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slaapliedje 2012-08-05 15:22

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by (Post 1247777)
why using armel when you can use armhf

for ubuntu geeks that one could be used through nfs :

Sweet! Didn't realize that Debian was working on this. Here's the wiki for it.

Wheezy is looking like it's going to be one killer release. They just need a massive amount of bug smashing to be done now that it's frozen.


slaapliedje 2012-08-05 15:27

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
So just to clarify (because I recently was attempting to get the HarmChom scripts to work), Inception with PR1.3 now uses ariadne sh and that breaks even this newer packaged version?

Been waiting for this for quite some time. Namely 'cause I want to show my coworker, whom I keep saying Android isn't a good replacement for a full GNU/Linux environment because it's missing X11 and all that comes with it. He showed me that someone came up with an X11 server for it, but you can't do much but run twm on it!

The ability to run Gimp on the N900 was awesome. This is the best thing ever for phones though, portable Debian is a dream come true!


rcolistete 2012-08-05 16:32

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by (Post 1247777)
why using armel when you can use armhf

Is Debian armhf (ARM Hard Float point) stable with wheezy ?

Is there any Debian armhf image available suitable to Easy Debian for Maemo/MeeGo ?

rcolistete 2012-08-05 16:48

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by slaapliedje (Post 1247804)
So just to clarify (because I recently was attempting to get the HarmChom scripts to work), Inception with PR1.3 now uses ariadne sh and that breaks even this newer packaged version?

See the FAQ : opensh is still compatible with Inception 0.2.x. ariadne is recommended by itsnotabigtruck because it is more secure by asking root password to avoid some malware software to take control of your N9/N950. So be careful when installing some unknown .deb package. Anyway, I've no such issue with my N810, N900 and N9 in the last 3 years.


Originally Posted by slaapliedje (Post 1247804)
The ability to run Gimp on the N900 was awesome. This is the best thing ever for phones though, portable Debian is a dream come true!

But it is not comfortable to use GIMP with the N9/N950 capacitive touch screen.

rcolistete 2012-08-05 16:57

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by Dousan (Post 1247724)
At the moment I won't be joining this adventure as the N9 is my main phone and don't fancy flashing to often.

My N9 with Inception is very stable when using Easy Debian. No reboots or need to flash. Inception is also needed for overclocking, etc.


Originally Posted by Dousan (Post 1247724)
I'll be relying on my trusted N900 for these kind if things...

Easy Debian on my N900 takes about 60-75 s to open OpenOffice. On N9 @ 1 GHz, just 7-15 s. Only the capacitive touch screen and lack of physical keyboard makes the N9 experience worse.

rcolistete 2012-08-05 17:07

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1247782)
Rcolistete, you just rock. Thanks for all those efforts, and of course, thanks to Qole too. This is really great.

The main credit goes to Qole, Javispedro, itsnotabigtruck, Harmattan open mode guys, etc. I've just created some very small scripts to make HarmChom and xmimd easy-to-use, glued together in .deb packages. The majority of code, icons, etc, are from Easy Debian for Maemo.

slaapliedje 2012-08-05 17:13

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1247850)
See the FAQ : opensh is still compatible with Inception 0.2.x. ariadne is recommended by itsnotabigtruck because it is more secure by asking root password to avoid some malware software to take control of your N9/N950. So be careful when installing some unknown .deb package. Anyway, I've no such issue with my N810, N900 and N9 in the last 3 years.

Thanks, yeah, I should have read the FAQ, normally I do.


But it is not comfortable to use GIMP with the N9/N950 capacitive touch screen.
Well, I did state that it was awesome to run Gimp on the N900, not that I'd want to on the N9, but the next sentence I said is that portable Debian is a dream come true, meaning that's what I really wanted.

Seriously though, I think that one of Jolla's phones need to have a resistive screen, or a capacitive that has pressure sensitivity (do they make capacitive ones with pressure sensitivity?)


Dousan 2012-08-05 18:38

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
@rcolistete arghh now have the 'ich' to try it out, what the hell I'll do it when I have some spare time :D

Regards Dousan...

Kabouik 2012-08-05 19:05

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by rcolistete (Post 1247864)
The main credit goes to Qole, Javispedro, itsnotabigtruck, Harmattan open mode guys, etc. I've just created some very small scripts to make HarmChom and xmimd easy-to-use, glued together in .deb packages. The majority of code, icons, etc, are from Easy Debian for Maemo.

I recognized the icons from Easy Debian Maemo. :D By the way, I know that Qole is the "father" of the whole project, but your work here is much appreciated and makes Easy Debian for Harmattan much more easier. Thanks to Javispredo and Itsnotabigtruck too, you're right, and I'm sorry I forgot to thank them. :)

Small question: would it be possible to make the Debian Chroot icon launch MTermite instead of the default terminal application, by editing the .desktop file I guess? I replaced the "meego-terminal" part in the Exec line of /usr/share/applications/debian-chroot.desktop by the Exec line of mtermite.desktop, but no success.

Dockman 2012-08-05 23:42

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
Thanks guys! So very much!
I've been hanging around for an Excel editor for ages. Is LibbreOffice more finger friendly than OpenOffice?
Also, when I try and download the normal image (point 1), the file is unaccessable on the server.

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