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chico 2012-08-26 11:15

Re: N9(Firmware) is dead, can anybody help me ? :(
can you explain this a little bit closer ? because i never had flash a N9 and i dont almost use a command line..

thedead1440 2012-08-26 12:14

Re: N9(Firmware) is dead, can anybody help me ? :(

Originally Posted by chico (Post 1255847)
can you explain this a little bit closer ? because i never had flash a N9 and i dont almost use a command line..

Do you use Windows?

Install flasher from (32-bit) or (64-bit)

Then open cmd.exe as Administrator
type the following:

cd C:\Program Files\Nokia\Flasher
Download your FW image from Navifirm and rename it to rootfs.bin as well as copy it to c:\program files\nokia\flasher\

Now type in the same cmd.exe window as earlier:


flasher -f -F rootfs.bin -R

madmike236 2012-08-26 12:50

Re: N9(Firmware) is dead, can anybody help me ? :(
When in your terminal type the command: su
if it asks for a password type in your login password and enter. then the # symbol should show at the begin of your line.
Or you could install "sudo" by using your app manager or type the line "apt-get -f install sudo" in your terminal and it should install.
Then you can type: sudo flasher -c -F ImageFile.bin -f -R or sudo flasher -c -F /Path/To/ImageFile.bin -f -R.
If nothing els works you may download a differant image from navifirm like the MEA4 that i'm using,because your image might be corupt. And try to flash it with the new Image. I recommend you copy the download link from navifirm to clipboard and use a different app to download the image like "wget in your terminal. e.g: wget /link/from/navifirm. Or you can download it with your browser by pasting the link there. I hope this helps

chico 2012-08-26 14:50

Re: N9(Firmware) is dead, can anybody help me ? :(
thanks very much but this all cannot help me unfortunatily. my pc (vista 64bit) asked me to a ethernet/rndis driver for the N9. what for is this ? and why the terminal always say "no such file or directory" ? oh man i think this N9 is only trash ... :mad:

chico 2012-08-26 14:51

Re: N9(Firmware) is dead, can anybody help me ? :(
Heres a pic of the phone :

thedead1440 2012-08-26 16:55

Re: N9(Firmware) is dead, can anybody help me ? :(
1 Attachment(s)
oh god you really are bad at things...user error = /= system error!

I've posted a guide for you to follow and if you search you can understand but...

anyway even if you need the ethernet/rndis driver just be connected to the internet when plugging in the n9, windows update auto-installs it...If it doesn't grab from windows update then just download from the attached...

chico 2012-08-26 17:07

Re: N9(Firmware) is dead, can anybody help me ? :(
thanks for the driver, how can i install it ? or i dont need to install it ?

thedead1440 2012-08-26 17:09

Re: N9(Firmware) is dead, can anybody help me ? :(
right-click the .inf file and click on install....

chico 2012-08-26 17:18

Re: N9(Firmware) is dead, can anybody help me ? :(
thx but it says : this installation method was not supported from the selected .inf file ...

chico 2012-08-26 17:21

Re: N9(Firmware) is dead, can anybody help me ? :(
alright now i have installed the driver

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