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[DarkGUNMAN] 2012-01-30 00:40

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by Android_808 (Post 1157616)
anyone tried shazam

Likely won't work yet since the jsr for sound isn't included. But it would still be usefull to try and launch it using the method shown above. Tnis is just my own guesswork here so if anyone else knows their way around java, the help would be appreciated.

ivgalvez 2012-01-30 08:31

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
This looks very promising, I have never used MicroEmulator as it was quite difficult to achieve good results.

imo 2012-01-30 09:11

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Will this support those WEB ADDRESSES which require java ?

GrimyHR 2012-01-30 09:15

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by imo (Post 1157727)
Will this support those WEB ADDRESSES which require java ?

why? you have oracle java 6/7 SE for that or open jdk...this is java ME

[DarkGUNMAN] 2012-01-30 09:16

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by imo (Post 1157727)
Will this support those WEB ADDRESSES which require java ?

No, web pages which require the java plugin are asking for JavaSE, and if I remember rightly only Firefox and Chromium have been modded to get java working in browser.:)
Do a quick search of the forum for other java related threads.

DavyP 2012-01-30 10:45

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
Hi all,

I am the guy that made this phoneME Advanced build for Maemo.
I justed wanted to inform you about a new build I put online at:

This build has JSR-75 support (though not properly tested). This
should make Opera Mini 6.5 work.

ATM there is no other JSR support, so no audio/video/3d/gps.

I also enabled full-screen. I configured Ctrl+Up in the application
to toggle between full screen and normal. Rotation to portrait
mode will probably not work.

To run other midlets, you need to copy and modify one of the
scripts. You can leave out the [-jadpath jadfile] switch, but you do
need to know the main class of the midlet (there can be multiple,
have a look at which ones are listed in the jad file).

You cannot use this VM to run java applets or whatever in a

There are still some bugs in there. The keyboard/pointer events
from Maemo/Qt4 need to be mapped on those that phoneME
understands, and the way it is currently implemented will cause
some issues when you run two midlets concurrently.

Before you all start launching features requests :-), I would like to
point out that my spare time is limited and I even don't have a
N900/N950/N9 device so I have no way of testing my builds on a
real device. I am using the MADDE emulator to test my build, but
it does have its limitations. For example, performance issues are
hard to detect and not all features can be emulated. Nonetheless,
your feedback on this forum is much appreciated and I hope you
find the builds useful.


ivgalvez 2012-01-30 10:58

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1157771)
Hi all,

I am the guy that made this phoneME Advanced build for Maemo.
I justed wanted to inform you about a new build I put online at:

This build has JSR-75 support (though not properly tested). This
should make Opera Mini 6.5 work.

ATM there is no other JSR support, so no audio/video/3d/gps.

I also enabled full-screen. I configured Ctrl+Up in the application
to toggle between full screen and normal. Rotation to portrait
mode will probably not work.

To run other midlets, you need to copy and modify one of the
scripts. You can leave out the [-jadpath jadfile] switch, but you do
need to know the main class of the midlet (there can be multiple,
have a look at which ones are listed in the jad file).

You cannot use this VM to run java applets or whatever in a

There are still some bugs in there. The keyboard/pointer events
from Maemo/Qt4 need to be mapped on those that phoneME
understands, and the way it is currently implemented will cause
some issues when you run two midlets concurrently.

Before you all start launching features requests :-), I would like to
point out that my spare time is limited and I even don't have a
N900/N950/N9 device so I have no way of testing my builds on a
real device. I am using the MADDE emulator to test my build, but
it does have its limitations. For example, performance issues are
hard to detect and not all features can be emulated. Nonetheless,
your feedback on this forum is much appreciated and I hope you
find the builds useful.


Your efforts are highly appreciated, I hope someone could help you pushing this project.

et3rnal 2012-01-30 11:42

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by DavyP (Post 1157771)
Hi all,

I am the guy that made this phoneME Advanced build for Maemo.
I justed wanted to inform you about a new build I put online at:

This build has JSR-75 support (though not properly tested). This
should make Opera Mini 6.5 work.

ATM there is no other JSR support, so no audio/video/3d/gps.

I also enabled full-screen. I configured Ctrl+Up in the application
to toggle between full screen and normal. Rotation to portrait
mode will probably not work.

To run other midlets, you need to copy and modify one of the
scripts. You can leave out the [-jadpath jadfile] switch, but you do
need to know the main class of the midlet (there can be multiple,
have a look at which ones are listed in the jad file).

You cannot use this VM to run java applets or whatever in a

There are still some bugs in there. The keyboard/pointer events
from Maemo/Qt4 need to be mapped on those that phoneME
understands, and the way it is currently implemented will cause
some issues when you run two midlets concurrently.

Before you all start launching features requests :-), I would like to
point out that my spare time is limited and I even don't have a
N900/N950/N9 device so I have no way of testing my builds on a
real device. I am using the MADDE emulator to test my build, but
it does have its limitations. For example, performance issues are
hard to detect and not all features can be emulated. Nonetheless,
your feedback on this forum is much appreciated and I hope you
find the builds useful.


Thanks thanks thanks heaps man love ya :D

hope to see positive feedbacks from testers, hopefully we'll be able to run shazam & whatsapp soon :p

what about you open donations for this project to get yourself the awesome N9 ;)

thanks again

[DarkGUNMAN] 2012-01-30 12:07

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release
2 Attachment(s)
Hi Davy,
I don't know what you did with this build but it definitely runs faster than the first one :)

Full screen mode - screen is redrawn once a text entry box is clicked, after that it works fine.
Scrolling is smoother, BBC page included as per the last test.
No keyboard problems found.

I see Filesystem access is enabled in this build as well..
Where does PMEA create the configuration settings for Opera after it has finished installing? I may need to add a symlink to the MyDocs folder and SDCard

Very nice work :)

DavyP 2012-01-30 12:56

Re: [TESTING] PhoneME Advanced (Java Mobile) prototype release

Originally Posted by et3rnal (Post 1157808)

what about you open donations for this project to get yourself the awesome N9 ;)

The N9 does seem nice. I don't know if my build for Maemo would
also work on this device (MeeGo compatible?). I would not want to
spend 485 EUR on this device for testing purposes if it would be
completely incompatible.

I appreciate the donation suggestion and the support. Although I
do have a PayPal account, I never put a donate link on my
phoneME website in the past because I wanted to avoid any
obligation on my part and endless discussions with people
expecting me to fix bugs/add features/buy the device asap
because they donated 10 EUR/$.

Of course, I know there are also a bunch of people who just want
to say thanks and buy me a beer :-)


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