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Pushwall 2009-05-19 22:44

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by jackburton (Post 288489)
The following are potential devices to try:
-Treo 650 is device ID "H102" with company id "hspr"
-T3 is device "Arz1" with company "palm"
-T5 is device "TnT5" with company "palm"
-T|X is device "D050" with company "palm"

Here are possibly other potential devices to try (or maybe not) if recognized by GVM:

I love the Zodiac: device "Rdog" with company "Tpwv".....Rdog?! :cool:

dukemagus 2009-05-30 05:40

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
dunno if trying a USB keyboard/joystick on N800 would work... mapping the keys can be a pain

Thesandlord 2009-05-30 05:45

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by dukemagus (Post 292045)
dunno if trying a USB keyboard/joystick on N800 would work... mapping the keys can be a pain

Bluetooth should work also. Possibly someone can get a Wiimote to work, would be fun...

ArnimS 2009-06-08 15:52

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
thread title is misleading. this is a snes9x port for palmOS

if anyone wants fullspeed snes, just finish my port from gp2x snes emu

javispedro 2009-08-10 18:36

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by ArnimS (Post 294654)
if anyone wants fullspeed snes, just finish my port from gp2x snes emu

Ok, I tried to give it a go. I saw your "horror" :D then decided to follow a simpler approach not using parts of the original snes9x but using SDL. At this point, I still don't know what's faster, bare XPutImage or SDL_UpdateRect(0,0,w,h) on the N810.

The following is just a proof-of-concept:
Binary: noksnes-20090810.gz (gunzip first; armel, os2008, vfp, -Os).
Source: DrPocketSnesNok.tar.gz.

(only audio+video; no gui, no input, no pixel doubling!!! the rom to load is HARDCODED: "test.smc" in the current directory).

The assembly code seems not to play nice with AAPCS (e.g. unsigned shorts must have higher 16 bits set to zero). I fixed the most visible cases of this (which caused garbled graphics) but still have lots to fix. This (or some other thing) causes the IA to "act funny" in Super Mario Kart -- the ROM I used for testing -- creating kamikaze kart players :rolleyes:. An interesting thing to see :D .

As for speed, it seems indeed to be faster than all the other SNES emus, but i'm uploading it for you all to see and decide. The version above has no speed control at all, it just runs with a fixed frameskip of 1 (so you can see the real performance).

Addison 2009-08-10 19:07

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Hey Javis!

It's great to see that you're looking into this for us.

Maybe someday we could get another port of a NES emulator from you as well. That's what I would most love to see.

Ines just doesn't seem to quite cut it on the tablet.

Are there any better open source emus for the original Nintendo that maybe you could look at?

Cheers buddy.

ArnimS 2009-08-11 21:30

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 310521)
Ok, I tried to give it a go. I saw your "horror" :D then decided to follow a simpler approach not using parts of the original snes9x but using SDL. At this point, I still don't know what's faster, bare XPutImage or SDL_UpdateRect(0,0,w,h) on the N810.

The following is just a proof-of-concept:
Binary: noksnes-20090810.gz (gunzip first; armel, os2008, vfp, -Os).
Source: DrPocketSnesNok.tar.gz.

(only audio+video; no gui, no input, no pixel doubling!!! the rom to load is HARDCODED: "test.smc" in the current directory).

The assembly code seems not to play nice with AAPCS (e.g. unsigned shorts must have higher 16 bits set to zero). I fixed the most visible cases of this (which caused garbled graphics) but still have lots to fix. This (or some other thing) causes the IA to "act funny" in Super Mario Kart -- the ROM I used for testing -- creating kamikaze kart players :rolleyes:. An interesting thing to see :D .

As for speed, it seems indeed to be faster than all the other SNES emus, but i'm uploading it for you all to see and decide. The version above has no speed control at all, it just runs with a fixed frameskip of 1 (so you can see the real performance).

no idea on the relative speed of SDL to other options. main thing is to avoid software scaling imo

javispedro 2009-08-12 01:44

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Ok, this one version may be more useful since it's starting to be playable :)

- Minimal input support:

Hw key -> SNES button
'  -> A
-  -> B
K -> Y
O -> X
Backspace -> R
Q -> L
Dpad -> Dpad
(no start!!! I forgot!!)

(if this does not work try hitting random keys until it does... i only tested in spanish layout for now ;) )
- Framerate control
- Fixed AI in mario kart (and probably other DSP1 games)
- Command line parameters:
Use: noksnes [-da] [-fps] <rom_file.smc>
  • da = Disable Audio
  • fps = Show Frames Per Second
Still no fullscreen, no scaling, no gui, no saves.

