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Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
But Xohm/Sprint was indeed a business failure. That's not a disparagement of them; I have known several brilliant people whose businesses failed for one reason or another. |
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Right now, MIDs are coming out, and they have HSPA options. Which means everyone who wants a persistently connected MID is going to buy a non-Nokia MID/IT. By the time Nokia delivers their HSPA version, that ship will probably have sailed. It is my prediction that Nokia has basically given up its leading edge on the MID/IT market, which will in turn mean that they have lost the MID/IT market. |
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Just because Nokia delivers late, like they did with touchscreen based smartphones (disregarding that one prototype ;)), does not mean their new products will fail. For example, Nokia 5800 is selling well while competitors have released touchscreen based smartphones months ago already.
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Nokia can pick up all these customers, who I think outnumber the early adopters you're considering. Quote:
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
A technical success isn't much of a success at all if it never gets rolled out enough to be used by enough customers to maintain a business and support that technical success (beta vs VHS, for example). |
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
I know the frequencies in Germany and the Netherlands are being auctioned as of now, but in the Netherlands there are 5 bids and they also include normal HS*PA. Given there are currently only 3 major telcos (KPN, Vodafone, T-Mobile) with only one WiMAX network in Amsterdam this welcomes room for 2 additional telcos. But in the USA the rollout of WiMAX by Sprint/Clear/XOHM has been slow. A few cities. Still, if you are usually in one of those cities, or have your business there, then this might indeed be a viable option. Now quote, Quote:
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
I am shocked that a voip/phone with seemingly limitless potencial has been shutdown and i hope another will take its place
the landline and cellphones are out of date and wastefull imo. here is why i cant wait for a wimax voip/phone/ alternative voip phone ex. the HTC MAX™ 4G in Canadian prices: landline w/longdistance 50/month internet(dsl) 40/month cellphone/data plan 100/month 190/month! down with Bell wimax internet 50/month (from bell:confused:) skype w/longdistance 3/month skypein local number 3/month 56/month and i get caller id/voicemail too its not uncommon for 1 person to have 3 phonelines home/cell/work i dont need it. im not a big phone user. i cancled my cell and when i get my n810 and zoom 5900 skype gateway next week the landline will be gone too :D |
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
My own thoughts on the matter, in response to many IMs, emails, and posts over the past 2 weeks...
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3176/...794130.jpg?v=0 http://www.latheofdreams.com/?p=675 Quote:
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
It was a great idea but the timing was all wrong. Let's acknowlede this event as a lesson that Nokia is capable of huge failures in execution. I love NIT but there are some on this forum that defend Nokia's every move as being brilliant and carefully calculated. Let's hope this scenario doesn't apply to Maemo 5.
Re: Nokia N810 Wimax End of life status!
Intel wants WiMAX to lead Obama’s tech initiatives
There may be hope yet for WiMax. |
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