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OVK 2014-02-21 10:34

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)

Originally Posted by evk (Post 1413620)
Ouch... Well I hope that works out for them.

Actually, I think that I misinterpreted that part of the news. The exact quote is

"With Tieto Corporation, Jolla will offer integration services to OEMs and ODMs willing to start the use of Sailfish OS in their products"

Don't know what I was thinking when I wrote my original post. Sorry about the confusion.

But the Tieto part is surely worrying :rolleyes:

mrsellout 2014-02-21 10:37

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)

Originally Posted by delmar (Post 1413618)
.. in cooperation with NSA

I don't get it, Rovio are a Finnish company, what do the NSA have to do with them?

mariusmssj 2014-02-21 10:42

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)

Originally Posted by OVK (Post 1413622)
Actually, I think that I misinterpreted that part of the news. The exact quote is

"With Tieto Corporation, Jolla will offer integration services to OEMs and ODMs willing to start the use of Sailfish OS in their products"

Don't know what I was thinking when I wrote my original post. Sorry about the confusion.

But the Tieto part is surely worrying :rolleyes:

I am not familiar with Tieto, are they bad?

Rauha 2014-02-21 10:49

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)
Tieto is big finnish/swedish IT corporation.

Known for making cluster**** IT solutions for public services in Nordics.


Originally Posted by mrsellout (Post 1413623)
I don't get it, Rovio are a Finnish company, what do the NSA have to do with them?

NSA had hacked Rovio's servers and gotten accces to some Rovio user data that way.

Nothing to do with coperation though.

minimos 2014-02-21 11:00

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)
Yay for the Jolla update :)


Originally Posted by tissot (Post 1413608)
Already switched to younited on their beta and they will now be the only cloud service that supports all of my actively used devices

The 'privacy is guaranteed' is only a promise from FSecure or does younited allow encryption on client side (i.e. you can upload already encrypted data)?

OVK 2014-02-21 11:08

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 1413626)
Tieto is big finnish/swedish IT corporation.

Known for making cluster**** IT solutions for public services in Nordics.

Yes. Their business model is to offer cheap IT systems for public services and companies. They then build up totally messed up systems and get their revenue by offering expensive consultant services for "fixing" the closed, messed up systems that they build.

They have a really bad reputation here in the Nordic countries.

Metsämies 2014-02-21 11:09

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 1413626)
Tieto is big finnish/swedish IT corporation.

Known for making cluster**** IT solutions for public services in Nordics.

Very, very overpriced solutions, projects are late for years. Very sad for taxpayers.

m4r0v3r 2014-02-21 11:29

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)
Whats wrong with Tieto? Also am happy about the F-secure stuff, am hoping for general file cloud storage, a solution to automatically backup my camera files, and finally, please somewhere to sync my contacts, calender and whatever else people want securely.

NokiaFanatic 2014-02-21 11:36

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)
This is all great news. Jolla need to be able to show that there is continued momentum behind their solution and these kind of press releases and announcements do just that.

RX-51 2014-02-21 12:56

Re: Sailfish now on 1.0 (Jolla MWC announcement)
in case it's hardware is supported I'll get me a Nokia *cough Microsoft* X aka Normandy and put Sailfish OS it :D

in your face :p

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