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Jenason 2011-10-12 10:56

Re: having trouble with dpkg

Originally Posted by eefo (Post 1107473)
have you tried this ?

and the above post .
i think they are the dependencies , dont know of which program :S

Unfortunately, that did not do the trick. Same error keeps appearing, even if I swap the dpkg commands...

reinob 2011-10-12 11:00

Re: having trouble with dpkg

Thanks. I just saw it on the opera thread. If I can I will (try to) update this evening. Maybe there's a problem with the package..

Jenason 2011-10-12 11:28

Re: having trouble with dpkg
I am sure that Opera has nothing to do with it... It was there even before I updated and upgraded Opera...

any suggestions?

michaaa62 2011-10-12 11:48

Re: having trouble with dpkg

dpkg --configure -a

Jenason 2011-10-12 11:55

Re: having trouble with dpkg
I appreciate your advise but this command doesn't work...

michaaa62 2011-10-12 12:01

Re: having trouble with dpkg

doesn't work...
This is no linux error message :(
Please post the output for us to evaluate the error.
Do you remember what you installed before the error happened?

EDIT Do you have any Debian repositories enabled???

Rob1n 2011-10-12 12:03

Re: having trouble with dpkg
I've had similar issues with packages in the past - I'm not sure whether it's an optification issue or a timing issue. Anyway, to "fix" the issue, you'll need to manually create the necessary folders and rerun the configuration:


mkdir /usr/share/doc/libboost-system1.42.0
mkdir /usr/share/doc/libboost-iostreams1.42.0
mkdir /usr/share/doc/libboost-regex1.42.0
mkdir /usr/share/doc/libboost-thread1.42.0
dpkg --configure -a

Jenason 2011-10-12 12:12

Re: having trouble with dpkg
looks like it did the job.

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