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VDVsx 2008-10-19 10:15

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Does anybody test the app in other device than the n810, and other OS than the OS2008 ?

nikolajhendel 2008-10-19 10:19

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
just installed on my n800 (os2008 latest) - works fine.

Bundyo 2008-10-19 10:44

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I'm with N800 too. Diablo. Works.

mdky 2008-10-19 10:48

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
bluemaemo works fine on my n800 with vista ,but can't use under my os x.
Can this app work with Mac OS?

VDVsx 2008-10-19 10:50

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by mdky (Post 234760)
bluemaemo works fine on my n800 with vista ,but can't use under my os x.
Can this app work with Mac OS?

I don't know never test it, what problem do you got on OSX ?

tso 2008-10-19 10:52

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 234748)
The scroll sensitivity can be increased if you increase the value on the settings profile (0- very sensitive, 1- less sensitive ....).

heh, i would say that is a bit counter-intuitive as i expected the sensitivity to decrease as the number decreased...


I probably can add the multimedia keys, but I need some help from someone with a bluetooth keyboard with those keys.
sadly i cant help there :(


About the dependencies, the UI is made using Python-EFL, so request all the python-efl packages nothing else:D, when the app are a little more stable, and I get permission to upload the app to the extras-repo, the installation will be a lot easier.
ok, looking forward to that. i just found it funny that app manager would complain about the deps when canola was not installed...

i guess i should add that im using a N800 running diablo with latest ssu.

oh, and im testing this with windows at the moment, and it seems that windows wont reconnect if i close down bluemaemo. it just sits there, waiting for connection...

mdky 2008-10-19 11:05

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 234761)
I don't know never test it, what problem do you got on OSX ?

Mac can pair n800,and in 'Bluetooth Preference', it shows n800's info like this 'Type : Combo,Services : BlueZ HID mouse & Keyboard OBEX Object Push,Paired : Yes'.But after I connected n800 and Mac show N800 was connected,bluemaemo is still 'waiting for connection...'.
is there someone else get this problem?

VDVsx 2008-10-19 11:11

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by tso (Post 234762)
oh, and im testing this with windows at the moment, and it seems that windows wont reconnect if i close down bluemaemo. it just sits there, waiting for connection...

The reconnect stuff is not implemented yet. You have to open BlueMaemo again and in windows choose connect to device.

VDVsx 2008-10-19 11:13

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by mdky (Post 234764)
Mac can pair n800,and in 'Bluetooth Preference', it shows n800's info like this 'Type : Combo,Services : BlueZ HID mouse & Keyboard OBEX Object Push,Paired : Yes'.But after I connected n800 and Mac show N800 was connected,bluemaemo is still 'waiting for connection...'.
is there someone else get this problem?

Try to connect the device a second time after the pair process.
Start BlueMaemo, in the mac BT setting choose connect to a BT keyboard (the already paired n800 should be shown).

mdky 2008-10-19 11:35

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 234767)
Try to connect the device a second time after the pair process.
Start BlueMaemo, in the mac BT setting choose connect to a BT keyboard (the already paired n800 should be shown).

Thank you for help.
But it's still not working.In the mac BT setting,it shows 'No Keyboard have been found.Please bla bla bla ...'

Felixx 2008-10-19 11:41

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I have the same issue connecting to my OS X Leopard macbook

VDVsx 2008-10-19 11:42

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by mdky (Post 234773)
Thank you for help.
But it's still not working.In the mac BT setting,it shows 'No Keyboard have been found.Please bla bla bla ...'

This is strange, the system sees the keyboard profile in the pairing process and don't see it in the connecting process. I will try to debug this issue, when I get my hands on a friend's Mac.

mdky 2008-10-19 11:48

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
OK.Thanks again for the great APP!

Felixx 2008-10-19 12:22

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
As far as I know you can't send files from the n8*0 to the mac and back via bluetooth, so that might be related.

tso 2008-10-19 12:25

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 234766)
The reconnect stuff is not implemented yet. You have to open BlueMaemo again and in windows choose connect to device.

ok i got to ask a silly question, where do i find that "connect to device" option?

Snoshrk 2008-10-19 12:53

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
You have just increased the usefulness of my 800 by a factor of (insert Very large number here) :D

Thank You

btw: post entered from across the room...:cool:


dzahariev 2008-10-19 12:55

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 234715)
They are in Diablo Extras, but maybe the requirements are for specific newer versions which can be in extras-devel...

