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sarahn 2007-10-14 18:26

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
So... after the firmware upgrade I saw rumors of tabbed browsing in opera but it went away after installing microb. Anyone had any better luck?

R-R 2007-10-17 08:22

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
I managed to screw up my install my trashing /bin instead of ~/bin ! and after re-flashing i got openssh 4.6 and then started apt-get-ing what i had before...

After getting microb this time 0.0.8-3 from the garage extra i guess, it didn't render the default n800.html page correctly (no blue background?) and it had changed the first load page to microb's one...

Figuring i should probably have installed it from their homepage, i apt-get removed everything i just installed and now i can't launch any browser... Is this normal!?
(same firmware and all ...)

This really isn't my day (night now actually ... :-( )

Blaster 2007-11-02 08:26

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
I upgraded to new firmware on N800. Installed microb. But i am not able to see "Set engine" to choose opera below close . Can anyone help me how can i get that option ????? Plsss

paratox 2007-11-23 19:15

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
heeeeelp! i could not install microb. have the latest firmware (n800, os2007). have tried everything of this thread. it always tells me there is no package. :(
can somebody give me a step by step tutorial, please?! thanx!

paratox 2007-11-23 20:39

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
i go it! after disabling all repos, reboot and afterwards enabeling them again it worked. yipiiie!

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