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shinkamui 2010-01-11 12:41

Re: GemRb Development Thread
pretty much bundyo, all the options are # out. Can you post a good cfg? I've never touched openal. :) Also, I don't think it should be relevant, but Im running it with Icewind Dale 1. (Smaller installation, and I've never beaten it...)

shinkamui 2010-01-14 00:22

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Figured it out, for those who have the same problem, make sure you specify in your openal.conf in the order to try, alsa first. Sound is beautiful. I also dropped the sample rate to 22050 and left everything else at the defaults.

shinkamui 2010-01-14 00:41

Re: GemRb Development Thread
icewind dale runs quite well, unfortunately the 640x480 resolution makes accuracy a bit difficult in the point and click... still totally playable, and I look forward to updates! Finally, my dream has come true. Baldurs gate in my pocket!

Cry86 2010-01-25 14:52

Re: GemRb Development Thread
i'm sorry, i'm newbie, is a first time with Maemo and with Linux ...
I installed gemrb and Openal libraries, but... how can i do for gemrb.cfg?
thanks and sorry :P

andyph666 2010-01-26 16:01

Re: GemRb Development Thread
There is no gemrb.cfg included with the .deb. Are we supposed to find the gemrb.cfg.sample and edit it? Then do we copy the installed folder from our PC to the path in gemrb.cfg? Thanks.

shinkamui 2010-01-26 16:16

Re: GemRb Development Thread
for those who have asked about GemRB, /home/user/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg.

andyph666 2010-01-26 16:22

Re: GemRb Development Thread
I dont have a gemrb.cfg in /home/user/.gemrb, in fact there is no folder called .gemrb there for me. Am I supposed to make one and put the sample gemrb into it and edit it?

The game starts up fine. I copied my install folder of BG2 to my phone and then put in a sample gemrb.cfg. I changed the paths of GUIScripts path and GEMRB path to /usr/share/gemrb/ and it loaded up.

andyph666 2010-01-26 18:41

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Does BG2 crash for anyone when going into the game? I get this error:

keyimporter: searching for
cannot find /home/user/MyDocs/bg2tob/data/AREA4000.cbf
areimporter: no tile map available
keyimporter: searching for guiw.chu ... found
Segmentation fault

Bundyo 2010-01-26 20:21

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Probably your paths in the cfg are not okay.

andyph666 2010-01-26 22:55

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Yea figured it out thanks. If anyone else is having the same error, you have to put the CD2, CD3, CD4, CD5 to the paths of the CDs in the bg2 directory as well. The sound is stuttery. What am I supposed to edit in openal.conf exactly?

Okay figured it out. You edit the alsoft.conf in /etc/openal and change the "device = default" under the alsa backend part to device = alsa.

Is it necessary to change the sample rate? Is the sample rate the same as frequency in alsoft.conf? Or how did you change it? Thanks.

andyph666 2010-01-27 03:32

Re: GemRb Development Thread
It won't start up anymore and I think all I changed was the alsoft.conf. The game shows a blue background with the game panels etc and then crashes to terminal. Anyone with a proper .cfg and alsoft.conf?

Bundyo 2010-01-27 18:10

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Someone else - I don't have it set up on my device after the latest reflash.

Cry86 2010-01-28 00:47

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Plugin Loading Failed...
where is the plugin path? i not find it

Now start, but i have the same problem Andy ...
Blue screen and crash

andyph666 2010-01-28 03:41

Re: GemRb Development Thread
cry86: Have you tried throne of baal ? It worked for me but shadows of amn didn't it gave me a blue screen. Also make sure your rootfs isn't full. Throne of baal gave me a blue screen when I was 100% full.

Cry86 2010-01-28 11:11

Re: GemRb Development Thread
i have only shadow of amn! no, is only 81% ! now i try to install Throne of Ball ! gemrb doesn't find me the first area from cd2 !
path is /home/user/MyDocs/bg2/CD2/

Error are :
Searching for tracking.2da
Searching for
cannot find /home/user/MyDocs/bg2/CD2/ /data/AREA060A.cbf
No tile map available
Segmentation fault

i find the file AREA060A.cbf in the folder CD2/data/ but see that file is .bif and not .cbf
Is the possible error?

andyph666 2010-01-29 08:24

Re: GemRb Development Thread
shinkamui: Could you post your gemrb.cfg please? Only BG2 TOB works. I've tried IWD2, IWD1, BG2 SOA and they didn't work. IWD2 said it requires 800 x 600. BG2 starts with a blue background and then crashes and IWD1 doesnt work either.

