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juiceme 2014-03-18 05:51

Re: Share your custom ambiences with sounds...

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1417295)
Because of this post on openrepos, all packages will be removed :mad::(

Too bad, the copyright thing is so difficult in the internet nowdays.
Only sure way to do it, I guess is take something that you'd like, and then create your own version of it. (like artwork and sound, both)

In art, derivtive works are allowed, you just need to do enough for it to make it original, not a copy.

Schturman 2014-03-18 07:21

Re: Share your custom ambiences with sounds...
This is a ptoblem for simple users like me... I just googled "free wallpapers" or "free ringtones/sounds" and for me I can use it like I want except selling it... I'm not programmer or so tech to pay attention to this stuff like copyright etc. on the free websites/contents..

HolgerN 2014-03-18 08:45

Re: Share your custom ambiences with sounds...
There are some websites which contain creative commons material. Of course you have to respect this license and give credit to the owner, but you can use this material.



Schturman 2014-03-18 09:37

Re: Share your custom ambiences with sounds...
Thanks, maybe I'll recreate my ambiences with stuff from this sites...

Penguin 2014-03-18 20:12

Re: Share your custom ambiences with sounds...
I know license issues are difficult. I have tried to get contact with one font creator for last month to get that font properly licensed.

Many of free wallpaper and free music/sound websites are granting license to use the content for free to personal use only. Often that does not include right to redistribute and almost never commercial use. Last one we can ignore when we are sharing those for free, but other restrictions not.

There are also many sites which do not tell anything about license terms nor copyrights. Many of them are sharing content illegally and/or without permission or they are only linking to content on other sites. Sometimes it is very diffucult and frustrating to try to do everything by the law.

But hey, better that this community raise the flag about this than some corporate laywers closing whole site and openrepos too.

flotron 2014-03-26 11:12

Re: Share your custom ambiences with sounds...

Originally Posted by HolgerN (Post 1417048)
I created also a ambience:
The licence is CC BY 2.0

Credits to
*Tim G. Photography
*acclivity, cydon, joedeshon, wavecutter, hykenfreak,inequation

I did not like, that the sound were not editable. Therefore, i put all sounds into /usr/share/sounds/jolla-ringtones/stereo. I should maybe create a new version with mp3 sounds. I will wait for the big update, maybe something changes about the ambiences :).

How do you package the Ambience to RPM. I tried with the Jolla Ambience kit but i couldn't

HolgerN 2014-03-27 10:57

Re: Share your custom ambiences with sounds...
The version from the Jolla Ambience kit does also not work for me.
I use the version from

I changed sound path to
sounds.path = /usr/share/sounds/jolla-ringtones/stereo/

and add this line to the spec file:

flotron 2014-03-28 18:59

Re: Share your custom ambiences with sounds...

Originally Posted by HolgerN (Post 1418681)
The version from the Jolla Ambience kit does also not work for me.
I use the version from

I changed sound path to
sounds.path = /usr/share/sounds/jolla-ringtones/stereo/

and add this line to the spec file:

I tried with that but i get this error:

C:\Users\Mariano\Desktop\emanuele_tido-sailfishos-jolla-ambience-windows-75aba3abb97b\translations\ambience-template.ts:-1: error: No such file or directory


15:58:12: Running steps for project template...
15:58:12: Starting: "C:\Users\Mariano\AppData\Roaming\SailfishAlpha3\mer-sdk-tools\MerSDK\SailfishOS-armv7hl\qmake.cmd" C:\Users\Mariano\Desktop\emanuele_tido-sailfishos-jolla-ambience-windows-75aba3abb97b\ -r -spec linux-g++ "CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG+=declarative_debug" "CONFIG+=qml_debug"

Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.hyh5Ze
15:58:14: The process "C:\Users\Mariano\AppData\Roaming\SailfishAlpha3\mer-sdk-tools\MerSDK\SailfishOS-armv7hl\qmake.cmd" exited normally.
15:58:14: Starting: "C:\Users\Mariano\AppData\Roaming\SailfishAlpha3\mer-sdk-tools\MerSDK\SailfishOS-armv7hl\make.cmd"
Executing(%build): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.1d5si2
make: Warning: File `Makefile' has modification time 1.4 s in the future

lupdate /home/mersdk/Desktop/emanuele_tido-sailfishos-jolla-ambience-windows-75aba3abb97b/ -ts /home/mersdk/Desktop/build-template-MerSDK_SailfishOS_armv7hl-Debug/translations/ambience-template.ts
Scanning directory '/home/mersdk/Desktop/emanuele_tido-sailfishos-jolla-ambience-windows-75aba3abb97b/'...
Updating 'translations/ambience-template.ts'...
    Found 7 source text(s) (7 new and 0 already existing)

RPM build errors:
Cannot create /home/mersdk/Desktop/build-template-MerSDK_SailfishOS_armv7hl-Debug/translations/ambience-template.ts: No such file or directory

make: *** [ts] Error 1
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.1d5si2 (%build)
    Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.1d5si2 (%build)

15:58:15: The process "C:\Users\Mariano\AppData\Roaming\SailfishAlpha3\mer-sdk-tools\MerSDK\SailfishOS-armv7hl\make.cmd" exited with code 1.
Error while building/deploying project template (kit: MerSDK-SailfishOS-armv7hl)
When executing step 'Make'
15:58:15: Elapsed time: 00:03.

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