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BigBadGuber! 2011-11-27 19:00

Re: N9 for a non-techie user?
I am talking about text resolution and web browser resolutions. The letters bleed a bit especially as you scroll up and down and it sometimes takes a bit time to get clear letters. The icons and all look good. But browser needs help

jalyst 2011-11-27 19:12

Re: N9 for a non-techie user?
Yes, it's called pentile, nothing to do with pixel-density, more to do with sub-pixel density.
But it's Apparently not an issue for jakiman in most instances, & there'll be ways to mitigate it.

zfarooq 2011-11-27 19:13

Re: N9 for a non-techie user?
My gf has an N9 and a friend as well, both non-techie and they love it. It is made for non-technie hence called an N9 not N950.

The apps are OK, I have no had issues. Tip calculator, games, mirror, even ovulation lol

In addition, i've found that many of the web apps are pretty awesome. I use the moviefone (aol) HTML5 mobile site for instance for movies, and it actually loads/streams trailers, buy tickets faster than the Flixster app on WP.

I do the same with google services which have excellent web interfaces (G+, Gmail), + many other websites that have excellent HTML5 mobile sites.

Just make sure you put PR 1.1 on there, a lot of work went into the browser (in the back end)

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