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meizirkki 2009-01-26 17:09

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by EasternPA (Post 259984)
Went to 0.4.1 and latest kernel. OSK is back but crashes after one use. ADB hasn't worked for me under Linux in 0.4.x at all. Has the device id changed again? Is it time for a new version of adb?

I believe the system clock interface may have been improved, as I didn't have to set the date and time after reformatting for this install. Software directory comes up reliably now but I still can't install software without an SD card.

Remembered to check the "use debug bridge" box in settings ? ;)

drizek 2009-01-27 06:44

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
can you explain the "select partition sizes" bit? I just hit enter through that thinking that it was done automatically, and the installation seemed to go fine. But then it got stuck at "first boot" for over an hour.

EasternPA 2009-01-27 22:20

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 259999)
Remembered to check the "use debug bridge" box in settings ? ;)

It seems like I'm missing a setting like that somewhere. In Settings, Applications, Development, I have USB debugging turned on. If there's an actual Use Debug Bridge switch somewhere else, please show me the way! This is crazy!

EDIT: Just for the logs. I had an old forked adb server process hanging around that needed to be killed. Once I killed it, the new adb is working just fine with 0.4.2 on my box.

jakemaheu 2009-01-27 22:37

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by drizek (Post 260114)
can you explain the "select partition sizes" bit? I just hit enter through that thinking that it was done automatically, and the installation seemed to go fine. But then it got stuck at "first boot" for over an hour.

Basicallly, when it runs sfdisk, you need three partitions.

To make them (we'll use a 2GB card as this example), you enter something like this:

,1024,C (This creates a 1024MB partition for DOS)
,1,L (This creates a 1MB dummy partition)
,,L (This uses all the other free space to make a third partition that NITdroid installs to.
,, (This says that you don't want a fourth partition)

drizek 2009-01-28 19:59

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Thanks. I took my SD card and put it in a card reader and reran the script. Then at the end I put it back in my n800, flashed it and now it works.

yxyxx 2009-01-30 00:09

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
wonder if there is any wifi power management tools to lower the consumption of power by wifi like in maemo?

solca 2009-01-30 08:04

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by yxyxx (Post 260903)
wonder if there is any wifi power management tools to lower the consumption of power by wifi like in maemo?

No, the stlc45xx open source driver doesn't do much power management, probably is worth looking into the p54 SPI driver which targets exactly the same hardware.

solca 2009-01-30 08:05

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
New 0.4.2 release.

yxyxx 2009-01-30 08:08

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by solca (Post 260966)
No, the stlc45xx open source driver doesn't do much power management, probably is worth looking into the p54 SPI driver which targets exactly the same hardware.

so hmm, nitroid running on n810 transmits wifi signals at 100mW i supposed?

cause the battery ran out in 2 hours using Wifi throughout :eek:

thanks for making android possible in n810 anyway. a great mobile OS i would say!

mactron 2009-01-30 13:17

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Can i boot maemo without flashing the n810 again?

meizirkki 2009-01-30 14:27

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by mactron (Post 260999)
Can i boot maemo without flashing the n810 again?

You can use this to flash back the original kernel:
Download latest firmware from

sudo flasher -F RX-44_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R --flash-only=kernel

mactron 2009-01-30 14:48

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 261009)
You can use this to flash back the original kernel:
Download latest firmware from

sudo flasher -F RX-44_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R --flash-only=kernel

Sry I mean without flashing kernel!

meizirkki 2009-01-30 15:06

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
For the best of my knownledgement, you must have serial-console r&d-flag enabled to use the "boot to maemo option" good luck ;)

qbase 2009-01-30 16:12

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
The soft keyboard crashes all the time, I haven't been able to set the WPA key. I had the same issue with 0.4.1 on my N800 :(

meizirkki 2009-01-30 16:39

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
it doesn't crash for me, but it's annoying for the n810 user anyway ;)

zehjotkah 2009-01-30 17:33

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
then just turn it off in options...

meizirkki 2009-01-30 19:43

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
heh, i didn't know that's possible :) I only have been trying to uninstall in etc....

yxyxx 2009-01-30 20:14

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
oh my, seems that adhoc networks are not going to be an option for my n810 to connect to my e51 now.

that's up for google to fix it i guess.

jakemaheu 2009-01-30 23:47

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Heh, I'm reinstalling NITdroid for the forst time in a while-- I'm interested to see your progress, Solca.

drizek 2009-01-31 02:55

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Is there any hard keyboard that can be used with this on the n800? USB host maybe?

jakemaheu 2009-02-01 04:43

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Hmm. I tested it out and I've got some comments.

*The keyboard is severely broken. Capitalization seems not to work and it crashes constantly.

*Wireless has bugs as well. If you try to connect to a secured network that it finds, it only accepts the key in hexadecimal, not ASCII.

