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benohit 2008-12-10 15:27

Re: Web server with PHP support or a way to run Dokuwiki locally
oh damn !

How you can solve your "out of space on device" error :
in chrooted debian, uninstall openoffice and/or gimp and/or firefox :

# apt-get remove --purge openoffice* gimp* firefox*

it will provide you a lot of more space !

speculatrix 2008-12-20 00:32

Re: Web server with PHP support or a way to run Dokuwiki locally
who needs apache or tinyhttpd or whatever when you can write a web server in shell script! Ok, I don't mean to brag, but really, it's easy, and only needs a few dozen lines:

(read on for why it's a cheat)

T3rmInAt0r 2009-01-20 23:55

Re: Web server with PHP support or a way to run Dokuwiki locally

Originally Posted by benohit (Post 247049)
Ok, i just come in this thread.

I tested php5 + nginx + sqlite in native Maemo environment, but that wasn' sufficient for me.

I think php5-cgi package with mysql support would be very nice...
But i really needed a lamp server running on my N810, as a webdev.

As an alternative, i installed :
- easy debian turbo-charged edition
- in the chroot environment, i installed package "phpmyadmin"
#apt-get install phpmyadmin
which installed all needed stuff : apache2+php5+mysql.

So i run the servers after chrooting each time i restart (twice a month) my tablet :
- /etc/init.d/apache2 start
- /etc/init.d/mysql start

And, when i'm back in microb, browing this works !!!
could install typo3 for example.

I know it's quite "huge" but i don't have big slowness.
Having a such environment (php5 mysql support) would be nice, even with lighttpd or nginx, but i couldn't find how to cross-compile php5 on Maemo OS2008...

You can compile with Maemo SDK , you need the php5-mysql from the debian.packages as source code. That's all I know until now. If you manage anything let me know. I am interested in this too!!!

step-hen 2009-05-04 04:30

Re: Web server with PHP support or a way to run Dokuwiki locally
Thanks, jolouis! The lightweight web server is very useful.

However, I also want to use mysql in my N810.
Is it possible to include mysql support in your lighttpWeb_0.1.0_armel.deb package ?

Thankyou !

Daneel 2011-05-09 04:32

Re: Web server with PHP support or a way to run Dokuwiki locally
I second that request :) Is there another option aside from easy debian to get php and mysql running on maemo?
The php packages in the repo install on.y the configuration files and not the needed modules:, etc


AndrewX192 2011-05-09 05:12

Re: Web server with PHP support or a way to run Dokuwiki locally

Originally Posted by Daneel (Post 1002493)
I second that request :) Is there another option aside from easy debian to get php and mysql running on maemo?
The php packages in the repo install on.y the configuration files and not the needed modules:, etc


There is an easydebian image, complete with Apache, Mysql and PHP.
More details at

Daneel 2011-05-09 05:26

Re: Web server with PHP support or a way to run Dokuwiki locally

Originally Posted by AndrewX192 (Post 1002501)
There is an easydebian image, complete with Apache, Mysql and PHP.
More details at

Yes, i have already checked out your image Andrew, it is my last resort option since i know it works, really nice job.
I was hoping somene managed to do it without easy debian since i'd like to save some space.


Daneel 2011-05-10 02:29

Re: Web server with PHP support or a way to run Dokuwiki locally
Well, i bit the bullet and installed easy debian and Andrews image, i really don't know why i didn't do it before :)

Thanks qole and and AndrewX192!

orlandohc 2014-06-13 05:34

Re: Web server with PHP support or a way to run Dokuwiki locally

Originally Posted by jolouis (Post 235084)
Sorry to be so long with this one guys, I got caught up with things at the end of the week there. Anyways, I thought the easiest thing to do right now is just one deb that contains both PHP and Lighttpd, already configured for each other and ready to go:

I make no guarantees as to compatibility/etc beyond being a webserver with PHP running, but if there are things that need to be tweaked/etc I'm open to doing some recompiling again. The package is quite big (about 10 mb when installed), with the vast majority of that being the PHP binary itself. I noticed that there had been requests for gzip support, and somebody mentioned SQLite, so I've included both those modules which in turn required a few other bits which makes PHP grow in filesize. Anyways, details:
This package contains:
- PHP 5.2.5 CGI
- Built in support for: SimpleXML, sessions, PDO, SQLite
- Modules included for: FTP, pcntl (Process control), Sockets, XML, zlib (gzip, etc)

- Lighttpd (latest version, the number escapes me at the moment)
- Modules for: Authentication, Aliases, CGI

Tested working on Diablo, it's very easy. Simply click the link, wait for application manager to open and install. Once done the webserver will be up and running, configured to start automatically at boot/etc. After closing app manager simply open the browser and type in the address:

If all works, you should get a nice PHP info page that gives you all the pretty details of your new Lighttpd/PHP install. The server is setup to store all files in /wwwPHP, so if you want to use a different storage folder either create a symlink, or edit the Lighttpd/PHP config files to change the path.

As for compiling on the tablets, I believe there's a development tools package up on one of the repositories now, but when I installed the build tools I just did a search of ITT here for "compile on device" and came across the step by step instructions as a thread somewhere...

Feedback/requests for change/etc are welcome of course :o)

And qole suggested, a complete package including SQLite would be pretty straight forward, it just requires SQLite to be added to what I've got right now... so if there's interest as long as it compiles without too much hassle I could probably toss that together...


Hi, thank you very much for this tutorial, it works awesome, really thank you, just one question.. whats the phat to modify httpd.conf file or the phat to edit wwwPHP root folder?

Greetings from México.

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