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tonikitoo 2007-12-13 13:47

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by jhoff80 (Post 107443)
A lot of us can't get adblock plus to handle the abp:// links. I have uninstalled greasemonkey and tried deleting the extensions.rdf file and now adblock plus is in the components menu, but still won't handle the links.

we've realized that the way we are initializing Greasemonkey was breaking up microb's extension manager system ... that is the cause of that problem. It is fixed already. we are recreating the .deb file for both chinook and bora ;) , testing right now !!!

if it is ok, we are going to upload in a few minutes ...

ps: it is not a ABP bustage at all ...

amigokin 2007-12-13 14:01

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
AdBlock Plus! doesn't work for me :-(. It appears to be installed under the components Menu but the red icon doesn't appear and when I click chrome://adblockplus/content/config.html(ABP Prefereces) or about:config? instatusbar nothing happens!

jhoff80 2007-12-13 15:14

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
I finally got the icon to show and everything is working great now, thanks for this.

Tuxedosteve 2007-12-13 19:40

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
I've got this installed. It shows up in the components and I've subscribed to some block lists. There's no config icon to play with though. I can't seem to get it to show.

tonikitoo 2007-12-13 20:45

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by tonikitoo (Post 108158)
we've realized that the way we are initializing Greasemonkey was breaking up microb's extension manager system ... that is the cause of that problem. It is fixed already. we are recreating the .deb file for both chinook and bora ;) , testing right now !!!

if it is ok, we are going to upload in a few minutes ...

ps: it is not a ABP bustage at all ...

tomaz has uploaded a new greasemonkey .deb file ... (webaddon-greasemonkey....-9.deb) please get it, and feedback us if it solves the greasemonkey and other extensions incompatibility problem

tonikitoo 2007-12-13 20:46

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by Tuxedosteve (Post 108311)
I've got this installed. It shows up in the components and I've subscribed to some block lists. There's no config icon to play with though. I can't seem to get it to show.

try removing manually the ~/.mozilla/microb/extensions.rdf file and restarting your browser ...

fpp 2007-12-13 21:14

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Thanks for the nice Xmas present tonikitoo ! :-)

gerbick 2007-12-14 00:32

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
This combined with Privoxy means darn near ad-free surfing. YES!

Tuxedosteve 2007-12-14 06:47

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
I don't think you'd even need Privoxy now. All I use on my desktop PCs are Adblock and a decent filter list.

Excellent extension. One we've been waiting for a long time. Excellent work chaps.

Rebski 2007-12-14 12:00

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
This is just great, thanks for doing it.

I have posted a link to this thread in the Apps section just to help spread the word.

jhoff80 2007-12-14 15:31

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
FYI, if you try using this and maemo-spellcheck at the same time, Microb loads very slowly.

Akai Kenshi 2007-12-14 19:00

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Got it installed and working, subscribed to EasyList. The ability to block ads is a beautiful thing, especially when on a cellular connection. However, it does make the browser noticeably slower and less responsive. Hopefully this can be fixed in a later release.

johsua 2007-12-14 21:56

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by tonikitoo (Post 108350)
tomaz has uploaded a new greasemonkey .deb file ... (webaddon-greasemonkey....-9.deb) please get it, and feedback us if it solves the greasemonkey and other extensions incompatibility problem

I get the following error when I try to reinstall greasemonkey, after uninstalling it to install adblock:

application packages missing: libhildonmime0 (>=1.10.1)

smammon 2007-12-15 03:22

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Had it installed and working, but... Found the performance hit in the browser unacceptable. Mostly in simple things like scrolling. Especially using the d pad. Back to using my hosts file for now but looking forward to future releases.

gerbick 2007-12-15 03:51

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by Tuxedosteve (Post 108516)
I don't think you'd even need Privoxy now. All I use on my desktop PCs are Adblock and a decent filter list.

Excellent extension. One we've been waiting for a long time. Excellent work chaps.

I'm actually going back to Privoxy only. There's a perfomance hit with this like no other.

pablo 2007-12-15 05:19

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by johsua (Post 108791)
I get the following error when I try to reinstall greasemonkey, after uninstalling it to install adblock:

application packages missing: libhildonmime0 (>=1.10.1)

I get the same problem, latest version I could find is 1.10.0-1 in the repos. A typo in the dependencies perhaps?

rok 2007-12-15 12:29

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by smammon (Post 108875)
Had it installed and working, but... Found the performance hit in the browser unacceptable. Mostly in simple things like scrolling. Especially using the d pad. Back to using my hosts file for now but looking forward to future releases.

Ever tryed to disable the adblock icon in the lower right corner?
I've got the feeling after disabling the scrolling is much better.

But currently I don't know how to get it back. :D

edit: I should read the announcement more carfully! :)

edit2: Yes, scrolling is much faster without the icon!

YoDude 2007-12-15 13:15

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by rok (Post 108955)
Ever tryed to disable the adblock item in the lower right corner?
I've got the feeling after disabling the scrolling is much better.

But currently I don't know how to get it back. :D

Try going to the browsers drop down menu > Tools > Components, and see if the Adblock Plus box is checked.