BTW, A key assignment dialog like in CompizConfig Settings Manager (of course modified to fit the efl keyboard (and with added F? keys)) will be great :).

unfortunately the problem with installation on devices were Canola or Carman are not installer still is not solved.
When I try to install Canola I get that all dependencies are fine and these versions will be installed:

efl-core (
python2.5-efl-core (
python2.5-ecore (0.3.0+svn36098-maemo2)
python2.5-edbus (0.3.0+svn36098-maemo1)
python2.5-evas (
python2.5-edje (0.3.0+svn36098-maemo3)

And there is no missing packages and obviously these are available through someone of my exiting repositories.
But ...
when I try to install BlueMaemo directly from your site (or downloaded local copy of it) I get that there have Problems with installation - Application packages missing:

I think that package dependency definition is somehow wrong. Can someone more familiar with debian packaging system to comment what the problem can be and to help with solving it?

Thank you and regards

VDVsx 2008-10-19 12:57

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by tso (Post 234783)
ok i got to ask a silly question, where do i find that "connect to device" option?

As far I remember, I click in the bluetooth icon in the tray, choose "Show Bluetooth devices" and them click in my device and some options appear, one of them are connect.
I'm not sure about that, I don't have access to windows right now.

zok 2008-10-19 12:59

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 234753)
Does anybody test the app in other device than the n810, and other OS than the OS2008 ?

In my setting (Xubuntu with 2.6.24 kernel, N800 with OS2008, more or less the standard repositories and software on both devices), there were no problems whatsoever. The installation was straightforward.

Afterwards no settings at all (!) were needed to get it work, neither on the desktop nor on the N800 side. It worked as a charm.

Mouse and keyboard functions are excellent, I like the media button very much. It took only a couple of minutes to set amarok and kaffeine to respond to the play/pause and other buttons in bluemaemo.

A couple of suggestions for the future releases:
- Alt, Ctrl and Tab keys on the keyboard.
- Configurable buttons Zoom -/Full screen/Zoom + on the N8*0-side, it would be nice if users could map the keystrokes they find most usable in their context.
- I would also like to see what a media player is currently playing and what its status is. I know this might be difficult because there are so many media players out there, but a couple of standard players (amarok is hopefully one of them :) ) could perhaps be implemented.
- As someone already mentioned, non-US keyboard mappings would also be nice.

Thanks a lot for this app, I was indeed excited when I saw how good it works. For me bluemaemo is on par with these other great maemo applications like maemo mapper or canola.

VDVsx 2008-10-19 13:16

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by zok (Post 234790)

A couple of suggestions for the future releases:
- Alt, Ctrl and Tab keys on the keyboard.

This was already planned, the virtual keyboard is a little bit limited right now, the n810 hw keyboard allow more keys combinations.

Originally Posted by zok (Post 234790)
- Configurable buttons Zoom -/Full screen/Zoom + on the N8*0-side, it would be nice if users could map the keystrokes they find most usable in their context.

Great suggestion, added to features requests page.

Originally Posted by zok (Post 234790)
- I would also like to see what a media player is currently playing and what its status is. I know this might be difficult because there are so many media players out there, but a couple of standard players (amarok is hopefully one of them :) ) could perhaps be implemented.

This feature isn't supported trough the HID BT profile, it will probably broke the app compatibility with other OS's

Originally Posted by zok (Post 234790)
- As someone already mentioned, non-US keyboard mappings would also be nice.

This was already planned too.

Thanks for the suggestions.

steelmaverick 2008-10-19 15:27

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Anyone got the repo problem fixed? I searched around hoping to find debs for the dependencies, but I couldn't find any.

Laughing Man 2008-10-19 15:27

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 234745)
Did you try to run 'kinputwizard' in a terminal ? It exists by default in my ubuntu hardy.

Command not found, it's not in synaptic either. Judging by the whole k in front if it, it's likely from KDE.

I've also tried it in Windows Vista, it connects fine with the HIDD profile, and bluemaemo will show it's connected, but it oddly won't transfer anything (i press G on the keyboard in tablet and nothing shows up in Vista). It also disconnects frequently.

