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nonikhanna 2012-11-17 06:43

Re: What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?
Ahh for google voice you can use it through sip calling in the N9. GV is directly integrated into the contacts and the phone application.

But the apps I would LOVE to be on the N9 is:
1. An app that you could copy text written on paper through the camera.
2. If its possible to make an application like bluestacks and Youwave for the computer which runs android application within the computer itself as a program, would it be possible to create an application like this for the N9/n900?

automagic68 2012-11-17 06:44

Re: What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?
The slide out hardware keyboard app, I know the N900 had it.

dommau 2012-11-17 07:11

Re: What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?
1) A music detection app like Shazam (preferably integrated with search app like Bing on WP)
2) Flipboard

Janitor X 2012-11-17 07:31

Re: What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?

Originally Posted by nonikhanna (Post 1295186)
An app that you could copy text written on paper through the camera.

You mean like this?

I haven't tried it myself, but you might want to give it a go if OCR is what you're after.

ikkysleepy 2012-11-17 08:03

Re: What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?

Originally Posted by uvatbc (Post 1295132)
Regarding Google Voice: have you tried qgvdial?

Yeah I tried but I actually meant Google Voice Search.

ikkysleepy 2012-11-17 08:08

Re: What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1295175)
Like I mentioned in your Next BART thread, a local transportation app :D
Hopefully, StefK's efforts cover this...

Secondly, I would want a proper Mail client with proper push-mail support not like fenix on the n9...

I looked for a Singapore's transit API but I couldn't find one so making an app is going to be difficult.

thedead1440 2012-11-17 08:09

Re: What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?

Originally Posted by ikkysleepy (Post 1295196)
I looked for a Singapore's transit API but I couldn't find one so making an app is going to be difficult.

Yup the APIs can only be obtained from getting permission from the two transport operators...

Currently there is an app in the Store called SGTransit that has got the permissions; I did point the developer to StefK's efforts but he hasn't got into touch yet to merge efforts...

zerodb 2012-11-17 11:06

Re: What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?
1) A seriously-improved facebook client, supporting all of facebook's features and with news feed integration.
2) Skype video call (yes, this has been discussed to death.)

v0id 2012-11-17 11:39

Re: What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps?
1. good music detection (like soundhound and shazam)
2. viber

Dave999 2012-11-17 12:35

Re: What are your TOP 2 Missing Apps? client with cash games.
2. Excellent stock app.

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