if it aint got that then forget it.

wmarone 2011-09-14 04:50

Re: Geeksphone Zero
Complain all you want, but a device developed in this manner would be WAY more likely to see a non-Android platform come to it than any phone released by a major vendor.

abill_uk 2011-09-14 04:53

Re: Geeksphone Zero

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 1087928)
Complain all you want, but a device developed in this manner would be WAY more likely to see a non-Android platform come to it than any phone released by a major vendor.

I have to agree totally with you on this one !.

tuxsavvy 2011-09-14 05:59

Re: Geeksphone Zero
I fail to see how is it a geek's phone if the technical specifications on their site is even specific right down to the chipsets used for WLAN, bluetooth, etc, etc, etc. Yet their branding is quite deceiving for what labels one as a geek.

Also their technical specifications are nowhere near as powerful as the android phones on the high tier. That is not something that a geek would actually want in fact. I'm sure geeks are very trendy people.

Maybe in a nutshell the phones they sell are really for those geeks on budget? I can only see low-mid tier range from these phones. No dual core, a measly 256MB of RAM with 512MB EEPROM, 802.11b/g (no 802.11n), bluetooth v2.1 and no hardware keyboard. Its also funny to note that their previous phone, aka geekphone one has a hardware keyboard but this `zero' version doesn't.

wmarone 2011-09-14 23:14

Re: Geeksphone Zero

Originally Posted by tuxsavvy (Post 1087950)
Maybe in a nutshell the phones they sell are really for those geeks on budget? I can only see low-mid tier range from these phones.

Maybe it's because this is the second phone they've ever done, and higher end hardware is harder to get at if you're a low volume buyer? Perhaps developing this has the given them the knowledge necessary to be more successful with higher end hardware down the line (which is undoubtedly harder to work with and more expensive to assemble and prototype.)

I'm shocked that people are dumping on them, despite doing what no other handset vendor would do and what OpenMoko never succeeded at.

I'll definitely keep my eye on their next hardware revision, with luck they'll leapfrog the N900 and come out with something slick next revision.

Daneel 2011-09-14 23:26

Re: Geeksphone Zero
If its open hardware i wouldn't mind a lower speced device although this is too low.
I hope their next iteration includes a hardware keyboard.

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