Maybe it's because I'm not using the default Microsoft bluetooth stack. Gotta figure out how to revert to it (I installed some other bluetooth device drivers/software to get Wiimote compatibility).

Edit: Installing KDE bluetooth.

allnameswereout 2008-10-19 15:38

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by gemniii42 (Post 234628)
Look at the video.

Ah neat, I didn't see. This allows for remote control on devices which don't run RDP server, SSH server, NX server, VNC server(, and so on).

Connect laptop to TV. Watch movie. Use NIT to control remote while lying on the couch.

Listen to music in bed on computer. Use NIT to control remote, and eventually shut it down.

Heck, or presentations.

Something else. Could someone make a video with this controlling Fennec on a remote machine? Or try this out? I bet the performance is then acceptable, and one can try Fennec out much easier. On the video using the small scrollbar seems quite unpleasant.

steelmaverick 2008-10-19 16:32

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
It seems that the dependency problem is fixed by merely installing Canola2. So if you're experiencing that problem, just go ahead and install the canola repo and canola itself.

qole 2008-10-19 16:42

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 234825)
Something else. Could someone make a video with this controlling Fennec on a remote machine? Or try this out? I bet the performance is then acceptable, and one can try Fennec out much easier. On the video using the small scrollbar seems quite unpleasant.

allnameswereout: I still don't think you get it. This turns your N8*0 into a bluetooth input device (keyboard / mouse) for a bluetooth-enabled PC. This isn't a replacement for VNC; you don't see the remote desktop on your tablet or anything...

Bundyo 2008-10-19 16:48

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by steelmaverick (Post 234837)
It seems that the dependency problem is fixed by merely installing Canola2. So if you're experiencing that problem, just go ahead and install the canola repo and canola itself.

Its not a dependency problem, just AFAIR the Application Manager doesn't resolve dependencies for debs that are not in a repo.

steelmaverick 2008-10-19 17:13

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Ok, I have it installed so far, but now I am experiencing other problems.

Here is my command line output (from PC, Ubuntu Hardy)

david@david-laptop:~$ hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:19:4F:DB:07:CA Nokia N800
00:1E:A3:8C:E2:37 Nokia 6555b
david@david-laptop:~$ sudo hidd -connect 00:19:4F:DB:07:CA
Can't get device information: Host is down

I also can't pair my N800 to the PC, it fails before I even get a chance to put in the PIN. In fact, it doesn't even show the PIN. Attempting to pair from my PC to the N800 also fails..

Looks like I have a bluetooth problem. I can pair my phone to my PC and N800 just fine.

UPDATE: Apparently the pairing problem is fixed. I had a default pincode set up in hcid,conf, when I set my N800 to use that it paired instantly.

UPDATE 2: Still doesnt work, N800 can be paired now, but I can't browse the device via bluetooth, neither can I get bluemaemo to work.

Update 3: Just tested in Windows Vista, same hardware, works like a charm. But I use Ubuntu way more often, so it looks like I'm having a problem there.

UPDATE 4: WTF!? I changed -connect to --connect and it worked. O.o

fpp 2008-10-19 17:27

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by VDVsx (Post 234753)
Does anybody test the app in other device than the n810, and other OS than the OS2008 ?

I have it on N800 running Diablo, and N810 running Chinook. Installed without problems, as both already had Canola.

Tested on a Windows XP laptop (MS BT stack), works like a charm !

The presentation mode is kickass... too bad it didn't come out a week earlier, I could have flaunted it before a 50+ crowd :-)

Thanks for a great app !

The only disappointment is that it installs, but doesn't run, on a 770 with OS2008HE (exits with "illegal instruction" on the console). Canola also installs but doesn't run, so maybe the two are connected...

I'd love to turn that old 770 into a house remote... now we must bug Nokia for an OS2008HE update ! :-)

Bundyo 2008-10-19 17:48

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
The processor in 770 differs, so it should be compiled with specific optimizations to run on it.

tso 2008-10-19 17:50

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 234846)
Its not a dependency problem, just AFAIR the Application Manager doesn't resolve dependencies for debs that are not in a repo.

ye silly stuff...

why cant we get a proper app manager?

GeneralAntilles 2008-10-19 17:55

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Just, fyi, the logo with the gradient isn't valid. Use one from the trademark page instead.