*The "Boot to Maemo" option doesn't work for me, even with serial-console enabled-- I was under the impression that it was operational; Was this assumption incorrect?

*Thanks for keeping the symlinks-- my script still works.

*The app installer is a nice touch, but there are very few apps available.

*Trying to scroll is harder, it seems. When you press lightly, it clicks an option. When you press harder, it still clicks. Go figure.

Overall though, it's still an excellent port.

Thanks Solca!

namtastic 2009-02-01 07:34

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 261016)
For the best of my knownledgement, you must have serial-console r&d-flag enabled to use the "boot to maemo option" good luck ;)

Wait, this really exists? Does it really work in 0.4.2 and how would I set this flag?

meizirkki 2009-02-01 08:50

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
You can set that flag with flasher (linux or mac one). There's a bug in kexec so that flag needs to be enabled. Good luck again, :)

namtastic 2009-02-01 15:11

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 261328)
You can set that flag with flasher (linux or mac one). There's a bug in kexec so that flag needs to be enabled. Good luck again, :)

Thanks. I guess flasher --help will give me the flag I need.
I wonder if there is a Mac Intel version of flasher anywhere... (Nokia only offers Mac PPC)

UPDATE: I flashed the nitdroid kernel with --set-rd-flags=serial-console (which flasher reported was set, numerically anyway), but when I use the Maemo command in the menu of NITdroid, the tablet just reboots back into NITdroid. :(

solca 2009-02-01 17:02

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by namtastic (Post 261371)
Thanks. I guess flasher --help will give me the flag I need.
I wonder if there is a Mac Intel version of flasher anywhere... (Nokia only offers Mac PPC)

UPDATE: I flashed the nitdroid kernel with --set-rd-flags=serial-console (which flasher reported was set, numerically anyway), but when I use the Maemo command in the menu of NITdroid, the tablet just reboots back into NITdroid. :(

There is a contributed Mac Intel ADB binary in the project's site which you can use to connect to your NIT.

Then, when you are in, please type 'boot_maemo' in the shell and if it works there is a bug in the GUI part, as meizirkki said, you need to set the R&D flag 'serial-console'.

Then report your results.


EasternPA 2009-02-03 14:14

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Just watched Ricky's new video. I think he did a great job. Hit on all the key points. My only concern was the way he described flashing to Maemo to charge the battery.. kinda came across like it takes an hour to switch back and forth instead of the few seconds it really takes.

Still no word on the approval from for formalized hosting. Its amazing they get anything done over there.

I've had a few crazy days and haven't been in the IRC channel. Has any progress been made on initializing the DSP for sound? Do you guys log the chats with the channel bot? Do you object to having the chats archived for posting?

solca 2009-02-03 16:17

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by EasternPA (Post 261760)
I've had a few crazy days and haven't been in the IRC channel. Has any progress been made on initializing the DSP for sound?

Nope, dspgateway have been removed from latest kernels and priors doesn't work, still investigating. There is a possibility of ARM sound (without DSP) but still doesn't work.

By now everything should be working but is not that simple for non "open" devices.


Originally Posted by EasternPA (Post 261760)
Do you guys log the chats with the channel bot? Do you object to having the chats archived for posting?

You are welcome! really, anything you can do to help is warmly welcomed by all of us. Thanks again for your dedication.

sarathmenon 2009-02-07 18:35

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
I've been trying without success to get this working on the WiMAX Edition. I am almost sure that the rootfs is not being chrooted, and I am stuck trying to debug or verify this. @solca: Can you please explain how your kernel image works? Does it (or rather, does nolo) boot the kernel into the standard initfs, and then chroot to the real partition? I've read somewhere that the standard android install for the G1 works in a different way because the device does not have dedicated space for both partitions, is this the case for nitdroid?

The reason why I ask is that the initfs from the fiasco image for WE is different from the stock N810, and has a bunch of extra routines for WiMAX.

meizirkki 2009-02-07 18:51

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by sarathmenon (Post 262814)
I've been trying without success to get this working on the WiMAX Edition. I am almost sure that the rootfs is not being chrooted, and I am stuck trying to debug or verify this. @solca: Can you please explain how your kernel image works? Does it (or rather, does nolo) boot the kernel into the standard initfs, and then chroot to the real partition? I've read somewhere that the standard android install for the G1 works in a different way because the device does not have dedicated space for both partitions, is this the case for nitdroid?

The reason why I ask is that the initfs from the fiasco image for WE is different from the stock N810, and has a bunch of extra routines for WiMAX.

