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Texrat 2009-05-09 23:40

Re: Is this the next nokia tablet or just a new phone?

Originally Posted by Lord Raiden (Post 285982)
Kinda wish there were some way over the USB port that could do that with my NIT. :(

It can. There are posts around here somewhere on the subject. I know it was definitely done with a usb laptop hub that provided VGA-out, but framerates were terrible.

Texrat 2009-05-09 23:43

Re: Is this the next nokia tablet or just a new phone?

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 285997)
I agree with Krisse this far: Tablet-size is not the sweet-spot that phone-size and subnotebook-size are, for the reasons he and kanishou are saying.

I believe the ~ 4" screen size is A sweet spot, especially with the NITs' resolution.

Laughing Man 2009-05-10 03:16

Re: Is this the next nokia tablet or just a new phone?

Originally Posted by krisse (Post 285822)
Well, you can actually have a very large screen on a small device thanks to TV Out:

That requires having a TV readily avaliable. Something your not going have with you when say your on the Metro. Or when your out and about. Or even at home (my TV is far away from my computers and I like the 4 inch tablet screen for displaying information).

Yaser88 2009-05-10 08:33

Re: Is this the next nokia tablet or just a new phone?
looks like the n800

benny1967 2009-05-10 11:12

Re: Is this the next nokia tablet or just a new phone?

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 285817)
I hope that people wanting/needing the new tablets to perform as microlaptops are still in Nokia's agenda. The form factor of today's NITs is quite optimal. Otherwise, it will be disappointing. Not that there aren't competitors... :cool: (ooops! where did I leave my Pandora?)

speaking of microlaptops... i recently tried to remember what my electronic life was before the first tablet. when i compare it to now, about 30% of what i used to do with my desktop pc i now do with my tablet. it makes up for roughly 50% of the overall tablet usage. the other 50% of the time i spend with my tablets are things i hadn't done before at all. there's nothing i could think of that i used to do on the phone or laptop and that i now use the tablet for.

maybe this is why i so absolutely cannot understand people who talk about "mobile use" and "desktop paradigms don't work"... incompatible character encoding, my brain can't even start parsing that. give me CUPS instead and a "print" menu item in every application...

qgil 2009-05-10 11:44

Re: Is this the next nokia tablet or just a new phone?

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 286054)
That requires having a TV readily avaliable. Something your not going have with you when say your on the Metro. Or when your out and about. Or even at home (my TV is far away from my computers and I like the 4 inch tablet screen for displaying information).

UPnP and why you will probably like it

flareup 2009-05-10 11:58

Re: Is this the next nokia tablet or just a new phone?

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 285954)
I think it is just marketing: If Nokia was serious about making tablets a hit they could have made a big marketing campaing and make people aware of that "need". But as most of you know the current tablets just aren't really ready for ordinary people, yet.

EDIT: Just what GA said... there is a market that can be fit and can be a success. The main reason why this has not happened yet is because the technology just hasn't been there yet. Phone tech is mature, as well as laptops, which the netbooks are a derivate. MID market is new and at its infancy.

yes yes and yes. The tablets (with a 4 inch screen) are the ideal product that fits in a gap. The gap existed when the 770 came out and still exists in a post-iphone world. that's why it will be SUCH a shame if the next gen does shrink to fit the iphone model without keeping something akin to the current form factor in the product line.

I think there is a HUGE 'light travellers' market, whether it is planes, buses, trains or just walking round town,whatever. My 800 is easily pocketable - (yeah, big pockets, short arms!) the 810 is a little smaller than the 800, maybe the 900 will be more so - just the screen size with a tiny edge would be ideal for me ;)

qole 2009-05-10 22:43

Re: Is this the next nokia tablet or just a new phone?
I agree with Krisse that the $200 EeePC I bought a few weeks ago is currently better for productivity than my current N800s, despite being not much more powerful and having the same screen resolution. It is only marginally better, however. The keyboard is just barely usable, and the screen is slightly more usable, simply because the pixels are bigger.

But I can't help but think that the statement, "handhelds are not good for productivity tasks" is not an axiom, as some say, but simply a sad statement about the current situation. I still believe that it is possible to "work around" the current limitations of the small form factor and make it possible to do real work on a handheld device.

I just haven't figured out how to do it yet. Whoever does figure it out will either be rich or sorry that they didn't patent the ideas.

daperl 2009-05-11 00:40

Re: Is this the next nokia tablet or just a new phone?

Originally Posted by krisse (Post 285939)
People simply aren't buying tablet-sized devices, they are all going for something smaller or bigger.

How many of these "people" have seen an 800x480 4" transflective color screen? Close to zero. The only thing these "people" know is they want that shiny thing the person next to them has.

And the portable game consoles seem to sell just fine and they're larger than n8x0's. It's a spectrum. There's no "one size fits all."

People have multiple electronic devices and they come in all shapes and sizes (the people and the devices :)). It seems some of you are so blinded by convergence that you're willing to sacrifice things like screen resolution. If so, maybe an internet tablet isn't for you.

daperl 2009-05-11 01:03

Re: Is this the next nokia tablet or just a new phone?

Originally Posted by qole (Post 286273)
...the $200 EeePC I bought a few weeks ago is currently better for productivity than my current N800s

Can you be much more specific.

Laughing Man 2009-05-11 01:57

Re: Is this the next nokia tablet or just a new phone?

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 286105)

Somehow I don't think that's going happen anytime soon. It's a good idea, but it'll be a while before it even hits mass-adoption. So I'd take a 4 inch screen for the next few years, and then when that technology is mainstream (or they invent a better way of display information like eye implants) then I'll switch.

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