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jmart 2011-09-27 13:03

Re: Video call with N810
Welcome rimadreamer. Here are some things I found useful for your same issues when I was first getting started.


3) definitely Diablo Turbo

4) I think you can remove most games through the application manager

5) I like maemomapper.


rimadreamer 2011-10-01 07:50

Re: Video call with N810
1) So you mean to say that there is no application that supports video call from N810 to a PC ? too baad....
otherwise i really like this N810...

2) and how can i delete this "gizmo" from "communication" option.
since gizmo does not work any longer i would like the application to be removed.

3) I am unable to remove the unwanted games like "mahjong" there a way to remove it from applications ?

lma 2011-10-01 08:23

Re: Video call with N810

Originally Posted by rimadreamer (Post 1100120)
1) So you mean to say that there is no application that supports video call from N810 to a PC ?

Not the case, it's just that both sides need to have common codecs. Video calls work fine between the N810 and empathy for instance.

rimadreamer 2011-10-01 08:58

Re: Video call with N810
how can i make changes to the speed dial on the opera browser ? I am unable to delete the unwanted bookmarks on the speed dial

maacruz 2011-10-01 09:21

Re: Video call with N810

Originally Posted by rimadreamer (Post 1100155)
how can i make changes to the speed dial on the opera browser ? I am unable to delete the unwanted bookmarks on the speed dial

Long press on it.

maacruz 2011-10-01 09:46

Re: Video call with N810

Originally Posted by rimadreamer (Post 1100120)
2) and how can i delete this "gizmo" from "communication" option.
since gizmo does not work any longer i would like the application to be removed.

You can move around the icons in the applications menu:
Then drag and drop

3) I am unable to remove the unwanted games like "mahjong" there a way to remove it from applications ?
If you just want to remove the icons from the menu, you can move the desktop files somewhere else, or even delete them (but then you wouldn't be able to restore them)

cd /usr/share/applications/hildon/
mv chess_startup.desktop maemoblocks.desktop maemodrac.desktop mahjong_startup.desktop /root

It is even possible to uninstall all the games packages, but that would uninstall the osso-software-version-* package, and since you don't seem to understand the system internals, I advise you against it.

rimadreamer 2011-10-10 08:00

Re: Video call with N810

1) from where should i install this gps-clocked...i am not able to get any application from

2) How to get through this "gps fix" to run the maemo mapper.

3) and in these commands below :
$ gconftool --type string --set /system/osso/supl/agps_srv_address ""
$ gconftool --type string --set /system/osso/supl/slp_address ""

what does the "type string" mean ?

pls help

maacruz 2011-10-10 10:26

Re: Video call with N810

Originally Posted by rimadreamer (Post 1106398)

1) from where should i install this gps-clocked...i am not able to get any application from

From the repositories:

2) How to get through this "gps fix" to run the maemo mapper.
Try to improve your question. I don't understand it.

3) and in these commands below :
$ gconftool --type string --set /system/osso/supl/agps_srv_address ""
$ gconftool --type string --set /system/osso/supl/slp_address ""

what does the "type string" mean ?

pls help
It's clear, the parameter type is a string. If you don't understand this, read any introductory book on computer programming.

rimadreamer 2011-10-11 12:05

Re: Video call with N810

I am not able to connect my tablet to PC via USB. and when i check on the USB networking option in the control panel section it gives me an error as "module insertion failed". what does this mean

n9ots 2011-10-11 14:33

Re: Video call with N810
did you enable virtual memory (control panel > memory > virtual)?
this will keep the device from connecting via usb

Reread your post. wondering if you installed usbeth app. if so you also need to install usbcontrol for it to work.
first use usb control to set device to host mode
then attempt usb networking

never tried this myself ... just read instructions for apps

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