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blackax 2007-07-17 16:48

Re: New (beta) Mozilla-based N800 Browser!
It sounds like we will have to re-compile all the extensions to work on the n800 but if that means mplayer then i think we can deal :)

Rider 2007-07-17 17:06

Re: New (beta) Mozilla-based N800 Browser!
I can't set the minimum fontsize, I can't remap the keys for better page scrolling, and there seem to be bugs. :mad:

Uninstalled the whole beta thing and Opera came back :)

Jerro 2007-07-17 17:25

Re: New (beta) Mozilla-based N800 Browser!
Just on a whim I tried entering "about:config" in the location bar (a trick familiar to Firefox users) and it works! At least you can't complain there aren't enough options...

SeRi@lDiE 2007-07-17 17:28

Re: New (beta) Mozilla-based N800 Browser!
First: Encrypted VoIP
and now new browser?
Screw that I am going to upgrade!!! :D :D :D

alvindd 2007-07-17 17:30

Re: New (beta) Mozilla-based N800 Browser!
Using the Mozilla based browser, I can navigate further on than I could using Opera.

I can log in, and even choose a channel to listen to, but no sound.

zerojay 2007-07-17 17:30

Re: New (beta) Mozilla-based N800 Browser!

Originally Posted by Rider (Post 60657)
I can't set the minimum fontsize, I can't remap the keys for better page scrolling, and there seem to be bugs. :mad:

Uninstalled the whole beta thing and Opera came back :)

I haven't seen any bugs yet. Where did you find them?

zerojay 2007-07-17 17:31

Re: New (beta) Mozilla-based N800 Browser!

Originally Posted by SeRi@lDiE (Post 60665)
First: Encrypted VoIP
and now new browser?
Screw that I am going to upgrade!!! :D :D :D

VOIP isn't encrypted yet.

Reggie 2007-07-17 17:31

Mozilla-based Browser for the Nokia N800

A new Mozilla-based browser (developer version) is now available for the Nokia N800. The new features are as follows: 1. Mozilla Engine - provides support for the latest web standards and is flexible and extensible, and is based on's current Gecko layout engine which will be version 1.9 when it is released with Firefox 3.0 2. AJAX Support - allows rendering of modern sites that use AJAX (e.g. Google Maps, Google Docs, Meebo, etc.) 3. RSS Previews - takes advantage of native support for XML to render RSS feeds 4. Add-ons - upport for a number of Firefox and Mozilla add-ons allows you to enhance and personalize your browsing experience 5. Certificate Details - view certificate details for secure connections by pressing the lock button To install, click on this link from your Nokia N800. Visit Maemo's Mozilla browser Offical Page.
Read the full article.

SeRi@lDiE 2007-07-17 17:34

Re: New (beta) Mozilla-based N800 Browser!

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 60668)
VOIP isn't encrypted yet.

Is getting there the app is been ported.:cool:

zerojay 2007-07-17 17:45

Re: New (beta) Mozilla-based N800 Browser!

Originally Posted by SeRi@lDiE (Post 60670)
Is getting there the app is been ported.:cool:

Yes, I saw... but I'm far more interested in getting it integrated into the firmware instead of having another external app.

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