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biatch0 2012-01-28 21:03

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
Was at the Malaysian preview for the Lumia 800... only things that really stood out for me was the physical camera button and better CPU (at the cost of RAM). That said, I'm perfectly happy with my N9 and wouldn't trade it for the Lumia (unless Nokia announces Harmattan can be flashed onto the Lumia).

qorax 2012-01-28 21:11

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
I'll never trade my N9 for a Lumia800

Let me give u [my]10 reasons why…

1. World-Phone:
N9 is Pentaband, works with all networks, everywhere. I love it on the AWS band – Wind & Mobilicity – here [Canada] significantly reducing my monthly plan costs by 75% against the others. This is definitely N9′s biggest +point.

2. Screen Size:
Though not much, yet why try lesser? The N9 is 3.9″ against L-800′s 3.7″. And yes, the N9 has a tad better resolution – if that means anything.

3. The Awesome Home-screen:
One look at the N9′s home-screen [Apps Screen if u may] will keep u gaping… Man, didn’t they do a magic here? The icons DO REALLY FLOAT ! It’s by far the best looking, colorful, Xtal-clear picturesque view one could ever get on their home-screens! That screen really looks like a hi-res picture… not a collection of clickable icon on a screen. This is a gorgeous statement! Comparing it to the L-800′s ’tiles’ is not worthwhile.

4. Front-Facing Camera:
N9 has… L-800 doesn’t. Period.
Oh yes, it works amazingly with PR1.2 !

5. NFC:
N9 rocks with NFC… try ‘touching’ it with other NFC enabled devices & u’d know… did anyone check-out the Nokia Play 360? L-800, dumb, dumb, dumb…

6. Bigger Storage:
N9 gives me the option to chose 64Gb… L-800 is stuck with 16Gb. That both do not have a micro-SD slot, is a reason to SWU.

6. Battery-Life:
Contrary to public opinion, I do get a day’s juice with my beloved N9. Both devices encasing the same Li-Ion cell I don’t know why the N9 yet provides a better power cycle.

7. Weight:
Uh yes, the N9 is lighter than the L800. 135g Vs. 142g makes a difference for sure.

8. RAM:
The N9 sports a 1Gb RAM. Compare that to the halved 518Mb of L-800… u’d understand.

9. Simplistic but innovative UI:
U bet. It actually is “All it takes is a swipe”… fantastic. Just three screens & the world comes out to our fingertips. And whoever said that the screensaver Clock of N9 isn’t important?

10. Collector’s Item:
Thanx to Eflop denouncing the MeeGo-Harmattan, my N9 is a unique, mostly unavailable product… makes me one of the few owners of this brilliant platform. “MeeGo is dead”! – is that a negation? – Nope, works fine with me… well with many actually.

MeeGo Vs. Mango — Sir, I’d take/stick with my Meego anyday.

__________________________________________________ __
Originally posted here:

-Tyler- 2012-01-28 21:58

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
totally agree with Corax, and i include the most important factor, in N9 you have LINUX, no other phone in the market (besides N900) is running linux, if you love linux you don't have any other option, thas is the reason i have two N900 and one N9, they are LINUX, with that money i could buy a android phone twice potent and with better screen but NO. With linux you can run multiple OS in your system, have access to the huge number of debian ARM packages, and a terminal to hack your device to do with it whaterver you dream for.

(text written from harmattan open mode :D )

Arie 2012-01-28 22:09

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
1 Attachment(s)
This picture describes my feelings

DarkSkies 2012-01-28 22:54

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
Why do we even compare both devices on a forum like this? Clearly Lumia is meant for different demographic. It's a smart and fast phone for 'regular' use. Surprisingly, WP is very fast. From what I've noticed Lumia 800 functions quicker than Android on a Tegra 3 quad-core tablet. No wonders there, really. Android can get really bloated. All these Nvidia power wasted... Anyway, Lumia is an advanced smartphone for a less demanding user meant to f*ck with iPhones. N9 is clearly meant for something else, as the existence of this portal about all the tinkering proves, for example.

asadkhan1988 2012-01-28 23:37

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
i have a n9 guys, i just am intrigued by lumia 800 and wp7.5

voice commands look really awesome and the os looks innovative

i do not think one can go wrong with trying each

don_falcone 2012-01-29 00:01

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9 can.

jahberre 2012-01-29 00:39

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
i'm happy with my n9, after my n900. :)

BlackWindEXE 2012-01-29 01:37

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
Go with whatever works for you. Apparently social networking thrives on WP which is great if that's what you want. It's fluid, it works great, no lag, etc etc. Try it out and maybe it will fit your needs. It works well with lower powered hardware because the OS is designed to function well on it.

With that said, you won't catch me buying one. The N9 fits my needs and that's what I will be buying.

Kangal 2012-01-29 02:32

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
I actually want Nokia to succeed with WindowsPhone.

History teaches us Microsoft is the lesser of evils (at least by Apple's comparison), and Google even lesser.

Still, if WP begins to dominate it will be better for the future because it would slow down Android domination. A world where only one OS rules them all is quite frankly plagued with issues, i commend Windows 7 for doing such a good job so far.

Having Android 45%, iOS 30%, WP 20%, Other 5% is more ideal than Android 79%, iOS 20%, Other 1%.

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