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Hacker 2013-03-10 10:33


Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1328061)
All who want to do an app Icon. He rejected mine, as it was too N9 specific. He wants it crossplattform and in SVG filetype. It seems he wants to count on other plattforms as well

Well, it may not be good for all different phones, but I like it for my N9, so I replaced the default icon with yours.

Thanks Knobtviker for the cool app and Morpog for the art.

zlatko 2013-03-10 10:43

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Guys, please do not check the app too often, 'cause @knobtviker servers are overloading. :D

praveenchand 2013-03-10 11:39

Do we have to do something to register or just need to open the application? I couldn't find any options in this application. Only one user from my country so am not sure its me as the location is not accurate.

t0lkien 2013-03-10 11:51

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
This is a really good idea. RIght now I keep getting connection errors so I can't see it working (maybe the server is down?). I would think it wouldn't be too hard to have it filtered by phone type, and so be useful for more than just the N9?

soryuuha 2013-03-10 12:03

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
repo time!

Morpog 2013-03-10 12:07

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Position is not accurate for privacy reasons. 2013-03-10 12:07

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
opensource ?

gsalone 2013-03-10 12:10

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
Screenshots? How does it work?

tonyhuynh 2013-03-10 13:05

There is a "connection error" for me. Brothers solution?

Morpog 2013-03-10 14:20

Re: [Announce / WIP] Connected - counting N9 users - JOIN IN!
You need to wait. Knobtvikers server locked down:


Bojan Komljenovic ‏@knobtviker

Awesome #N9 users knocked down my free quota on #Connected in matter of 3 hours. I love you all! :D

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