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michaelmhk 2012-10-10 17:05

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work
Nokia first finger friendly os are nokia belle, harmattan and windows phone...
too bad

ste-phan 2012-10-10 17:08

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work

Originally Posted by michaelmhk (Post 1278897)
Nokia first finger friendly os are nokia belle, harmattan and windows phone...
too bad

for my fingers are not sausages I could add Fremantle to the list. :rolleyes:

sjgadsby 2012-10-10 17:19

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work
The thread "[Article] Story of Nokia's MeeGo" (5 posts) has been merged into this thread.

_David_ 2012-10-10 17:19

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work
N9 went through 3 completely different UIs. :D

michaelmhk 2012-10-10 17:21

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work

Originally Posted by ste-phan (Post 1278899)
for my fingers are not sausages I could add Fremantle to the list. :rolleyes:

Fremantle is stylus friendly IMHO:rolleyes:

flopjoke 2012-10-10 17:21

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work
Daymn.. I can see why they formed Jolla. They were desperate =/

thedead1440 2012-10-10 17:35

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work
These articles only provoke further sadness everytime they are published; Its like death by a thousand cuts...

HELLASISGREECE 2012-10-10 17:44

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work
it all began even before the 770 tablet.

in 2004-2005 the 7700 never released and the 7710 being the first and last Symbian S90 device.

The best symbian release by FAR at the time (way better than symbian s80/s60/uiq)

s90 was the father of 770's OS (and maemo in general)

but nokia dumped this gorgeous ui in favor of plain old S60 (N-Series being around the corner at that time)

second blow was years later. 2009... Nokia gave N900 the finger in order to let the N97 (and its siblings) to sell.

_David_ 2012-10-10 17:47

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work
Dual A9 N9-tablet prototype... Elop'd.

HELLASISGREECE 2012-10-10 17:49

Re: Interesting article about Nokia's MeeGo work
There were "bright minds" inside Nokia that chose to favor the N97 instead of N900


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