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Dared 2012-01-07 05:12

Re: The White N9 thread
I remember someone saying that they saw the white n9 in some of the Asian Nokia stores

aiyush 2012-01-07 06:34

Re: The White N9 thread

tranht 2012-01-09 03:33

Re: The White N9 thread

Originally Posted by raptor2k7 (Post 1146917)
Got the white one already. My wife gave it to me last Christmas. I was surprised how she got the local variant for our country considering it's not yet available here. I'm from the Philippines by the way.

did ur wife buy it in the us? How much did she buy it for?

raptor2k7 2012-01-09 07:16

Re: The White N9 thread
Sorry, no. She got it locally. As for the price, she wouldn't tell. Suffice it to say that she bent over backwards just to get me the white one when she did.

bltcool 2012-01-11 19:41

Re: The White N9 thread
so anyone called Welectronics this week and see if they got the white n9 yet?

mikecomputing 2012-01-11 20:10

Re: The White N9 thread

Originally Posted by bltcool (Post 1149071)
so anyone called Welectronics this week and see if they got the white n9 yet?

I am suprised people still beleave it to come!!?

get over it.

unfuccwittable 2012-01-12 00:22

Re: The White N9 thread

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1149091)
I am suprised people still beleave it to come!!?

get over it.

Mike, can you stfu for a while? I saw that this thread was active, hoping that someone posted some information relevant to the title, and I come in here to find out it's just you beating the same dead horse. I get it, you are super angry that your favorite cell phone doesn't do what you want it to. Cool. NOW SHUT THE FVCK UP and stop sh1tting up all the threads related to the N9. Some of us like the N9 and would very much like to get a white N9.

Dared 2012-01-12 01:36

Re: The White N9 thread

Originally Posted by unfuccwittable (Post 1149216)
Mike, can you stfu for a while? I saw that this thread was active, hoping that someone posted some information relevant to the title, and I come in here to find out it's just you beating the same dead horse. I get it, you are super angry that your favorite cell phone doesn't do what you want it to. Cool. NOW SHUT THE FVCK UP and stop sh1tting up all the threads related to the N9. Some of us like the N9 and would very much like to get a white N9.

Well said! If you don't like the N9 Mike, then fine, stay away from the forum. But there are others on here, who like it/love it, and want to be able to share knowledge with one another. You clearly don't have anything better to do with your time... go get a hobby!

ste-phan 2012-01-12 03:08

Re: The White N9 thread

Originally Posted by Dared (Post 1146948)
I remember someone saying that they saw the white n9 in some of the Asian Nokia stores

Yes on 28th Dec you could buy one in major phone shop in Hanoi for millions in cash :) (price in picture)

Unfortunately for people abroad, web shipping or even credit card payment is hardly developed in this shop so I cannot make any recommendation.

davidmaxwaterman 2012-01-12 03:33

Re: The White N9 thread
They have white 64GB N9s in the ZhongGuanCun Nokia store in Beijing. I don't recall the price...

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