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Cue 2011-08-14 23:29

Re: Unison - Powerful file synchronization.
I'm gald you did. with your advice I'm also hoping to try and get unison up and running as soon as I get my new HDD installed

bbogart 2012-05-23 19:23

Re: Unison - Powerful file synchronization.
I've been happily using unison 2.27 on my n900 to sync with ubuntu lucid (tomboy notes). Now that I've upgraded to Precise, I'm stuck with unison 2.4.

Anyone know where I can get a deb for unison 2.4? and the gui? 2012-07-22 20:00

Re: Unison - Powerful file synchronization.
since i just built ocaml for harmattan , then i tried to build a version on harmattan but it seems it depends on gtk , are there any known fork of it ?

qwazix 2012-07-22 20:34

Re: Unison - Powerful file synchronization.
@bbogart, unison 2.27 is available in precise repos, try apt-get install unison2.27.57

@rzr MartinK has gtk in his repos, see

N770-Freak 2012-07-22 20:51

Re: Unison - Powerful file synchronization.

Originally Posted by (Post 1241356)
since i just built ocaml for harmattan , then i tried to build a version on harmattan but it seems it depends on gtk , are there any known fork of it ?

If you want text version only than have a look at the Makefile. You can compile without gtk depency.

amoralesm 2012-08-21 07:26

Re: Unison - Powerful file synchronization.
I have very good experiences using Unison to synchronize in both ways directories in Linux. Therefore I would like to use Unison to synchronize my N900 with my workstation. But I found that Unison version 2.27.57 (which maemo uses) cannot specify the port number in a SSH conexion. According with the Unison manual, was after the 2.3.12 version that this option was added. Since I need specify the port I cannot use Unison with the Nokia.
Somebody nows if there is a plan to update the Maemo version of Unison?

jormartr 2012-08-26 13:44

Re: Unison - Powerful file synchronization.
Does unison read ~/.ssh/config file? That is one thing to try.

I personally use unison inside a chroot.

I guess you can also do that using easy-debian.

amoralesm 2012-08-28 18:42

Re: Unison - Powerful file synchronization.
Still I have problems using unison on my N900. I found the unison version 2.32.52 for the N900 and installed it on my N900 and the same version of unison on the remote computer (using a port).
I don't have problem connecting the N900 through ssh with password to the remote computer. But using unison the remote computer responds after sending password with "Permission denied".
Looks as if unison changes the sent password.
Somebody knows a solution for this problem?

amoralesm 2012-08-29 00:15

Re: Unison - Powerful file synchronization.
I found the solution:
1.- Depending on the version of unison or the use of GTK, the first letter of password is changed to capital causing rejection of password.
2.- unison must be executed with sudo.
Considering these two issues I have unison working on my N900. 2012-08-29 12:18

Re: Unison - Powerful file synchronization.

Originally Posted by N770-Freak (Post 1241380)
If you want text version only than have a look at the Makefile. You can compile without gtk depency.

Just did that yes thx

-- PleasE test unison_2.40.65-2.0~rzr1_armel.deb for #BackUp on #MeeGo / Harmattan #n9 !n950 and report FeedBack!

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