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debernardis 2008-07-16 12:55

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
1 Attachment(s)
rlplot is a nice and simple qt application I had been using in the past, and now it's available in debian arm repos. It is good to make publication-quality graphs, i.e. those without that naive spreadsheet quality that doesn't please to peer reviewers :D

Benson 2008-07-18 18:45

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 200951)

Works like a charm; of course, that's either booted or chrooted into a JohnX's-beta-3-derived Debian image.

Screenshots here. :p

So if there's anything I can do to help let me know; you want package listings, config files, or whatever...

qole 2008-07-18 22:52

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 204530)
Works like a charm; of course, that's either booted or chrooted into a JohnX's-beta-3-derived Debian image.

So if there's anything I can do to help let me know; you want package listings, config files, or whatever...

So what we need from you (or someone) is the difference between JohnX's beta3 and my much more basic chroot. As you saw, I had to install all of the Alsa packages, and copy /usr/share/alsa/* to the chroot, and now a very simple one-slider "alsamixer" works in the terminal... It says:

Card: Alsa-DSP external ctl plugin
Chip: ALSA-DSP plugin Mixer
View: ...
Item: PCM
But none of the graphical ones (there are several) I've tried have worked, they all fail with the same complaint about hw:0 not not existing. Is there some higher-level alsa config files that are used by X apps but not by terminal apps?

Looking at your screenshot, that TSC2301 on the mixer tab is very interesting!

That's the touchscreen controller and audio codec chip (specs)! You need to find out how Alsa knows about that, because it isn't mentioned in the alsa.conf files I've seen... Please do some grepping around for "TSC2301" if you can... Also, tell me what your "alsamixer" says your card & chip are.

debernardis 2008-07-19 05:05

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
1 Attachment(s)
I have the JohnX beta 3 rootfs and when starting gnome-alsamixer it reports another hardware, namely TLV320AIC33.
Playing with the sliders I get an amazing volume boost, at the point that speakers distort - and I am scared they get broken!

dcarter 2008-07-19 05:28

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
The Gimp works fine, if you are patient...

Best to keep the image size less than the actual screen resolution, 600x360 or whatever...

It is pretty impressive to have all the tools and plug ins working, distortions and such are fun to screw with the photographed faces of those you loathe.....


qole 2008-07-19 07:32

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 204730)
I have the JohnX beta 3 rootfs and when starting gnome-alsamixer it reports another hardware, namely TLV320AIC33.

Quite the mystery! I wonder if it is an N800 vs N810 thing? I know debernardis has an N810, and I think Benson, like me, has an N800...

debernardis, could you check "alsamixer" from your Debian terminal? What does it report?

debernardis 2008-07-19 07:45

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Here is my output:


AlsaMixer v1.0.16 (Press Escape to quit)]
Card: Alsa-DSP external ctl plugin
Chip: ALSA-DSP plugin Mixer
View: [Playback] Capture  All

Does not seem so helpful uh?

qwerty12 2008-07-19 07:59

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
N800 has a TSC2301 touchscreen
N810 has a TSC2005 touchscreen

Dunno if this helps but it seems that the display is affecting which mixer shows up (as shown by the N800 having TSC2301 as it's mixer)

Not a lot of difference in the drivers actually between the two.

(I need to set up chroot again. ~lart reflashing)

qole 2008-07-20 08:23

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Is it possible that someone could post the Bootable Debian /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?

I think that might be the key...

EDIT: No, poking around in the bootable Debian tarball, I see there's no such file.

But there IS a directory that I can't figure out the source of:

I can't find the files in this directory in any Debian package, nor in our standard tablet files. So where do they come from?

EDIT2: I'm currently exploring the following files:

debernardis 2008-07-20 10:11

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by qole (Post 205008)
I can't find the files in this directory in any Debian package, nor in our standard tablet files. So where do they come from?

This seems part of an alsa-lib package, but not from Debian package repos, but from some rpm - see here.

qole 2008-07-20 10:38

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
1 Attachment(s)

I just installed the alsa sound system in a new chroot. First, I had to install some packages:


apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils libasound2-plugins alsa-oss
Then I downloaded the attachment below, and unzipped it as root from the Debian chroot prompt:


[root@Debian: /]tar xzvf /home/user/MyDocs/alsa-files.tar.gz
That does it.


Ok, the magic seems to happen in two files. The Debian /etc/asound.conf is the same as our maemo /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf, and the /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf is a big file that does some magic stuff that makes things work. I bet it is the default Debian alsa.conf file.

I have attached a tarball of the two files.

Once I copied these files into place, I found I had to issue

/etc/init.d/alsa-utils start
...this made the new config files take effect.

Hoorah. Finally.

