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greedness 2013-02-27 08:55

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1325607)
Hurrian's "query" is very good way to check, if you may enjoy N900. I could propose another one, though:

Do you want to have full-fledged mobile computer (first) powered by GNU/Linux in your pocket, with phone functionality (second, always)?

N900 is exactly that - mobile computer, which all things related to it (enormous capabilities, but just like with any linux-powered computer, you must get your hand dirty, from time to time). This can't be said about N9, upcoming Ubuntu phone (probably), or any other device, except for very niche (and much more hardware-limited) openmoko's.

So the thing is, what you really want. If you want smartphone (so you can remain dumb ;) ), you won't be satisfied. If you're, hoever - at least in part - geek, look no more.


well that's the thing really... N900 has this unique freedom other phones cant provide...

btw, I also liked it cause of the large storage... It is true tho that you could put a 64gb card in it?

ChiefRA 2013-02-27 08:55

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?
I've just purchased mine a week ago for 100 EUROs and I'm thrilled about it :)

If you intend to write a lot from it, I suggest you to buy a foldable bluetooth keyboard it comes in very handy, it's full size when unfolded, and it's compatible with most of the actual phones either.
Geyes GK-308e

Good luck :)

greedness 2013-02-27 08:56

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?

Originally Posted by mr_pingu (Post 1325608)
You won't regret go for it!

About pentesting, it's even capable of running aircrack-ng with injection, not to speak about other tools like ettercap, dsniff mdk3

Oh really?!? This must be the phone that dude from Watch Dogs is using... lol

qwazix 2013-02-27 10:57

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?
Yes many of them are refurbished. Users have been complaining that the phones even had personal data from previous users. Some even had problems reflashing them. On the other hand I haven't seen complaints about a device bought from a fellow user in this forum.

Henrq 2013-02-27 11:14

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?
The major features:
-USB OTG(connect hds,mouses,modems,keyboards,prints)
-it can run debian,ubuntu,arch linux, mer,meego,nitdroid(gingerbread),windows 98
-high customizable if you know what youre doing
-hardware documented
-watch and download youtube videos
-tv output,gps,5mp with manual controls,raw format,led and autofocus,fm receiver and transmiter,audio stereo,qwerty,mobile modem,bluetooth tethering
everything in c++ and qt without loss too much performance in ram and cpu like android and its java virtual machine

but i dont understand whats the problem with the "new" n900 from ebay?(it has fragile hardware,its old and used)

greedness 2013-02-27 12:37

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?

Originally Posted by Henrq (Post 1325627)
The major features:
but i dont understand whats the problem with the "new" n900 from ebay?(it has fragile hardware,its old and used)

I've messaged some sellers on ebay, they said they're new and if ever I wasnt satisfied they would give me back my money + the shipping fee so I think its a win win for me... they do ship from china tho

m4r0v3r 2013-02-27 12:42

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?
make yourself a dual battery and get an extended case. then overclock it running at 500mhz-1000mhz and it runs fine.

sixwheeledbeast 2013-02-27 18:16

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1325651)
make yourself a dual battery and get an extended case. then overclock it running at 500mhz-1000mhz and it runs fine.

Until it dies from being overclocked to death.

ZedThou 2013-02-27 22:17

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?

Originally Posted by greedness (Post 1325649)
I've messaged some sellers on ebay, they said they're new and if ever I wasnt satisfied they would give me back my money + the shipping fee so I think its a win win for me... they do ship from china tho

I bought one of these from a seller in Hong Kong. Big mistake. When it got here, the shrink-wrapped packaging was clearly inauthentic, so I sent it back unopened and the seller assured me a refund would be forthcoming. That was a month ago, and still no refund.

greedness 2013-02-27 22:42

Re: It's Almost March 2013, is n900 still worth buying?

Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast (Post 1325756)
Until it dies from being overclocked to death.

what do you mean? The battery will dry up easily? Thats no promblem for me, batteries are cheap as f*ck so no problem on that... on the other hand, does overclocking make a difference performance wise?

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