You can try debug-kernel to see what goes wrong.

solca 2009-02-07 19:25

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by sarathmenon (Post 262814)
I've been trying without success to get this working on the WiMAX Edition. I am almost sure that the rootfs is not being chrooted, and I am stuck trying to debug or verify this. @solca: Can you please explain how your kernel image works? Does it (or rather, does nolo) boot the kernel into the standard initfs, and then chroot to the real partition? I've read somewhere that the standard android install for the G1 works in a different way because the device does not have dedicated space for both partitions, is this the case for nitdroid?

The reason why I ask is that the initfs from the fiasco image for WE is different from the stock N810, and has a bunch of extra routines for WiMAX.


Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 262819)
You can try debug-kernel to see what goes wrong.

Yeah, try with a debugging kernel first. NITdroid doesn't use the /linuxrc script in the initfs partition.

Now, this is how NITdroid boots:

1. NOLO does its init thing and finally loads and uncompress the flashed kernel to RAM.
2. Control is passed by NOLO to the kernel loaded in RAM.
3. If that flashed kernel is NITdroid it contains an embedded RAM filesystem (initramfs) which is / (root dir) all the time mimicking other Android devices.
4. Kernel pass control to /init in the ramfs.
5. /init loads instructions from /init.rc and /
6. /init.rc tells init to mounts /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 (ext3) under /nitdroid.
7. / tells init to run nitboot which loads and run the Nokia proprietary stuff that lives in NITdroid under /nokia.
8. /init launches all remaining Android stuff.


1. Initial white Nokia screen is loaded by NOLO.
2. First NITdroid screen (static image) is loaded by /init when run.
3. Screen dims when DSME proprietary daemon is loaded by nitboot.
4. Second NITdroid screen (animated) is loaded by the "remaining Android stuff" when loading.
5. Finally the Android GUI is loaded.

Differences for the debugging kernel:

1. Kernel and console output are directed to screen and serial.
2. ADB daemon is always loaded early in the init sequence.
3. First NITdroid screen (static) is not loaded to maximize console output.
4. Second NITdroid screen (animated) is not loaded but screen turns black until the GUI loads or an error is shown.

You should tell your visual sequence and better if you can connect with ADB and get a 'logcat' so we can determine where is the problem...

sarathmenon 2009-02-07 19:56

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
@solca: Thanks for that detailed post, it was very useful. On my tablet, the debug kernel does not go past the white Nokia screen. Is there any block device specific code inside the embedded initramfs? I do not see any kernel or console output, my feeling is that there was a kernel panic that was buried behind the bootup logo.

solca 2009-02-07 20:26

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
initramfs is different from initrd in that initramfs doesn't use block devices, not even ramdisks (which are block devices), the / is embedded with the kernel as a ramfs same as /proc or /sys so it's more bulletproof and faster as it doesn't depend on block devices.

If you don't see the tux and kernel console output with the debugging kernel it means a very early hang or kernel panic as you suppose correctly.

The only way to debug that case will be with a serial console attached to your tablet. This clearly is a kernel problem, will try to generate you a new kernel later, hopefully support for N810WE was merged complete to the OMAP tree.

sarathmenon 2009-02-08 06:26

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
From what I read so far, the hardware of the WE is the same as that of the stock N810, plus Intel's Baxterpeak chipset for 802.16e support. The bootloader passes these arguments to the Nokia supplied kernel while booting up maemo:


root=1f03 rootfstype=jffs2 ro console=tty0 console=ttyMTD5

Bundyo 2009-02-08 21:18

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Here are the two diffs I promised:
Kernel changes:
WiFi driver with changes:

Please bear in mind that I didn't test this with 2.6.28 final, last working version is 28-rc9 from the omap tree.

I think one change in kernel diff is from the Solca's patch but not so sure. Don't reverse if asked.

Have fun :)

Stskeeps 2009-02-09 08:30

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 263023)

You actually forward ported the wifi driver for 770 to a modern kernel?

Bundyo 2009-02-09 10:49

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
Dunno, I'm not sure it runs... ;) I only got it to compile by resolving the problems I encountered. It requires the nokia blob and I couldn't get it running in nitdroid since it was freezing often.

LurkerN 2009-02-19 16:03

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x is currently unreachable. I fear it is due to a recent Engadget post. Is there a mirror or any idea when will be back up? Thanks!

qole 2009-02-20 00:47

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
I was able to reach it just now.

bigr3dd0g 2009-02-26 04:26

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
finally found time to get nitdroid on my n800 :)

it works great! amazed to see how fast the progress is!

if the soft keyboard crashes too much, you can install a soft keyboard substitute :)

basically type what you need to type and then click "ok" and it'll be on your clipboard and you paste it in the text box you need. heh.

in case you don't understand me

jutley 2009-03-09 11:58

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
is it me or has the nitdroid project just come to a hault.I am paitently waiting for a easy install soulotion hope there is one soon.The projecet homepage was last updated january wow 2 months nothing to talk about.Are we still gonna see updates and will we get a easy install soulotion thanks.

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