EDIT: I have no idea if those mysterious mixer files have anything to do with anything...

Benson 2008-07-21 13:28

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Not sure from your last couple posts if you got this rockin' yet or not, but there's two alsa devices. If I just run alsamixer, I get:
Card: Alsa-DSP external ctl plugin
Chip: ALSA-DSP plugin Mixer
which has only one (PCM) control.
But alsamixer -c0 gives:
Card: OMAP24xx EAC
Chip: TSC2301
which has all the controls, as seen in gnome-alsamixer.
BTW, thanks for the link on the TSC2301; I might actually figure out what soem of the more obscure toggles are. (OT: No luck on that yet, but check p. 71 in the data sheet; we have a hardware equalizer just waiting for IIR coefficients to be loaded into it...)

(For the record:
  • BT+BTM = HSP
  • EACPCM+Headset Amplifier = 1/8" jack
  • EACPCM+Speaker Amplifier = speakers
These all work in any combination, but I'm not sure on the others. I think BTM2PCM routes HSP mic to speakers+1/8" jack...)

qole 2008-07-21 16:33

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Benson: I got it rockin', thanks!

Francisco 2008-07-22 01:12

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Sorry for the newbie question. All I need is a browser with java for access to my home bank. Is this only possible with Qole installation of Debian? Is there a option to have it with Firefox but w/o the OpenOffice and others? Make this a big difference of needed memory?

dan 2008-07-26 01:26

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
newbie at Debian and Linux. I tried to install an app from the Synaptic Package Manager and three quarters of the way through install it stopped. Now when I try to enter Synaptic an error box comes up and says, "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg -- configure -a' to correct the problem."
Now I went to x-term and typed in the run "dpkg --configure -a' to correct problem and I get, "dpkg: parse error, in file /var/Lib/dpkg/updates/0107' near line 1: newline in field name '#padding'.
I don't know what to do with those instructions. How do I fix this because I can't get into Synaptic. Any help, advise or tips would be greatly apreciated. Thanks, Dan

Benson 2008-07-26 01:33

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Well, only thing I know is to go hack /var/lib/dpkg/updates/0107 with a text editor. Try to fix whatever's wrong with it with...

I'm not strong on Debian packaging, and never saw nothin' like that, so good luck. :/

dan 2008-07-26 07:06

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
when I do the /var/lib/... I now get a permission denied.
How do I get permission to get into this file and look for #padding?
Everything else works. Is there a way to undo the dpkg I was trying to install?
I'm actually learning quite a bit.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.

qole 2008-07-26 08:20

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
are you editing the file as root?

also, try apt-get remove <package>

what package is broken?

Perhaps, you may have some filesystem damage, you would need to reboot and try fsck.

Apt / dpkg is great when it works, but when it breaks like this it can be a real mess to get it working again...

dan 2008-07-26 17:03

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
yes I'm in root.
I have been reading several threads on Debian forums and it seems to be a common problem with Synaptic not properly downloading the package. The recommend fix is to go into the line and delete the word on the line( in this case #padding). Problem is I get a 'permission denied'. I just noticed I can only access ROXTERM and not x-terminal.
If worse comes to worse how do I remove Debian and re-install. My fear is that the corrupted download file will mess up new Debian install.
Any thoughts, ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Dan

edit: uninstalled debian and reinstalled.

Benson 2008-07-28 20:29

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
2 Attachment(s)
Note the statusbar icon, and the popup menu from it. (Clicking the icon toggles the window into/out of existence. Right-clicking (long-hold) pops up the menu, and (wrongly) also toggles the window.)

b-man 2008-07-29 02:23

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Looks pritty cool, could you provide some information on how you did this?, i would love to try this out:).

dan 2008-07-29 13:33

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Debian is an awesome addition to NIT.
Anyone encounter the following error when using Synaptic manager to load an app.
It says I've run out of space on my devise and can't load app.
I have over 20gb on that card!
I'm on a trip so I can't read several hundred posts on my N800 to see if this has been addressed. TIA, Dan

Benson 2008-07-29 13:48

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by b-man (Post 208047)
Looks pritty cool, could you provide some information on how you did this?, i would love to try this out:).

Me? Just:

debbie gmpc
Obviously, you need a Debian chroot environment with gmpc installed. Beta3-based here, but you should be able to make things rock with Beta4.

b-man 2008-07-29 14:06

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Thanks, i kinda figured that you needed to do that :P.

qole 2008-07-29 16:47

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Does gmpc need mpd? If so, that'll be a problem for anyone using our stock chroot scripts...

