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tso 2008-09-10 17:03

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by BoxOfSnoo (Post 222735)
I wonder if iTunes will come up with a way to sync over wifi - even to a non-iPod. That would (literally) rock.

not likely, as it acts as a valueadder for both the ipods and itunes they (almost) only interact with each other.

brontide 2008-09-10 17:07

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by coffeedrinker (Post 222734)
Well, when I consider why I bought an n800 it was:

web browsing
instant messaging

Many of the other things it can do are added value to me (I do like having a mini-computer with me to run my own software on).

However, with the iTouch now having mic and etc. it now can do what I wanted in my n800 and if I were choosing today between the two the new (not previous) iTouch would win out.

iPod Touch ( Official Firmware )

1) Web browsing: Prone to loss of JS data entered into the page if you navigate to another part of the OS
2) No IM client if you are not running the IM client ( you go offline as soon as you do anything else )
3) VoIP.... still no VoIP client and even if there was you could not receive a call on the go if you were not running the VoIP client.

Traecer 2008-09-10 17:10

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by AstroGuy (Post 222533)
I'm not much of a video gamer, so the new touch just makes me yawn.
For me, it's the built in keyboard that makes the N810 so useful. I don't see the touch ever having one, so I'll never pay for one.

That describes my reaction almost perfectly. The iPod touch doesn't have any SD card slots (micro or otherwise); therefore, I can't use it to work with photos from my camera, therefore it's useless to me. I'm never going to claim that the iPhone/iPod touch aren't slick, slick devices that do lots of cool things. But they don't yet do the things *I* want to why would I buy it?

Laughing Man 2008-09-10 18:44

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by brontide (Post 222742)
iPod Touch ( Official Firmware )

1) Web browsing: Prone to loss of JS data entered into the page if you navigate to another part of the OS
2) No IM client if you are not running the IM client ( you go offline as soon as you do anything else )
3) VoIP.... still no VoIP client and even if there was you could not receive a call on the go if you were not running the VoIP client.

I think once Apple enables push notifications the IM won't be a problem (well as much) anymore.

I thought there were VOIP clients? Well I guess worse comes to worse you could always jailbreak it.


The utility of mobile devices is inversely proportional to how stable and how long things take to work.
True. I guess the key phrase is how long it takes things work (which would also imply how you want it to work). I'm not saying iTunes doesn't work. For what it does as a media player, it works pretty well (if not perfect for most people). Though whenever I've experimented with it, I never liked it. And the computers I ran it on were by no means sluggish. (Dual Core CPUs, 2+ GBs of RAM). It just doesn't work for me :P (if that makes any sense).


Yeah, that would never happen sadly. iTunes works because Apple has control from the software to the hardware (iPods and what not).

CleverJake 2008-09-10 21:33

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 222577)
May be the ipod is such a big hit despite its inadequacies in the US and maybe the Uk.... But in most developing nations....the most popular mp3 player is the nokia phones...

Just because apple is big in the US does not mean that it is the only thing used in the entire world.

This is a common mistake made by americans ..... they think whatever is popular in the US is popular in the entire world.

Very true that it isnt as popular in alot of countries, but if you look at hte ratio of people with pmps (ipods, cells, or otherwise) to people whose pmps are ipods, its alot closer than any other compeditor

alot of countries dont use the ipod as much
but there are not nearly as many people in those countries with them as in the US, UK and other "first" worlds

Scarflash 2008-09-10 21:50

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch
omfg!!!this new iPod has all the things i've wanted.!!!

brontide 2008-09-11 13:25

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch
The iPod Touch has the hardware for bluetooth, but unfortunately not the software. It's probably being used to support the Nike+ integration.

If you pair it with a phone and a GPS receiver I would get it.

prk60091 2008-09-11 14:19

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by brontide (Post 223007)
The iPod Touch has the hardware for bluetooth, but unfortunately not the software. It's probably being used to support the Nike+ integration.

If you pair it with a phone and a GPS receiver I would get it.

me too! (has it been jailbroken to allow phone pairing yet?- i did a google search last nite and could not find a thing about it) i am a gadget geek and my birthday is coming up- need i say more

brontide 2008-09-11 14:22

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by prk60091 (Post 223019)
me too! (has it been jailbroken to allow phone pairing yet?- i did a google search last nite and could not find a thing about it) i am a gadget geek and my birthday is coming up- need i say more

No pairing... the low lever drivers are not there. The chip itself *can* do it but there are no drivers or BT stack yet. I doubt something that big would get released before we see iPod Touch v3.

tso 2008-09-11 17:01

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by brontide (Post 223007)
The iPod Touch has the hardware for bluetooth, but unfortunately not the software. It's probably being used to support the Nike+ integration.

so your saying that the new touch model has bluetooth hidden under its shell? link please...

coffeedrinker 2008-09-11 17:57

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch
itouch bluetooth hardware link:

tso 2008-09-11 18:12

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch
hmm, now thats a interesting development.

question is, will apple make use of it...

if they give the touch the ability to use AD2P and possibly tethering, it may well cut into the sale of iphones...

