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cybe 2006-07-10 16:14

BRAND: Nokia
MODEL: LD-3W (third opinion)
Works ?: Yes

cjackiewicz 2006-07-10 17:03

BRAND: Nokia
MODEL: LD-3W (4th opinion)
Works ?: Yes

maurice 2006-07-11 00:41

Brand: Fortuna
Model: Clip-on

works very well with Maemo Mapper

bac522 2006-08-10 13:32

Works ?: Yes
Startup Time (avg): 45-60 seconds
Personal Rating: 8
Other Comments: Easy to use. Worked right away with bluetooth & 770. Seems to have good battery life. Comes with both wall and car adapter. Documentation stinks, doesn't do a real good job with explaining the flashing LED's, but not to hard to guess what they mean. Battery isn't replaceable through. Great price at newegg.

lucaluca2 2006-08-12 23:28

BRAND: Royaltek
Support 20 channel gps

Works? maemo mapper?

dcarter 2006-08-13 02:30

BRAND: DeLorme
MODEL: Earthmate
TYPE: Bluetooth GPS

Takes about 30 seconds (or less) to fix with maemo mapper.
runs on 3 aaa batteries or its battery pack that fits in the battery compartment.
Works flawlessly all over, even in the woods if it can see sky.
I am elated with the unit; I got the package (with stupid software and cool usb adaptor) for like 70 bucks at Fry's.

kinda bugly fugly big but it works great-

akapas 2006-08-22 02:43

TYPE: Nokia LD-1W
Works ?: Yes
Startup Time (avg): 8-45 seconds according the manufacturer's webside, depending on ast used time)
Personal Rating: 8/10
Other Comments: Had to reset it, because it wouldn't work. Also had to restart my Nokia once, cause it wouldn't establish BT connection.

oelph 2006-08-22 07:05

TYPE: Nokia LD-1W

Another vote for this excellent piece of kit. It worked first time, locks on to satellites within 5 seconds and even works indoors. I have no trouble placing this in a secure, hidden part of my car.

Personal rating: 9/10

npallett 2006-08-30 00:03

This GPS Receiver works fine with maemo-mapper

Originally Posted by 9a6or
This receiver is £40 (GBP), has anyone tried it with Maemo Mapper?

I purchased one of these devices from and it was delivered within 24 hours. the device is instantly recognised by btplugin and maemo-mapper and works really well. Simple & inexpensive GPS option for the 770. Just waiting for flite to be ported to OS2006 so I can use it for car journeys. Also works fine with Nokia N70 phone (tested it with Wayfinder & Nav4All sofware).

jackjansen 2006-09-02 22:11

BRAND: Adapt
WORKS?: yes
Startup Time (avg): 45 sec according to box.
Personal Rating: 9/10
Other Comments: Startup is usually very quick, but if you've moved a long way and/or are inside it can be pretty long.

dugby 2006-09-03 14:01

BRAND: Rikaline
WORKS?: yes, very well with Maemo mapper, on IT2006
Startup Time (avg): 22 secs timed.
Personal Rating: 10/10
Other Comments: very small unit, lithium battery good for ~10 hours, is bluetooth v1.2 Overall a very fast and accurate gps.

gigabites 2006-09-09 11:18

BRAND: Rikaline
WORKS?: Oh yeh! paired in a few seconds and no need for a pairing number.
Startup Time (avg): between 20 to 25 seconds
Personal Rating: 10 out of 10
Other Comments:

The unit came with 2 metal discs with adhesive. It holds onto them very well. Under the battery lid you can see what looks like 2 tiny rare earth magnets.

It has a port for a high gain antenna which it seriously doesn't need (this thing even worked inside my house away from a window!). But if you have a lot of trees like we do in Oregon, it might be a help. Personally I am thinking of getting one so I can place the actual unit in my glove box and only expose the antenna to the direct heat and light of the sun.

Resync time is under a second, I swear. I went into a medium tunnel and it didn't give up until about 1/4 of the way in and resynced the same distance before I left the tunnel.

