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eiffel 2012-04-25 17:08

Re: N900 Bricked? Won't Turn On At All - Now What?
Try this very simple fix. It won't work for everyone, but it un-bricked my N900 when I had similar problems:

ArchiMark 2012-04-25 17:23

Re: N900 Bricked? Won't Turn On At All - Now What?

Originally Posted by eiffel (Post 1197554)
Try this very simple fix. It won't work for everyone, but it un-bricked my N900 when I had similar problems:

Thanks for your help, eiffel....just wish you had posted this an hour earlier.....

I just carefully packed up the N900 to ship back to seller to check out.....he said that if they can't fix it, they'll send me another one....


opened up package and tried that method....unfortunately, did not work.....


ibrakalifa 2012-04-25 17:28

Re: N900 Bricked? Won't Turn On At All - Now What?

ArchiMark 2012-04-25 17:45

Re: N900 Bricked? Won't Turn On At All - Now What?

Originally Posted by ibrakalifa (Post 1197567)

OK, think your convincing me to open up the package and give it one more try....

and I did such a nice job bubblewrapping the N900...... :)

ibrakalifa 2012-04-25 17:58

Re: N900 Bricked? Won't Turn On At All - Now What?
My n900 saved with that method, sorry, no meaning to spam on your thread sir, :)

ArchiMark 2012-04-25 18:42

Re: N900 Bricked? Won't Turn On At All - Now What?

Originally Posted by ibrakalifa (Post 1197586)
My n900 saved with that method, sorry, no meaning to spam on your thread sir, :)

No sorry needed, ibrakalifa...thanks for your help!

So, I just tried doing the cold flashing technique, but it did not work for the second step


flasher-3.5 -c -h RX-51:2101 -2 2nd.bin-RX-51\:2101\,2102\,2103 -s secondary.bin-RX-51\:2101\,2102\,2103 -S usb
another window opened up very quickly, but then disappeared...
in the main cmd window, it just returned to a new prompt line.....


ibrakalifa 2012-04-25 18:59

Re: N900 Bricked? Won't Turn On At All - Now What?
thats strange, its work flawlesly on my n900

have you ever try to change your battery and flash it again? Sometimes thats help

ArchiMark 2012-04-25 19:09

Re: N900 Bricked? Won't Turn On At All - Now What?

Originally Posted by ibrakalifa (Post 1197619)
thats strange, its work flawlesly on my n900

Yes, just my luck.....


have you ever try to change your battery and flash it again? Sometimes thats help
If you mean to put in another battery, unfortunately, I don't have another battery, just the one the N900 came with....

I'm thinking that since I bought what is supposed to be a 'new, sealed, in the box' N900, I should take the seller up on his offer to send it back to him to either fix or replace.....

ibrakalifa 2012-04-25 19:25

Re: N900 Bricked? Won't Turn On At All - Now What?
yes replace your battery, its sound like 'dumb' solution, but believe me, its safe me alot, thousands times of flashing my n900, :D

and sorry for my bad english, :)

ArchiMark 2012-04-25 19:28

Re: N900 Bricked? Won't Turn On At All - Now What?

Originally Posted by ibrakalifa (Post 1197639)
yes replace your battery, its sound like 'dumb' solution, but believe me, its safe me alot, thousands times of flashing my n900, :D

and sorry for my bad english, :)

Thanks again for all your help....replacing battery sounds like a good idea....I think I'll let seller do that for me....

Going to ship N900 to seller now.....

Will report back after I get response after he checks out the N900....

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