Binary: drnoksnes-20090812.gz
Source: drnoksnes_0.9.1.tar.gz

Also in .deb package now (but does NOT appear on menus, still developer only, installs to /usr/games): rnoksnes_0.9.1_armel.deb

javispedro 2009-08-12 01:50

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 310533)
Ines just doesn't seem to quite cut it on the tablet.

iNES is made by a much more capable person than me (i just ported drpocketsnes; fms wrote the NES emulator). So If it does not "quite cut it" I don't know what could an average person like me do...

Addison 2009-08-12 07:15

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
You know, I'm one that is grateful for anything you guys produce.

I'm also one who doesn't understand the process of porting something that is open source.

Do you guys need like a "Linux specific" open source emulator or can any open source code be enough with some additional, creative programming?

ArnimS 2009-08-21 10:03

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
You can fix the stuttering sound by running

export SDL_AUDIODRIVER="alsa"

before running drnoksnes

(edit) - it's working VERY well javispedro!

javispedro 2009-08-26 12:54

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
I just uploaded 0.9.5 to extras-devel.

With the User Interface nearly complete, I think this is the first non-developer only release. So please test if you're interested in SNES emulation!

Known problems:
- ROM compatibility may be bad (improved in 0.9.5)
- Deleting the current ROM causes the GUI not to start (fixed in 0.9.5, thanks qwerty for reporting).
- Cannot start the emulator with any unmapped SNES buttons (fixed in 0.9.5).
- I have a bug report of the emulator leaving the screen in a garbled state after quitting. I couldn't reproduce it. If that happens to you, the easiest way to fix the screen is to reboot. Then please post here :) .

Remember that buttons can be remapped! Open the menu and select Settings -> Controls to do it.

Changelog from previous build posted here:
- Emulator should be a bit faster. Mode7 games specially.
- GUI is now more complete, and supports state saving/resuming.
- Config file is no longer required, but can still be used (if launched from GUI, GUI settings override config file settings).
- Sound quality has improved a bit (even in esd backend).
- The command line version is still installed to /usr/bin/drnoksnes .

Changelog from 0.9.4:
- Touchscreen controls
- Some of the above bugs fixed.
- SNES mouse (think Mario Paint, but it does not work very well).

qwerty12 2009-08-26 13:02

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Updated this morning (thanks!) and ran into the GUI crashing when it tried to open a non-existent ROM. Submitted a bug report:

Sorry, my OP makes it sounds like it always crashed.

oneoneone 2009-08-26 20:16

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Thank you for your great work! You are just awesome.

DataPath 2009-08-26 20:49

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
After reading this thread, the emulator sounds awesome!

I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but one feature I've wished other emulators for the NIT had is built-in support for pairing with a wii remote, and preconfigured bindings for it.

Any chance of getting that as a feature?

javispedro 2009-08-26 23:17

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by DataPath (Post 315860)
I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but one feature I've wished other emulators for the NIT had is built-in support for pairing with a wii remote, and preconfigured bindings for it.

I just tried wiicontrol, and works pretty well. Except for two things:
- The Wiimote B button seems not to produce any keypress.
- Being python (or maybe caused by the bluetooth adapter), the framerate is lowered.

I don't really see why I should duplicate this functionality...

JustNick 2009-08-27 08:07

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
I can haz snes :D
Nice work javispedro, can't wait for a "final" version with touchscreen function enabled on my N800 :D

pinguino89 2009-08-27 12:41

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
I want to congratulate to this snes emu! but, What if I have an n800?? :):):)
how can i remap controls?

javispedro 2009-08-27 13:45

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by pinguino89 (Post 316165)
I want to congratulate to this snes emu! but, What if I have an n800?? :):):)
how can i remap controls?

Open the menu in the launcher, then selection Options -> Controls.

Double tap into the key name to change.

All of the N800 keys should be mappable, so you should be able to enjoy some games even without touchscreen input (which I'm trying to implement right now).

(If you don't map the Quit action to anything, it will overwrite your fullscreen key mapping to Quit, so you can quit the emulator).

pinguino89 2009-08-27 13:58

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
thx a lot!

Bundyo 2009-08-30 19:42

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Just to mention that Chrono Trigger is playable at good speed :D

Laughing Man 2009-09-05 03:00

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
aww, super mario rpg doesn't seem to work. :(

dukemagus 2009-09-05 03:28

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
BOY THANK YOU! YOU'RE A TABLET DEMIGOD! i shall worship you... you gave my n800 the thing it has missing!

karatchov 2009-09-05 11:13

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
thanks , this is great

is it possible to use the same screen input as in ines ? with if possible a simple drawing to show the virtual buttons ?

TylerMcWilliam 2009-09-05 18:24

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
A few issues.

1) How do you get sound to work
2) How do you close the program?

Other than that, this is quite awesome.

TylerMcWilliam 2009-09-05 18:33

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Nevermind, something in my N810 just clicked. It works perfectly now!

javispedro 2009-09-05 21:30

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 321881)
aww, super mario rpg doesn't seem to work. :(

Known. The next version will have Yoshi's Island and some SuperFX games working (this was easy, just fixed a crash), but SA-1 games (Super Mario RPG) will be a harder.