My unscientific test was that I got 4 days of use before it needed a recharge. I would say I used it 2-3 hours a day. It does come with a car charger. It supports an auto mode where it turns on/off when your car is on/off, if you are using the car adapter

At aroud $90 - 100, this is totally worth it. Side to side comparision it fairs way better than my friend's tomtom or the little garmin that looks like a tomtom.

maxilogan 2006-09-28 12:01

Brand: belkin GPS F8T051
Type: Sirf II XTrac
Works: yes
Startup time (avg): 30-60 sec
Personal Rating: 10/10

I bought through an eBay auction for 50$, together with its software (unusable both with my 770 and my TH55 :( ).
The receiver is fine, tough, good sensibility and good battery life. Immediately paired with the 770 and worked fine apart from the /dev/rfcomm trick which I performed after having experienced the link problems


brendan 2006-12-08 20:14

BRAND: Pharos
Works ?: yes indeedy
Startup Time (avg): ~ 30 secs
Personal Rating: 8/10
Other Comments:

Gnubbel 2006-12-13 17:46

WORKS?: yes
Startup Time (avg): 20 secs for position lock.
Personal Rating: 10/10
Other Comments: very small unit, lithium battery good for ~10 hours, chargeable via "car-charger_2_USB adapters".

sbike 2007-01-17 06:02

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
MODEL: 737 (2nd generation unit)
Works ?: Perfect
Startup Time (avg): 40-60 seconds
Personal Rating: 10/10
Other Comments: Very nice. Associates perfectly (just click scan), auto powers off when not in use. Auto powers on when I tell the meamo mapper to connect. It usually gets locks to 6 or 7 sats of 7 or 8 inside my house not particularly near any window, and the window has a big curtain. In the car it works well inside the armrest of my subaru (where I have a power adapter). Comes with a wallwart -> usb and car adapter -> usb. Basically perfect, never had to reset BT.

Not bad for $70 ish and 65-70 grams or so.

At the moment I have 8 of 9 sats and an average signal strength of, er, I guess it doesn't say. Now I'm at 9 of 10.

Usually 10 or 11 of 11 of12 when outside. The tracks I've recorded so far
look pretty clean.

Claims to last for 20-25 hours of use or somewhere around 10 times
that for standby, I've not verified either claim.

jpj 2007-01-23 04:15

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Qstarz
TYPE: MTK Bluetooth GPS
Works: Excellent
Startup Time (avg): ~30 sec cold, 1 sec hot start
Personal Rating: 10/10
Other Comments:

Similart to i-Blue 737 with redesigned shell, higher capacity Li-Ion battery (1100 vs. 1000 mAh). Manufacturer claims up to 32 hours navigation per charge, 400 hours standby. Tracking sensitivity -158 dBm, 32 channels, Bluetooth V1.2.

After initial pairing, Auto On/Off works like i-Blue for smart power control. Built-in non-slip back. Rock solid tracking (avg. 9 or 10 satellites) from car center console bin or coat pocket, no need for dashboard or other visible mounting. Fine companion for N800 with Maemo Mapper.

carbon 2007-02-05 00:50

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: i-Blue Edition 2
MODEL:i-Blue 737
TYPE: MTK MT3301+MT3179
Works ?: Yes
Startup Time (avg): 35 seconds
Personal Rating: ...9/10
Other Comments: battery lasts up to 25 hrs, and the gps will go into sleep mode when Maemo Mapper not active. Cost $70 at

ankle biter 2007-02-17 03:29

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
i also have the 737
MODEL: 737
TYPE: Blue Tooth GPS
Works ?: great
Startup Time: 40-60 sec.
Personal Rating: 10/10
i love it. works perfectly with maemo mapper. also it has a great battery life, is very accurate, and a reasonable price. if you are looking for a gps receiver for maemo mapper, I strongly suggest that you get the i-blue 737.

howardcb 2007-02-18 15:50

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Holux
MODEL: GPSlim 240
RATINGS: Nothing to compare with. Works great.
COMMENTS: Very small !! Has an attachment point for a lanyard to wear around your neck while hiking.


RussNelson 2007-02-19 00:25

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Wintek
Works ?:Yes
Startup Time (avg):
Personal Rating: 8/10
Other Comments: Does logging and has a compass as well.