Anyone have any clearcut steps to making this to work?

Bundyo 2010-01-29 10:30

Re: GemRb Development Thread
You probably have something wrong with wour config because BG2 was working when I tried.

Special.Guest 2010-02-03 20:27

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 379025)
I have a working 0.6.0 build for fremantle, though not top performance. No build for n8x0 yet.

does anyone have a build for diablo? how do I build this? ... using scratchbox? any hint on what I need to try to bring it to the n810 ?

mthmob 2010-02-20 12:57

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Gemrb works great on my n900 with BG TotSC, BG2 SoA and ToB, Icewind Dale HoW and Planescape Torment. Controles are playable.

But cant run Icewind Dale 2 since it dosent support any less then 800x600 res.

Also i cant attack the zombies in the beginning of Planescape, im guessing its because i cant right click... for some reason the developer of gemrb removed the "attack" shortcut on A...

anyways :) pretty cool.

REMFwhoopitydo 2010-02-23 12:21

Re: GemRb Development Thread
is there a new version of GemRB due out soon?

Rich_H 2010-03-07 08:54

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by mthmob (Post 538368)
Gemrb works great on my n900 with BG TotSC, BG2 SoA and ToB, Icewind Dale HoW and Planescape Torment. Controles are playable.

But cant run Icewind Dale 2 since it dosent support any less then 800x600 res.

Also i cant attack the zombies in the beginning of Planescape, im guessing its because i cant right click... for some reason the developer of gemrb removed the "attack" shortcut on A...

anyways :) pretty cool.

I am a little new with my N900, and wondering if you could explain the steps that you took to get Gemrb working on your N900?

Really hope someone will do a real port of this one, must be more people then me wanting to play BG2 on there phone :D

Cobra 2010-03-27 12:05

Re: GemRb Development Thread
I need some help im trying to get bg1 working. I have all the files from the CD's 1-5 I have installed libopenal1_1.10.6-1_armel.deb and gemrb-0.6.9-maemo0.deb and I've configured the GemRB.cfg file. and when I run gemrb I get...

PHP Code:

[PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for GAM File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for CRE File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for 2DA File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for Effect opcodes for the icewind branch of the games...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for MVE Video Player...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for ARE File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for INI File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for KEY File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for SDL Video Driver...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for PNG File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for ZLib Compression Manager...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[DELAYING]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for BAM File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for ACM File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for STO File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for TIS File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for MOS File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for BMP File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for PRO File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for DLG File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for Effect opcodes for the torment branch of the games...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for IDS File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for ITM File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for CHU File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for WED File Importer...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/gemrb/plugins/[OK]
PluginMgr]: Checking Plugin Version...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Loading Exports for Null Sound Driver...[OK]
PluginMgr]: Duplicate Plug-in! [SKIPPING]
Core]: Plugin Loading Complete...[OK]
Core]: GemRB Core Initialization...
Core]: Searching for Video Driver...[OK]
Core]: Initializing Video Plugin...[OK]
Core]: Searching for KEY Importer...[OK]
Core]: Initializing Resource Manager...
KEYImporter]: Opening /media/mmc1/Games/Baldur's Gate/chitin.key...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Checking file type...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Reading Resources...
[KEYImporter]:  BIF Files Count: 141 (Starting at 24 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]:  RES Count: 15237 (Starting at 4241 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]: Resources Loaded...[OK]
[Core]: Reading Game Options...
[KEYImporter]: Searching for gemrb.ini...[Found in GemRB Override]
[Core]: Loading game type-specific GemRB setup...
[Option]: HasKaputz = no
[Option]: AllStringsTagged = yes
[Option]: HasSongList = no
[Option]: TeamMovement = no
[Option]: UpperButtonText = yes
[Option]: LowerLabelText = yes
[Option]: HasPartyIni = no
[Option]: SoundFolders = no
[Option]: IgnoreButtonFrames = no
[Option]: OneByteAnimationID = no
[Option]: HasDPLAYER = yes
[Option]: HasEXPTABLE = no
[Option]: HasBeastsIni = no
[Option]: HasDescIcon = yes
[Option]: HasPickSound = no
[Option]: IWDMapDimensions = no
[Option]: AutomapIni = no
[Option]: SmallFog = yes
[Option]: ReverseDoor = no
[Option]: ProtagonistTalks = no
[Option]: HasSpellList = no
[Option]: IWD2ScriptName = no
[Option]: DialogueScrolls = no
[Option]: KnowWorld = no
[Option]: ReverseToHit = yes
[Option]: SaveForHalfDamage = no
[Option]: CharNameIsGabber = no
[Option]: MagicBit = no
[Option]: CheckAbilities = no
[Option]: ChallengeRating = no
[Option]: SpellBookIconHack = no
[Option]: EnhancedEffects = no
[Option]: DeathOnZeroStat = yes
[Option]: SpawnIni = no
[Option]: IWD2DeathVarFormat = no
[Option]: HasResDataIni = no
[Option]: OverrideCursorPos = no
[Option]: BreakableWeapons = yes
[Option]: 3EdRules = no
[Option]: LevelslotPerClass = no
[Option]: SelectiveMagicRes = no
[Option]: HasHideInShadows = no
[Option]: AreaVisitedVar = no
[Option]: ProperBackstab = no
[Option]: OnScreenText = no
[Core]: Creating Projectile Server...
[KEYImporter]: Searching for gemprjtl.ids...[Found in GemRB Override]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for projectl.ids...[ERROR]
[Core]: Checking for Dialogue Manager...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for months.2da...[ERROR]
Cannot find data/Default.bif... Resource unavailable.
[Core]: Loading Dialog.tlk file...[OK]
[Core]: Loading Palettes...
[KEYImporter]: Searching for MPALETTE.bmp...[ERROR]
Cannot find data/Gui.bif... Resource unavailable.
[KEYImporter]: Searching for MPALETTE.bmp...[ERROR]
Cannot find data/Gui.bif... Resource unavailable.
[KEYImporter]: Searching for MPAL256.bmp...[Found in GemRB Override]
[Core]: Palettes Loaded
[Core]: Initializing stock sounds...
[KEYImporter]: Searching for defsound.2da...[Found in GemRB Override]
[Core]: Broadcasting Event Manager...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing Window Manager...[OK]
sys:1: RuntimeWarning: Python C API version mismatch for module GemRB: This Python has API version 1013, module GemRB has version 1012.
[Core]: Initializing GUI Script Engine...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for cursors.bam...[ERROR]
Cannot find data/Gui.bif... Resource unavailable.
[Core]: Loading Cursors...[ERROR]
[KEYImporter]: Searching for defsound.2da...[Found in GemRB Override]
Press enter to continue... 

When I press enter it gos back to cmd. I've been searching google and for a while would somebody please help. thanks yall.

ps im typing this with my N900 and its getting slow.

fuzzie 2010-03-28 00:18

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by Cobra (Post 584197)
Cannot find data/Default.bif... Resource unavailable.

That is your problem, it can't find the game files. Maybe you need to set CaseSensitive to 1 in the config file?

chenliangchen 2010-04-23 08:09

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Any chance to build an extras devel package? Many thanks! :)

Magik 2010-05-12 19:37

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Hi guys :) I'm a new member and it's my first post.
Could someone please post his openal config file? I just can't configure it... music/sounds are choppy and crapy :P

Thanks in advance!

andyph666 2010-05-15 03:30

Re: GemRb Development Thread
How do you right click in the game?

Magik 2010-05-18 12:49

Re: GemRb Development Thread
andyph666,i tried everything... you can't :(

I will not be an *** and share with you guys. Here are my configs of gemrb and openal(sound isnt crappy anymore):

Just put the Baldur's Gate 2 data into "bg2" folder in MyDocs.
It should work.

limpid 2010-06-10 12:46

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Hi, I'm having some trouble setting gemrb up. I think I'm digging a hole for myself, but I'm not sure where I went wrong.

I begun by installing the .deb files Bundyo posted on page 4 for libopenal. They wouldn't install from the app manager (the error I got was "incompatible application package") so I used xterm to install them. Then I installed the .deb for gemrb posted on the same page.

My issue is that I can't find a /home/user/.gemrb folder. Not only that, but although I have the game installed on my PC, I don't know which files to copy onto my phone and where.

This guide doesn't have any information specific to the N900.

Did I install the program right if the .gemrb directory doesn't exist? What should I have done?

I'm not new to the unix command line and I'm quite keen on trying this out.


ArnimS 2010-06-17 12:54

Re: GemRb Development Thread
I'm not sure why you have no .gemrb in home directory. I seem to recall copying my PC .gemrb over to the N810 long ago. Maybe try that, and then be sure al the paths are correct.

