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TMavica 2017-04-27 06:19

Re: Google play store not working in Jolla C
today, i also cant update apps from google play store

coderus 2017-04-27 07:18

Re: Google play store not working in Jolla C
so did you tried new gaps?

duesselschorsch 2017-04-27 08:49

Re: Google play store not working in Jolla C
Same here, installed latest gapps from openrepos, all updates stay in "pending" state. uninstalling/reinstalling of gapps doesn't help.

coderus 2017-04-27 10:49

Re: Google play store not working in Jolla C
did you reboot after installing gapps installer?

probably you need to uninstall aliendalvik then, install it again and then install gapps on fresh aliendalvik :)

vitaminj 2017-04-27 10:56

Re: Google play store not working in Jolla C
I installed your open gapps yesterday too coderus (previously manually installed play store on jolla c using old instructions), which fixed the issues and the play store updated to 7.7 from 7.6 and updates and installs worked ok again, but today it's back to "download pending" everywhere. Any ideas what's causing this or any logging to check?

coderus 2017-04-27 11:01

Re: Google play store not working in Jolla C
no idea. one said intex gapps works, so i packaged intex gapps for you. no idea if and why it can work or not :)

vitaminj 2017-04-27 11:09

Re: Google play store not working in Jolla C
Ah well thanks for your effort coderus - I'll try an aliendalvik wipe next week if the issue persists. Would you recommend still using your installer to get gapps back on a clean install? Is there any other way which would help narrow down what the problem is?

Bundyo 2017-04-27 12:25

Re: Google play store not working in Jolla C
This problem affected Jolla Tablet from at least a month.

I have a hunch the problem comes with the new download manager in Android 7.0. Latest Play Store can't download apps, but apps install fine if manually downloaded.

Downgrading Play Store to a previous version fixes it temporarily, until it auto updates. Probably this is why Coderus' fix stopped working the next day - it contained previous versions of Play Store components, which auto-updated overnight.

Can we block the Play Store autoupdate somehow as a last option?

aspergerguy 2017-04-27 14:52

Re: Google play store not working in Jolla C
Just noticed on Jolla 1 running GooglePlay v6.8.24.F-all [0] switched off WLAN/Network under Google Play settings > About - Build version is the last entry on the page but on AquaFish > Play Store >Settings under Play Store Version v7.7.17.0-all there is new entry = Device certification = uncertified

chenliangchen 2017-04-27 15:04

Re: Google play store not working in Jolla C

Originally Posted by aspergerguy (Post 1527397)
Just noticed on Jolla 1 running GooglePlay v6.8.24.F-all [0] switched off WLAN/Network under Google Play settings > About - Build version is the last entry on the page but on AquaFish > Play Store >Settings under Play Store Version v7.7.17.0-all there is new entry = Device certification = uncertified

I heard Google is going to put some limitation on a non-certified GMS device, that might be the first step.

On my rooted Moto Z Play even with stock ROM it also shows uncertified, wondering how that will make a difference...

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