Originally Posted by karatchov (Post 322014)
is it possible to use the same screen input as in ines ?

Not exactly the same, but a similar one. Check Tools->Options... and set "Touchscreen + physical keys" Input.


Originally Posted by karatchov (Post 322014)
with if possible a simple drawing to show the virtual buttons ?

Nope :) (I used to draw opaque red boxes ;) which are of course awful).


Originally Posted by TylerMcWilliam (Post 322164)
1) How do you get sound to work

Usually, enabling audio and disabling speed hacks should make it work. If not, file a bug (I know it's not the case).

Originally Posted by TylerMcWilliam (Post 322164)
2) How do you close the program?

With the "back" key, or the "Fullscreen" key.

Thank you for feedback!

Addison 2009-09-05 22:34

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Wow! This emu has quite a bit of kick to it!

I wasn't expecting it to be this awesome! :D

Anyway, I'm not getting the same results like everyone else on my end.

None of the hardware keys on my N800 do anything and I can't open up the menu either.

This is what I'm seeing from the command line:


[1|user@Nokia-N800-43-7|~]drnoksnes /media/mmc1/SNES/Kirby.smc
Cannot open config file /home/user/apps/DrNokSnes.txt
Video: 256x239 (720x420 output), 16 bits per pixel, windowed
Audio: 22050 Hz, 2 channels, 16 bits, 512 samples in buffer
Input: 1 joypad, keyboard only
ROM: /media/mmc1/SNES/Kirby.smc
Found ROM file header (and ignored it).
"Vimm's Lair:" [bad checksum] LoROM, 8Mbits, Type: ROM+RAM+BAT, Mode: 20, TV: NTSC, S-RAM: 8Kb, ROMId: CG Company: 01
SRAM: /media/mmc1/SNES/Kirby.srm
Hacks: disabled
For some reason, I don't have the config file in /home/user/apps/DrNokSnes.txt

Any suggestions?

javispedro 2009-09-05 23:05

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 322268)
Any suggestions?

Are you launching the GUI? The cmd line version is there for testing, and by default inoperative (no default set of key mappings).

The "DrNokSnes" item should be in the applications menu.

Addison 2009-09-05 23:16

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Hey Javis!

In Xterm, all I'm typing is this:
drnoksnes /media/mmc1/SNES/Kirby.smc

If I run DrNokSnes from the application menu, which is where it got installed to, nothing happens.

javispedro 2009-09-05 23:18

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 322285)
Hey Javis!

In Xterm, all I'm typing is this:
drnoksnes /media/mmc1/SNES/Kirby.smc

If I run DrNokSnes from the application menu, which is where it got installed to, nothing happens.

Ok, so this is a bug report :) .
Can you reboot your tablet and test again?
(BTW, I'm on IRC right now)

Addison 2009-09-05 23:25

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
I didn't know that this was a bug.

Anyway, I'm rebooting and heading on over to IRC in just a few minutes.


rafaelsemx 2009-09-06 02:03

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
If it's possible, can you add some "turbo" buttons for games that require pressing some button as fast as possible, for example, Chrono Trigger it's perfectly playable, but I got stuck at a food eating contest that requires pressing the "A" button very fast, something impossible with my N800 and Bluetooth keyboard.

Thanks for this great emulator.

JayOnThaBeat 2009-09-06 04:48

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series



I just got done playing a round of Killer Instinct.


I had to set the key config a lil differently, but I managed to pull off an Ultra Combo with the greatest of ease (Orchid pwnz).



You're getting a bunch of random thanks from me for being such a pimp.

Addison 2009-09-06 07:37

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
You sir deserve a thanks just for validating how awesome Javis and this emu are!

Addison 2009-09-06 21:12

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Xkbd doesn't respond in Drnoksnes. :(

I was going to make a nice layout for us N800 users.

Will touch screen support be available in the next release?


javispedro 2009-09-06 21:15

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
It is already in this one (open the Controls Menu in the Launcher); the only thing missing is drawing the layout on screen. It is similar to ines one, (dpad on the right, l and r on top corners, start and select on bottom corners, and buttons in the left following the snes pad layout: Y on top, B on bottom, etc.).

Bundyo 2009-09-06 21:16

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Touchscreen support is available, check the controls drop-down.

Aaah, not fast enough :)

Addison 2009-09-06 21:20

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series
Okay. I must have missed that.

I thought for sure it said check back later or something from the drop down menu.

Anyway, thanks for the response. :)

javispedro 2009-09-06 21:21

Re: Snes port for nokia n8*0 series

Originally Posted by Addison (Post 322836)
Okay. I must have missed that.

I thought for sure it said check back later or something from the drop down menu.

Anyway, thanks for the response. :)

Yeah, in 0.9.5 :) The current one doesn't say that.

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