TA-t3 2007-02-19 14:49

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
TYPE: Not sure. Definitely not Sirf star III, but possibly II.
Works: Yes. No problems whatsoever.
Startup Time (avg): Not slow
Personal rating: 6/10
Other Comments: Would be 8/10 except that it's too easy to accidentally turn it on, and it would've been 10/10 with that fixed + a SiRF Star III chipset. The newer TT Mark II should thus cover this..

jdk410 2007-02-26 21:46

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
I am wondering if a Cell Phone that has GPS location would work for Maemo Mapper if the SPP bluetooth profile was enabled?

I have a Sprint MOTO RAZR 3Vm and enabled the location (GPS) feature. However, the phone is supposed to have a SPP profile (which is missing). Before I go crazy trying to enable the SPP profile - I want to know if it would work?


fiepel 2007-03-15 21:02

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
MODEL: 757
Works ?: YES
Startup Time (avg): < 1min
Personal Rating: .../10: 9
Other Comments: This is a gps-receiver with a built-in data-logger. I do not know how to use the data-logger under linux. It would be a nice feature in maemo-mapper to download tracks from the internal log of the GPS.

jonek 2007-04-13 08:56

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Qstarz
TYPE: MediaTek MT3
Works ?: yes
Startup Time (avg): (not measured yet)
Personal Rating: 9/10
Other Comments:

gsagers 2007-04-13 20:51

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Holux
MODEL: GPSlim 236
Works ?: YES
Startup Time (avg): ~10-30 seconds
Personal Rating: .../10: 9
Other Comments: Great unit, very sensitive due to SirfStar III chipset, works fabulously w/ N800 & maemo-mapper. Battery life is about 8 hours, and car adapter is included. Can also be connected via optional usb-serial cable to a laptop w/o bluetooth.

danielronde 2007-06-01 07:09

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
WORKS?: yes
Startup Time (avg): 20~40sec
Personal Rating: 9/10
Other Comments: Just put it in your bag (or pocket because it is quite small) and enjoy for up to 10 hours (Li-ion batt). Comes with a usb and car charger...

btb 2007-07-16 23:18

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Unitraq
Works ?: yes
Startup Time (avg): 90 sec
Personal Rating: 5/10
Other Comments: very compact, stylistically a perfect match for the 770, but I had a really hard time getting a fix

scbauer 2007-07-26 22:02

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Nokia
TYPE: Sirf Star III, 20 parallel channels
Works ?: Yes
Startup Time (avg): 15 - 30 seconds
Personal Rating: 8/10
Other Comments: Love the physical look of the unit. The rubber-ring on the bottom keeps the unit from sliding around while sitting on the dash board. Also nice that it uses the same charger as the 770. Very compact.

orgoz 2007-07-27 06:17

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Globalsat
Startup Time (avg): 15-30 sec
Personal Rating: 9/10
Other Comments: Very sensitive

nubiatech 2007-07-31 08:01

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Holux
MODEL: M-1000
Works ?: Yes
Startup Time (avg): 40 sec
Personal Rating: 9/10
Other Comments:
This thing acquires signal in under 40 seconds indoors - coldstart. Only a 9/10 ratings because it neither has the auto-off feature or the sleek look of the newer Qstarz models.
According to the manual, the regular USB cable can only be used for charging, and an optional special USB cable can be used for both data transfer and charging (G-mouse!?).

emedlin 2007-08-02 16:59

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...

Originally Posted by jdk410 (Post 36676)
I am wondering if a Cell Phone that has GPS location would work for Maemo Mapper if the SPP bluetooth profile was enabled?

I have a Sprint MOTO RAZR 3Vm and enabled the location (GPS) feature. However, the phone is supposed to have a SPP profile (which is missing). Before I go crazy trying to enable the SPP profile - I want to know if it would work?


I would like to know if any cell phones can do that also. I have the LG vx8300.

