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gidzzz 2012-09-07 22:18

Re: [Announce] Alpha Strike V1.0.0

Originally Posted by ade (Post 1262495)
I do not have time to try any further now, but it complains it needs java (depends on sun-java6-jre | openjdk-6-jre | java2-runtime), so that should be added to dependencies I guess.

It does not look to be optified (installed in /opt to save rootfs space).

And a strange thing is that it now downloads as "desktop4shared-1.3_1-all.deb", and even a lot of filenames/folder are named desktop4shared inside the deb file. Did that alter after uploading to

You were probably misled by 4shared's intarface and clicked the wrong download button. I believe desktop4shared-1.3_1-all.deb is their download manager written in Java and not targeted for Maemo, thus not optified. ;)

aStrike 2012-09-07 22:40

Re: [Announce] Alpha Strike V1.0.0-2
That's right, that's why I think the other mirror won't have this annoying problem too. My next step is to upload Alpha Strike to extras-devel.

skate_boy92 2012-09-09 03:32

Re: [Announce] Alpha Strike-3D shooting game v1.0.0-2
It says missing packages. How do I get those packages?

sifo 2012-09-09 03:38

Re: [Announce] Alpha Strike-3D shooting game v1.0.0-2

which package is missing ? can you please provide more info, sceenshots or logs so we can help you :) ?


visN900 2012-09-09 05:26

Re: [Announce] Alpha Strike-3D shooting game v1.0.0-2
can u add keyboard mapping to this..??

skate_boy92 2012-09-09 13:34

Re: [Announce] Alpha Strike-3D shooting game v1.0.0-2
missing packaged:

sifo 2012-09-09 13:41

Re: [Announce] Alpha Strike-3D shooting game v1.0.0-2

you need Nokia repositories enabled, and then type after installing the game package :

apt-get update
apt-get -f install


aStrike 2012-09-09 21:27

Re: [Announce] Alpha Strike-3D shooting game v1.0.0-2
visN900: Keyboard support is under development and will be included in the next version. Frankly, it's almost done, I will upload a video I just took of Alpha Strike's gameplay to youtube where you can see this feature and the game in action, I don't think the pictures convey the whole impression.

***Thanks again to sifo for first suggesting it and for his support and help to this thread!!!

This is the current key mapping(please tell me if you have another options):
B-toggle between using the accelerometer or keyboard for the player's movements.
N-toggle between "sticky movement" on/off ( when "sticky movement" is on you don't have to keep pressing on the key, the hero will keep on going in the key's direction).
A-move left. D-move right. W-move up. X-move down. Q,E,C,Z -move diagonally. S-stop moving(if "sticky movement" is on).
L-shoot left. UP ARROW-shoot right. P-shoot up. LEFT ARROW-shoot down. O, COMMA(=,), DOWN ARROW, SPACE BAR-shoot diagonally.

I am waiting to get rights to upload to extras or extras-devel and also working on adding more weapons...

EDIT: Here is the link to the gameplay video, the quality is not something I'm proud of (sorry), so I will upload a higher quality video when I release the next version of the game.

briggers 2012-09-10 08:23

Re: [Announce] Alpha Strike-3D shooting game v1.0.0-2
Looks fantastic!

I'd really love to see an online multiplayer mode.

aStrike 2012-09-11 20:56

Re: [Announce] Alpha Strike-3D shooting game v1.0.0-2
Currently I am waiting to get the rights to upload to extras-devel. I requested an invitation on friday (if I remember correctly) via the Maemo Extras Assistant. Anyone know how I can check the status of my request or should I send another request?


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