Benson 2008-07-29 16:54

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Well, it connects to an mpd. But you'd typically use it as a remote control (over wifi) for your media machine running mpd, or (atypically) run mpd under Diablo (like me), and then either maemo or chroot apps can connect and control it. Using the Debian mpd inside the chroot would be basically pointless.

fatalsaint 2008-07-29 16:54

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by qole (Post 208288)
Does gmpc need mpd? If so, that'll be a problem for anyone using our stock chroot scripts...

I had that working with bootable debian beta3.. I had to remove your copy commands that overwrote the passwd and group files.. beta3's passwd file was so similar that there was no issues I ran into with not copying over the stock passwd file and keeping the mpd user.

Everything worked great for me. Beta4 will be a different story...

qole 2008-07-29 17:01

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 208292)
Using the Debian mpd inside the chroot would be basically pointless.

Why? Your mmc cards are visible in the chroot...

I have tried a handful of XMMS2 clients and various other Debian media players, all of them have performance issues. So far nothing compares with maemo XMMS for performance...

Benson 2008-07-29 17:04

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Yeah, but why run daemons from chroot (not necessarily available at boot, and blocks you from unmounting the card) when you've got the same thing already built for Maemo?

Not that you can't do it, but for mpd, I think it's pointless. For something else where there's no Maemo build, it could make sense.

qole 2008-07-29 17:58

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Just a note, I posted simple instructions for getting Alsa (sound) working in a Debian install that has no support yet (like the chroot image) in this post.

debernardis 2008-07-30 05:02

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
The latest update/upgrade of my debian chroot brought Abiword 2.6.4 (we had 2.4.6 before). This seems quite an advancement - Qole you should consider updating the big rootfs! :-)

b-man 2008-07-30 12:37

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Has enyone got emelfm working? when i try to install it i get the following:

user@Nokia-N800-23-14:/# apt-get -f install emelfm
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package emelfm is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package emelfm has no installation candidate

As you can see, it is having problems because the package is unavailable or obso
lete in the sorce that it is trying to obtain it from. Perhaps i need to add a url in my /etc/apt/sorces.list?, ware can i obtain this?

I have wierless working and am planning to get a usable bluetooth manager up and running:D

fatalsaint 2008-07-30 14:00

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
What is your issues with bluetooth??

apt-get install bluetooth gnome-bluetooth bluez-gnome

gave me everything I need.. launch gnome-obex-server as user and it gives you a little bluetooth icon in your tray and will accept incoming OBEX transfers.. there is some command line send ones I haven't tried yet.. but I've gotten up to the point of pairing it with my phone and setup wvdial for DUN.. but I never actually ran wvdial and tethered to the phone just configured it.. (this was in beta3.. though everything still appears to function fine in beta4).

Looks like EmelFM is in the Sarge and Etch repo's.. we have SID.. .. you might try one of those.. download from the website and run a dpkg -i; if it needs dependencies it'll complain but a simple apt-get -f install should grab them and finish setting up the package.. I have to do this kind of thing all day at work :D. This is how I know OBEX transfers are working in beta4 :)

Right now my biggest hurdle is sound =-\.. my beta4 installations keep dying at the n810-keyboard package.. even though it's in the nit-base-packages it is still not building into a .deb and so the repository is not seeing it.. thus crashing my install. I have to manually finish by building the n810 package; install nit-env-x; install icewm; reconfigure dpkg; and set my root passwd...

And apparantly I need to manually configure my sound.. but the .conf files provided by qole aren't working.. and find /dev -group audio only produces 3 devices.. /dev/mixer, /dev/snd/controlC0, and /dev/input/event3... but no /dev/dsp.. so mpd keeps failing to find the audio device.

fatalsaint 2008-07-30 14:19

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Another option for you:


You can try the latest Ubuntu ones, or compile from source:

b-man 2008-07-30 14:26

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Thanks, now about your keyboard problem, do you have a deb called "n810-slideout-kbd-xmodmap-1.1-2.deb" in your nit-repository? If not, i could send mine to you using rapidshare, would that help?

fatalsaint 2008-07-30 14:34

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by b-man (Post 208597)
Thanks, now about your keyboard problem, do you have a deb called "n810-slideout-kbd-xmodmap-1.1-2.deb" in your nit-repository? If not, i could send mine to you using rapidshare, would that help?

Nono.. my keyboard is working.. but that package n810-slideout-kbd-xmodmap.. for whatever reason.. is not installing when I run the installer.


format the partition, tell it to go to svn, it downloads everything (including the source for that package), installs the basic framework of an OS.. and then tries to install nit-env-x but the crashes says it depends on n810-slideout-kbd-xmodmap but it is not to be installed.

