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Matt-UAE 2012-08-07 10:42

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
No OTA update in UAE yet for PR 1.3.
Still facing connectivity issue on PR 1.2. with same error msg.

Any help and suggestions would be appreciated...

DJJonosound 2012-08-07 11:22

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
I have been having the same problem, tried both static and changing IP's.
The thing I found to be wrong with it for me is going out of range of the network whilst connecting. I found that was stuffing it up, whilst if I turn it off before I leave I can connect back with no problems.

Muzimak 2012-08-07 17:21

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
I also get an error along those lines with my N9, and I'm on PR1.3, didn't report this as it didn't really bother me much as fixing it is a simple Modem reboot, but that sucks if other devices are connected, eg someone playing online on PS3, you have to wait till they done. It happens to me EG when I leave the house and the phone switches to 3G, go to the shops come back, WIFI no longer connects, modem has to be rebooted. I use a Netgear Router DG834GU, funny part is I visited my friend over the weekend, had Pool Party Outside, from the Pool I couldn't get signal to his router, but everytime I went back in the house it connected flawlessly, and he uses a cheaper modem than mine! This has to do with my Wireless Settings on Router I suppose, but my wife doesn't have this problem!

thedead1440 2012-08-07 17:25

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"

^^ Lesson Learnt: Expensive is NOT always better :D


baem90 2012-08-07 17:25

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
i got those problem+data connection error too,

finally i get fixed by restored previous backup that i made..(which that time, no error occur)

delmar 2012-08-07 19:28

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"

Originally Posted by Muzimak (Post 1248769)
I also get an error along those lines with my N9, and I'm on PR1.3, didn't report this as it didn't really bother me much as fixing it is a simple Modem reboot, but that sucks if other devices are connected, eg someone playing online on PS3, you have to wait till they done. It happens to me EG when I leave the house and the phone switches to 3G, go to the shops come back, WIFI no longer connects, modem has to be rebooted. I use a Netgear Router DG834GU, funny part is I visited my friend over the weekend, had Pool Party Outside, from the Pool I couldn't get signal to his router, but everytime I went back in the house it connected flawlessly, and he uses a cheaper modem than mine! This has to do with my Wireless Settings on Router I suppose, but my wife doesn't have this problem!

Hey that's exact what happens in my case and the reboot of the router connects the device. But sometime (ca. 50%) when I come home it connects immediately. And what kind of router is it? Netgear DG834G

Muzimak 2012-08-08 07:05

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"

Originally Posted by delmar (Post 1248821)
Hey that's exact what happens in my case and the reboot of the router connects the device. But sometime (ca. 50%) when I come home it connects immediately. And what kind of router is it? Netgear DG834G

ADSL Router, and your?

Matt-UAE 2012-08-08 12:14

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
Ok... so since I am on PR 1.2 for now and I have Sagem-com router with model no. 1704 or 2704, what is the best solution for me to get the Internt running on my N9 without any interupption or error...

delmar 2012-08-08 14:21

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"

Originally Posted by Muzimak (Post 1248993)
ADSL Router, and your?

Yes ADSL, but have no issues with the connection of other devices with this router, nor my doughter connected with notebook.

rfa 2012-08-09 02:01

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
I have the same issue with "billion" adsl modem/router.

PR 1.2 (Nokia Australia haven't released OTA for my magenta yet)

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