Rory Hammond 2007-08-21 06:42

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Holux
MODEL: M-1000 32 Channel
P/N 96060-20N
LI-ion Battery HX-3650-A Spec claim 17 hrs Max. Have not had to leave on that long but did use for 8 hours straight
Works ?: Yes
With Nokia N800 and Maemo Mapper installed, had it up and running in seconds.
Price: $54.00 US
Startup Time (avg): faster than the Nokia.
Spec cold 36 sec
Warm 33 sec
hot 1 sec
Accessories Car Cigarette adaper
Switching Adapter charger
Mini CD with user guide and Computer Drivers and gps software that uses the USB cable as a serial port.
Personal Rating: 9/10
Other Comments:
Pin 1 and 5 on supplied adapters ground and power for charging only.
Using My Nokia USB cable on the Holux plugged into my PC only charges the unit. XP and Vista does not recognize the device. Looks like I need to buy the optional proprietary cable for $27.00 US. This should have been included in the box, instead of as an option. This will make my laptop GPS aware. The supplied software and the accompanying driver makes the USB port a serial port that the software uses to talk to the receiver. I prefer the Bluetooth and the N800.
I ride horses in valleys and tall timber, so far I have not had any problems finding satellites. Very happy with product, but I do not have big requirements.

loki 2007-11-05 18:25

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: i-Blue
MODEL: 747
TYPE: BT GPS & Logger
Works ?: Perfect
Startup Time (avg): 40-60 seconds
Personal Rating: 10/10
Other Comments: Very nice. Associates perfectly (just click scan). Basically perfect, never had to reset BT.
- Built in 16MB memory for saving up to 100.000 gps positions
- MTK high sensitivity chip, last generation mit with very high sensitivity (-158dBm ) and excact position-finding even in complicated terrain (urban canyon)
-fast time-to-first-fix (TTFF) even at signal-weak positions (cold/warm/hot start: 39/36/1 sec)
- rechargeable & changeable batterie (nokia-compatibel)
- very low energy consumption (42mA)
- smart power energy-saving-function allows a working battery time of ca. 25 hours

diver 2007-11-06 00:48

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Navibe
WORKS?: yes
Startup Time (avg): 20~40sec
Personal Rating: 9/10
Other Comments: Removable battery. Paid $40.

pinenuts 2008-01-17 19:11

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
My report:
BRAND: i-Blue
MODEL: 737
WORKS?: perfectly
Startup Time (avg): < 1 min.
Personal Rating: 10/10
Other Comments: Long battery life, Extremely sensitive, Appears to be very well made, comes with home and car charger, reasonable price.

wv9k 2008-01-17 21:12

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...

Originally Posted by pinenuts (Post 129498)
My report:
BRAND: i-Blue
MODEL: 737
WORKS?: perfectly
Startup Time (avg): < 1 min.
Personal Rating: 10/10
Other Comments: Long battery life, Extremely sensitive, Appears to be very well made, comes with home and car charger, reasonable price.

Second that. Fine little device and the price was right too.

L11 2008-01-17 22:30

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
BRAND: Nokia
MODEL: N95 (with extgps application)
WORKS?: Does the job
Startup Time (avg): 1 min
Personal Rating: 7/10
Other Comments: Kind of a waste of time to kill the battery on both of your devices at the same time but was cool to navigate on a larger screen than usual

sgosnell 2008-01-18 01:15

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
F-Tech mini solar. It works on everything I've tried it with, everywhere I've tried it. I've also used a Garmin Legend with a bluetooth adapter from PC-Mobile. That works fine too. I tend to use the F-Tech with my Palm and bring out the Garmin/adapter duo for MM, because I don't really depend on either, but both units work with everything I've tried them with.

gnuite 2008-01-18 18:07

Re: Maemo Mapper : GPS devices that work... or not...
I guess this is as good a thread as any to report that the internal GPS receiver on the N810 works with Maemo Mapper. I don't find the accuracy to be all that good, but it's better than nothing.

To use the internal GPS receiver with Maemo Mapper, be sure to use the "Bluetooth" option on the GPS tab of the Settings dialog. You must leave the corresponding text field blank. (Leaving the field blank causes Maemo to search for all GPS-enabled devices, both internal and via Bluetooth.)

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