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dak_sriv 2013-11-19 05:14

Re: Can the Jolla phone be used in the united states
The website, gsm arena sates that it has NFC as well. Now, I might be mistaken, but Jolla officially never said anything about NFC... did they?

youmeego 2013-11-19 05:37

Re: Can the Jolla phone be used in the united states
never trust gsmarena

ed00 2013-11-19 07:13

Re: Can the Jolla phone be used in the united states

agree with you not trusting gsmarena or any other place for that matter until official released from Jolla. Thats why i mentioned "not official" and there is Disclaimer @ gsmarena "We can not guarantee that the information on this page is 100% correct"

i guess this more trustworthy (speaking of NFC) there is spec. ;)

Rauha 2013-11-19 07:21

Re: Can the Jolla phone be used in the united states

Originally Posted by shmerl (Post 1387383)
On the other hand I'm not sure how publishing them can hurt Jolla.

Now that the phones are already beign made it makes no difference. Before finalising the hardware, it made sense not to commit supporting any spesific frequency bands other than those used in EU.

dak_sriv 2013-11-19 07:38

Re: Can the Jolla phone be used in the united states

Originally Posted by youmeego (Post 1387404)
never trust gsmarena

eh... It's my goto site for specs :o

tissot 2013-11-19 08:31

Re: Can the Jolla phone be used in the united states

Originally Posted by dak_sriv (Post 1387423)
eh... It's my goto site for specs :o

If the specs are not widely available, GSMArena guaranteed to get the specs wrong. It's actually pretty amazing how they always manage to do that.

Has Jolla confirmed that LTE will work in Finland at least?

DeeGee 2013-11-19 09:05

Re: Can the Jolla phone be used in the united states
They haven't confirmed any frequency support. But all 3 main LTE networks in finland work at 800 (planned, not active yet), 1800 and 2600 mhz. (There's also one test project at 700mhz). So support for those bands would be quite probable.

Rauha 2013-11-19 09:12

Re: Can the Jolla phone be used in the united states

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 1387433)

Has Jolla confirmed that LTE will work in Finland at least?

Nope, but they have confirmed LTE and launch in FInland.

So it should at least work on EU standard 1800Mhz and 2600 MHz bands. Big question is if it works on newer 800Mhz frequencies, which is what most of Finland (outside Helsinki, Turku, Tampere and few bigger towns) will be covered with. My guess would be that the cheap generic Chinese hardware platforms (ie Jolla) don't mostly support it yet.

Bubbless 2013-11-19 09:25

Re: Can the Jolla phone be used in the united states

Originally Posted by dak_sriv (Post 1387402)
The website, gsm arena sates that it has NFC as well. Now, I might be mistaken, but Jolla officially never said anything about NFC... did they?

Sorry, you are mistaken. Check ---> All specs -> Network & connectivity.

rainisto 2013-11-19 09:52

Re: Can the Jolla phone be used in the united states

Originally Posted by Bubbless (Post 1387443)
Sorry, you are mistaken. Check ---> All specs -> Network & connectivity.

But please remember to read "Extension interfaces for"-part before you jump into wrong conclusions :)

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