Incidently, this may be a better way to enable/disable this service.

rok 2007-12-15 13:25

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Thanks for the hint!
But for enabling/disabling the whole service I have to restart the browser.

edit: It doesn't work for me. The icon only disappears using the preferences window chrome://adblockplus/content/config.html .

noventa98 2007-12-17 17:35

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
I could not install AdBlock Plus (which I use on Firefox) on the n810. I got this message:

Installing adblock-plus-webaddon 0.0.1-1
Failed to fetch http://browser-extras.garage.maemo.o...0.1-1_all.deb: Could not open file /media/mmc2/.apt-archive-cache/partial/adblock-plus-webaddon_0.0.1-1_all.deb - open (30 Read-only file system)
W: Not using locking for read only lock file /media/mmc2/.apt-archive-cache/lock
W: Not using locking for read only lock file /media/mmc2/.apt-archive-cache/lock
file:///media/mmc2/tmp/Adblock%20log.txt: Read only file system

I do not have greasemonkey installed.

It is just a mistery, I cannot figur out what is wrong. Could it be linked to the blocked/corrupted internal memory?


munky261 2007-12-17 20:07

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
the only problem im having with A/B+ on my N810 is it takes forever for the browser to start , and it also takes longer to close the browser. is this issue going to be addressed in future updates?

zerojay 2007-12-17 20:10

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Considering it's just a beta, I would imagine so.

Jupex 2007-12-20 23:25

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Also in some pages it leaves placeholders for adds allthou the adds are gone. How can I solve this?

sevo 2007-12-20 23:47

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by Jupex (Post 112468)
Also in some pages it leaves placeholders for adds allthou the adds are gone. How can I solve this?

Not at all, as that is a property of the page layout. Vertical space is only collapsed if the ad and its clear space take up the entire width of its confining block - in other cases, you'll see a blank (or misdecorated) space where the ad would have been.

jmk 2007-12-23 22:12

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Nice plugin but it adds over 10 seconds to MicroB startup time (the time when browser actually starts to download data) :/. Fresh N800 OS2008 install, fresh adblock install, subscriptions: EasyList+EasyElement and ABP Tracking Filter.

If i disable Adblock temporarily startup time is again normal. Subscriptions autoupdates are disabled.

taguapire 2008-01-09 16:07

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

I just installed A/B+ in my N810, BUT... and never we miss a BUT... it doesn't start. I open MicroB and the red A/B+ button do not is showed in the browser. Some one knows why is this happening?.



iamthewalrus 2008-01-09 17:16

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Even though I love adblockplus in Firefox I prefer privoxy on the tablet because it doesn't slow down browsing as much.

bora | user

Rebski 2008-01-09 17:34

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

bora | user
Reply With Quote
Is this Bora package compatible with Chinook, do you know?

iamthewalrus 2008-01-09 17:36

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by Rebski (Post 124148)
Is this Bora package compatible with Chinook, do you know?

The privoxy package runs fine on my n800 with os2008. It is the same repository that has the gainroot package which also works on os2008. I don't know about the other packages.

Rebski 2008-01-09 17:44

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Thanks for the reassurance. I have installed it and shall see how it goes.

prk60091 2008-01-09 17:56

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
adblock has never worked correctly on my n810
i added a hosts file and speeded up my browsing considerably also this site now works fine with a hosts file

iamthewalrus 2008-01-10 01:30

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!

Originally Posted by Rebski (Post 124153)
Thanks for the reassurance. I have installed it and shall see how it goes.

Privoxy does seem to prevent Wayfinder to download maps. Just make sure that you have a second connection defined that bypasses privoxy.

ustunozgur 2008-01-10 02:25

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
I was having very very slow Web surfing till I decided to disable adblock. The experience without this extension is much faster for me.

TheGogmagog 2008-01-22 15:45

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Thanks for Adblock! Just a wish item for future releases... Move the AB icon to lower left. I keep hitting it trying to scroll down the page. Make location selectable if you think someone will complain.

Matyas 2008-02-14 18:18

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
An other positive report

The extension was not running, so I had to delete:
  • the extensions.rfd file
  • the directory /extensions
  • the extensions.cache file

all under the .mozilla/ directory

after that everything has been working perfectly!


EwanG 2008-04-27 00:00

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
Very helpful thread. Got ABP installed and running this afternoon, and it makes life so much nicer when hitting sites like CNN and the Weather Channel.

vaiodon 2008-06-03 18:54

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
I tried ABP out today, I had to do the "delete extensions.rdf" thing before it worked properly.

The browser performance seems to have suffered, I guess the Javascript engine is being stressed by parsing URLs when a page loads. I use gmail and Google Reader frequently on my N800, both heavily JS driven and they seem slower so I think I'll have to disable this plugin.

Time to get out the eeePC I've just received, I need something that doesn't need quite so much effort to manage change.

yegaoo 2008-07-31 15:52

Re: Adblock Plus for MicroB released!
To everybody who is experiencing slower browsing, you do not need to uninstall adblock, you can just tell it to ignore those sites.

EDIT: maybe you need to... I "uninstalled" it (but the red square is still there!!!:mad:) and I have tried deleting /adblock from /microb with no success... I uninstalled it because it "dissappeared" for an unknown reason, and then reappeared (already uninstalled)

REFLASH time!! :eek:

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