The ".org" part of the logo isn't really visible, which is kind of a no-no, too.

steelmaverick 2008-10-19 18:37

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Just made myself an alias for my PC..

alias bluemaemo='sudo hidd --connect BT_ADDR'

So now I just type bluemaemo everytime i want to connect :D

gemniii42 2008-10-19 18:42

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
well it works pretty good with my xp laptop and n810 keyboard.
Need better mapping of shift etc.
This was typed using my N810 and the display on my laptop.

Also - make the numbers go 1 to 0.
got to get it working w the PS3

/edit tried w/ PS3 and PS3 USB hardwired to sony contoller still get pairing error.

johnkzin 2008-10-19 18:49

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 234694)

Ok, it is in diablo extras. I see you have 3 repositories for extras, you certainly have no need for the chinook one + you have two others left. disable the non-diablo one.

.... ? I only have 2 "extras" repos, one for Chinook and one for Diablo. I have no idea where you got the idea that I have 3...

And, I did need the chinook one when Diablo first came out, because they're (supposedly/mostly) compatible, and there was still lots of stuff that was only in the Chinook catalogs and not in Diablo catalogs. If that has changed, and everything that's Diablo compatible has been copied from Chinook catalogs to Diablo catalogs, then I'd be happy to remove the Chinook ones. But not until then.

Though, looking at what packages I want and need, I suppose these are the only things I need to have listed in Diablo catalogs before I can dump the Chinook ones: openssh-client, vncviewer, omweather, osso-statusbar-cpu. I'll assume that personal-launcher is already in Diablo catalogs :-)

(the other things I have installed, that I care about, are mcalendar, privoxy, rhapsody, and skype, though I don't really seem to use rhapsody and skype that much)

I suppose maybe I will install canola at some point, as I might start watching movies on my NIT sometime soon ... but right now, PMP stuff is not really why I own my NIT.

johnkzin 2008-10-19 18:53

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by Felixx (Post 234775)
I have the same issue connecting to my OS X Leopard macbook

There was an earlier attempt to do a "NIT as bt keyboard" app, xbtkbd or something? It had the same problem with OS X. From what I recall, OS X expects a slightly different HID mode for keyboards (boot mode or start mode or something? I don't have the technical details, so I don't know what code needs to change to make it work).

Without that, it doesn't accept the keyboard for input. It will pair with it, see that it's a keyboard, but not actually work with it.

tso 2008-10-19 19:04

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
hmm, have apple done so to only make the apple keyboards work?

would not be the first time, as they pulled something similar with the external optical drive for the macbook air. a custom controller chip or something of that nature.

dzahariev 2008-10-19 19:13

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Hi all,
I workaround the dependency problem using blue pill mode for installing all required dependencies.


allnameswereout 2008-10-19 19:25

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by qole (Post 234843)
allnameswereout: I still don't think you get it. This turns your N8*0 into a bluetooth input device (keyboard / mouse) for a bluetooth-enabled PC. This isn't a replacement for VNC; you don't see the remote desktop on your tablet or anything...

Yeah, and you don't want to see it either. You only want to control the remote device. You can control the remote device, and Fennec can run on a non-N810 as well. So say you use the NIT to control the remote computer. My point here is: if you run applications on the remote computer made for touch screen (like Fennec instead of Firefox) you greatly improve the control/usability.

johnkzin 2008-10-19 19:40

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by tso (Post 234877)
hmm, have apple done so to only make the apple keyboards work?

It's not a matter of "non-apple" bt keyboards. I have a freedom mini-duo keyboard that I can pair and use just fine (in HID mode) on my
iMac. I'm pretty sure my iGo will work with it too.

(interestingly, the freedom mini-duo will NOT work with my NIT)

I'm pretty sure it's a known/documented aspect of the Bluetooth HID profile, it's just not an aspect that seems to be in the open source BT stacks.

Bundyo 2008-10-19 19:44

Re: Introducing BlueMaemo

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 234882)
Yeah, and you don't want to see it either. You only want to control the remote device. You can control the remote device, and Fennec can run on a non-N810 as well. So say you use the NIT to control the remote computer. My point here is: if you run applications on the remote computer made for touch screen (like Fennec instead of Firefox) you greatly improve the control/usability.

Fennec on a PC controlled by BlueMaemo... And what would be the intention behind that?

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