Btw: new 0.61 minor release yesterday:

WhiteIce 2010-06-21 08:41

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Those expecting the steps on the installation for gemrb with BG2, perhaps I'll post it later. I finally got it to work on n900.
I'm still working right now.

WhiteIce 2010-06-21 12:14

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Steps for getting gemrb to work with Baldur's Gate 2

1. Download these depencies

You could probably copy over to /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads
*Note case sensitive (you guys should know by now)

2. Download gemrb from here
*You may place it at /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads too

3. Grant yourself root access using xterminal using command -> sudo gainroot

4. Install each and every libopenal .deb files by using this command -> dpkg -i libopenal1-dbg_1.10.622-1_armel.deb

5. Install gemrb using the above same command -> dpkg -i gemrb-0.6.0-maemo0.deb

6. Create a bg2 folder/directory by using command -> mkdir /home/user/MyDocs/bg2
*This directory should contain all bg2 source files and folders.

7. Create folder for gemrb.cfg to reside in by using command ->
mkdir /home/user/.gemrb/

8.Download gemrb.cfg from

9. Move gemrb.cfg to /home/user/.gemrb/gemrb.cfg by using command -> mv gemrb.cfg /home/user/.gemrb/
*Take note, you must be at the directory where you first placed gemrb.cfg like e.g. /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads

10. Run gemrb by using two command -> cd /usr/bin
-> gemrb

Just hope I did not make this up too complicated, this should make everything work but I'm sure I did miss out something

I'll continue to keep the post updated should I find out what I missed.

Hope you guys have some fun even though it might not be perfect enough.

Joorin 2010-06-21 14:07

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Why install the -dev and -dbg packages? Aren't they only needed if you're going to compile against the OpenAL library?

To start gemrb, all you need to do is to write gemrb in an XTerminal. If you do "cd /usr/bin" first, you need to write "./gemrb".

And don't forget to exit from your root shell before starting the application.

WhiteIce 2010-06-22 01:03

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Thanks Joorin I've edited the post a little, on my way to work again

bng 2010-07-06 23:55

Re: GemRb Development Thread

Originally Posted by WhiteIce (Post 723540)

the link seems to be offline, would you be so kind to upload it somewhere else? thank you

Magik 2010-07-07 17:10

Re: GemRb Development Thread
bng, it's not offline ;) I just download'ed it
Maybe you don't know how to download it so here is a mirror:
And another one:

Enjoy the biggest adventures on gemrb :)
I suggest Baldur's Gate 1, because it seems less buggy then other infinity engine games.

Trisk3lion 2010-07-07 21:31

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Thanks everyone for making this possible, The infinity games are my top favorite games ever made and to be able to play them on my phone is pure gold.

At the moment i'm working on getting to run, i just got my n900 so everything goes a bit slow but i think i'l soon have it working.

Thou i a questions:
If i would like to play Icewind Dale or Planescape Torment i just need to change the paths in gemrb.cfg right?

What would have been cool is if you could choose bewteen different games when you loaded Gemrb, so i you can have both Bg2 and IWD on your N900 and when you start GemRB it asks you wich game and then cooses the right config file.

Magik 2010-07-08 08:20

Re: GemRb Development Thread

At the moment i'm working on getting to run, i just got my n900 so everything goes a bit slow but i think i'l soon have it working.
With config files it's pretty easy :)


If i would like to play Icewind Dale or Planescape Torment i just need to change the paths in gemrb.cfg right?
Put the game files into bg2 folder and in config file you have to change line called "GameType=bg2" to "GameType=icw" or "GameType=pst" for Planescape Torment.


What would have been cool is if you could choose bewteen different games when you loaded Gemrb, so i you can have both Bg2 and IWD on your N900 and when you start GemRB it asks you wich game and then cooses the right config file.
You have to ask it on gemrb forums ;)

Trisk3lion 2010-07-08 11:48

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Bah this problem is killing me, i have installed GemRB as WhiteIce suggested but i'm having problems getting my bg2 source files over to my N900.
THe only way i know of getting them over is using OpenSSH. I have installed OpenSSH client on my N900 and using WinSCP from my pc but i always get an error halway through the transfer.
Really frustrating, anyone know a bether way?

Joorin 2010-07-08 12:50

Re: GemRb Development Thread
Connect the USB cable and enter drive mode and copy the files that way?

Trisk3lion 2010-07-08 13:07

Re: GemRb Development Thread
If I connect with a usb cable and enter mass storage mode i can't access the right folders or is there an other usb mode i dont know about?

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