So when I go look.. there is no n810-slideout-kbd-xmodmap in my nit-repository/binary directory.. but there IS the source/base for it in the nit-base-packages... so I have to go in there, dpkg-deb --build n810-slideout-kbd-xmodmap.. which builds it just fine, dpkg -i that file, and then apt-get install nit-env-x. But I can't get the installer to just pickup where it left off.. since it died it's done.. if I just restart it it'll get to the point where it tries to download from SVN and die saying nit-base-packages already exists. So I have to basically continue building my base from there. Which isn't hard.. like I said; once you load nit-env-(whatever) it brings down a TON of dependencies, including most of the nit-packages.. you have to set your own root password, and you have to reconfigure dpkg because it was disabled during the install (to disable services, every time you do a /etc/init.d/(service) restart it says it's a fake package.. thus if you boot with this almost nothing works.)

After that your Debian works... The very first time I loaded beta4 I did not have this problem with then n810 keyboard package.. so I don't know if something is remaining on my deletions that are confusing it.. or if something changed in the SVN that broke it... The only difference is the very first time I used the xfce4 default one.. now I am using the basic barebones X package because I want to use IceWM.. not XFCE.

qole 2008-08-03 20:12

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
I am surprised to say that Debian Iceweasel works quite well, once you tweak it a bit.
I found that I need:
  • Debian running in a partition (not the image file, this is too slow)
  • GTK stylus right-click set on
  • powerlaunch fullscreen hack
  • powerlaunch matchbox-keyboard hack (matchbox-keyboard doesn"t seem to have an apostrophe, however!)
  • Toolbar set to small icons, bookmark bar "off"
  • Adblock+ (maybe use css instead for more speed?)

The Transmission bittorrent client (transmission-gtk package) seems to work well with OS2008 with GTK stylus right-click and Iceweasel...

dan 2008-08-05 07:22

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets
Two great apps for Easy Debian if you get a message when adding an app through Synaptic manager that says 'not enough memory in storage device' or if you get a message 'app did not load properly' get the following two apps GTKOrphan and Wajig. Both have GUI but in Wajig you will need to be Chroot and type 'gjig' to get the GUI and for 'GTKorphan type 'gtkorphan'. Wajig might also require you to install 'Python-glade2' and 'Python-gnome2'. They both help remove 'Orphan apps' and boy does debian leave 'Orphan Apps'( my N800 had 4gb after just 6 app installs! ). Also look for two apps 'gnome-mount' and 'Hal' in 'Not installed(residual config)' on left side of Synaptic manager. Remove them and it should clear up more error install messages. Also do 'apt-get autoclean', 'apt-get update' and in Synaptic manager 'Reload'. One last thing when you do 'Reload' in Synaptic manager if you get an error redo until it reloads properly. If you leave Synaptic manager without a proper reload good luck next time you go into Synaptic manager and try to install another app.

Qole I hope all future environments of full Debian, KDE, Android, etc... are done your Easy Debian Chroot way. I love having the environment in a window where I can still access my Hildon desktop on the left side and I can see my clock and wifi on the top and still go full screen. IMHO it is better than going into a whole other environment and then exiting to get back to Hildon desktop.

I can't seem to load 'Iceweasel Web Browser' from Extra menu! I've done nine fresh installs on two cards and it has never worked. Did I miss something in the Install process. :(

Also any easy way to add more Debian apps to Extra menu so I can have them in a window like Synaptic manager?

fatalsaint 2008-08-05 22:58

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by dan (Post 210309)
I can't seem to load 'Iceweasel Web Browser' from Extra menu! I've done nine fresh installs on two cards and it has never worked. Did I miss something in the Install process. :(

Also any easy way to add more Debian apps to Extra menu so I can have them in a window like Synaptic manager?
Personal Menu.. Create New Item.. "debbie application".

Or for root: "sudo debian application".

If they absolutely have to be in the "extras" menu.. open a terminal:
as root

cp /usr/share/applications/hildon/ooo.desktop /usr/share/applications/hildon/mynewapp.desktop
vi /usr/share/applications/hildon/mynewapp.desktop

Change to something like

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=debbie application
Icon=<find an icon, or leave it to be Open Office's>

Leave the rest as is.. I don't know of any "easy" way to add items to the default maemo menu.. just Personal Launcher.. it's much easier.

qole 2008-08-05 23:23

Re: Debian Apps That Run Well On The Tablets

Originally Posted by dan (Post 210309)
I can't seem to load 'Iceweasel Web Browser' from Extra menu! I've done nine fresh installs on two cards and it has never worked. Did I miss something in the Install process. :(


Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 210588)

The upshot of that post is that, until the "debbie" script is fixed (or I give up waiting for a fix and change the menu item in the package), you need to change your iceweasel menu item (edit /usr/share/applications/hildon/iceweasel.desktop as root) so that the "Exec=" line says

Exec=sudo debian hilda iceweasel
NOT "Exec=debbie iceweasel"

Sorry for the broken menu item!

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