Laughing Man 2008-09-11 19:33

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch
Is it bluetooth? I read it as part of Nike's special chipset (they have a 2.4 Ghz signal that's similar to bluetooth but not actually bluetooth).

brontide 2008-09-11 19:51

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 223160)
Is it bluetooth? I read it as part of Nike's special chipset (they have a 2.4 Ghz signal that's similar to bluetooth but not actually bluetooth).

The chip is commonly used as BT2.0 EDR as well as WiFi, ANT ( Nike ), and a bunch more. In this case the firmware has Nike and WiFi support, but no BT.

Laughing Man 2008-09-11 19:57

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch
Ah ok, so to get BT support, Apple would have to add it to their firmware.

tso 2008-09-11 20:55

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 223168)
Ah ok, so to get BT support, Apple would have to add it to their firmware.

or someone would have to hack/crack/whatever that firmware and add it that way...

Benson 2008-09-11 22:59

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch
Best hope in that line probably lies with iPhone Linux. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

coffeedrinker 2008-09-12 22:00

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch
Another bad thing about the iTouch is no file system. Apparently, you cannot store any files on it, such as pdf files or use space as a usb flash drive. That certainly does limit a lot of usefulness of the device.

Wes Doobner 2008-09-12 22:50

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by prk60091 (Post 222668)
the NIT wont get "popular" until it is as easy as ubuntu/ipod----in my opinion.

Ubuntu... easy?... uh yeah OK if you say so...

prk60091 2008-09-13 01:30

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by Wes Doobner (Post 223457)
Ubuntu... easy?... uh yeah OK if you say so...

it is a lot easier than lets say any cli version of *nix

iambof 2008-09-16 03:06

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by coffeedrinker (Post 223447)
Apparently, you cannot store any files on it, such as pdf files or use space as a usb flash drive. That certainly does limit a lot of usefulness of the device.

Wrong there bud.

You can opt to use it as a flash drive thro iTunes like other iPods plus manually add or manage your stuff on it. Also if you have attachments included with emails like MS Word documents the Touch will open them no problem.

tso 2008-09-16 05:24

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch
but can you access items stored on the ipod from say third party apps?

brontide 2008-09-16 12:19

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by iambof (Post 224245)
You can opt to use it as a flash drive thro iTunes like other iPods plus manually add or manage your stuff on it. Also if you have attachments included with emails like MS Word documents the Touch will open them no problem.

Last I checked the iPod Touch, and iPhone could not be used as a "mass storage device" or "Disk mode". So while you can manually manage the iTunes collection on the device you can not use it for arbitrary storage. There are some apps that give you the ability to store some files and jailbreaking will give you ssh access, but neither of those is like the way all other iPods before worked.

iambof 2008-09-16 16:19

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by brontide (Post 224293)
Last I checked the iPod Touch, and iPhone could not be used as a "mass storage device" or "Disk mode". So while you can manually manage the iTunes collection on the device you can not use it for arbitrary storage. There are some apps that give you the ability to store some files and jailbreaking will give you ssh access, but neither of those is like the way all other iPods before worked.

So you've actually done this with your Touch on your PC using your iTunes then? If so I stand corrected and must be losing it cos I'm sure I did it the other day. Oh well my mistake. :confused:

coffeedrinker 2008-09-16 17:12

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch
Well, I don't have an iTouch so I haven't tried it myself but my friend's son has one and that is what he told me in the context of discussing my n800 and the iTouch. I was talking to him about how I've stored a lot of pdf files and such that I can load and view as I need them. He told me that you could not do that on the iTouch.

If someone wishes to send me and iTouch to review and keep, I'll straighten you all out :)

iambof 2008-09-16 18:08

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch

Originally Posted by coffeedrinker (Post 224349)
If someone wishes to send me and iTouch to review and keep, I'll straighten you all out :)

Hey good idea. Count me in on that one too! :D

coffeedrinker 2008-09-17 02:32

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch
Well, my friend just gave me an iTouch (last version though). So I'll investigate a bit. No internal speaker, no mic but hey!

bof, hope you get yours now

coffeedrinker 2008-09-17 14:23

Re: iPod Let's Rock Event - UPdates to nano and touch
You CANNOT use the iTouch as a mass storage device like other iPods.

BUT there is an app called Air Sharing that lets you mount the iTouch as a network volume to add stuff. From that I successfully put some pdf files on it and accessed them without problem.

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