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geneven 2011-12-23 20:40

Re: Calling on all US forum members please read!!

Originally Posted by bingomion (Post 1140356)
obviously the net issue is a big deal around the world, with more governments wanting to block sites.

Here in Australia they wanted to put in a mandatory firewall.
I think they will success when the government fiber optics comes online.

Anyway, my point was that even if this bill doesn't pass... there'll be another around the corner.. maybe even on christmas... after a massive DoS attack.

I mentioned Ron Paul because if all these groups suggested voting for him, then he'd have more votes and maybe win.

This site specifically forbids political discussion! I was strongly opposed to this stand, but if it chooses to have this stupid policy, I feel a certain obligation not to violate it.

But I have to point out that Ron Paul opposes abortion and would certainly appoint Supreme Court members that agree with him.

Mike Fila 2011-12-23 21:31

Re: Calling on all US forum members please read!!
lol he will never win voting for him just as an fff uuuuu to our ridiculous 2 party system, just as I have voted for ross in the past. If I thought there was a chance of him winning I would never vote for him because of his extream religious views.

edit crap idk why i thought he was running as an independant ..hes trying for the republican party ...i guess i'm throwing away my vote else where lol

bingomion 2011-12-23 22:13

Re: Calling on all US forum members please read!!
opposes abortion?
Well, I think that's because every country needs a strong population, native to the country, rather then depending on migration.

Oh, I didn't know about the political discussion being forbidden.
That's fear enough... it's about maemo, not politics!

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