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fms 2009-05-27 14:29

Re: Nokia Ovi Store Launch Is A Complete Disaster

Originally Posted by Capt'n Corrupt (Post 290933)
* Be competitive -- CHECK

Mindlessly following the white rabbit into the hole is not the same as being competitive.

nilchak 2009-05-27 15:24

Re: Nokia Ovi Store Launch Is A Complete Disaster
On my N95 - I get the message that tge store is not comaptible with my device. Wha ???

A N series phone and Ovi store cant show apps for it ... ?
This is where Apple shines and leads - its gets its stuff ready before showing to the world and they work (nearly perfectly as advertised) from day one. I dont know why these other companies cant at least get their act together.

I guess that's what comes from not having a vision and instead trying to follow the footsteps (and profits) of other companies.

Bobbe 2009-05-27 15:38

Re: Nokia Ovi Store Launch Is A Complete Disaster
I guess size matters here.
I know it shouldn't matter, business is business, but apple made the app store work nearly perfectly for ONE device on ONE OS (with maybe two or three versions).

Compare that to the size of the enterprise Nokia had to undertake with its Store and you'll see it's not so simple. I dunno much about how to deliver such software, but I'm sure that there have been constraints/restrictions/****-happens issues that Nokia was subject to when making the Ovi store that basically don't exist for the Iphone / Ipod touch app store.

You'll still right though. Final point is it should have 'just worked' for everybody

daperl 2009-05-27 16:14

Re: Nokia Ovi Store Launch Is A Complete Disaster

Originally Posted by Bobbe (Post 291010)
Compare that to the size of the enterprise Nokia had to undertake with its Store and you'll see it's not so simple.

It's simple if you know what you're doing and if you're competent. Everything else is an excuse. Why didn't they call Benny up before the launch? I mean really, I use to write web traffic simulations in my sleep. I bet this whole community would have helped with QA. But Texrat is right, this kind of failure starts at the top.

Texrat 2009-05-28 02:48

Re: Nokia Ovi Store Launch Is A Complete Disaster
I was gonna post something about typical Nokia project staffing but thought better of it. I think I've spilled enough sour grapes. :D

I now have TWO job interviews tomorrow, with different companies, so *maybe* it'll soon be time to move on to the next chapter.

I do hope Ovi succeeds though.

febb 2009-05-28 05:14

Re: Nokia Ovi Store Launch Is A Complete Disaster and all OVI services (daring to call them services since, lots of people do not get the expected "service" ) have been and are a total piece of crap.

I have reported Nokia many many times, on MANY of the humongous number of bugs OVI has and all I get, if any, dumb canned replies of "why" there may be a problem with my use of OVI.

When will Nokia learn the lesson ?

Capt'n Corrupt 2009-05-28 09:34

Re: Nokia Ovi Store Launch Is A Complete Disaster

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 290975)
You've got a valid point... but if it were me I'd rather be CREATING the competitive factor than chasing it...

I understand.


Originally Posted by fms (Post 290981)
Mindlessly following the white rabbit into the hole is not the same as being competitive.

You're 100% on the money: they are very different concepts.

Competitiveness is positioning your product/service to a nearer substitute for your customers. Creativity is the combination of ideas.

On creativity:

The fact is that creativity is little more than the blending of different ideas. No company, apple, nokia, and microsoft, etc can be considered 100% original in their creations, rather they all introduce a novel modification and combination of past ideas for productivity or fun or whatever.

Sure the app store is very much like apples store. But selling mobile apps online isn't new, and I think it's wise that apple adopted this idea to fit their product and now Nokia is being competitive by doing the same. Neither was *first* and both have created novel implementations.

In short: No they are not being totally original. Yes they are being creative -- arguably to different degrees. Yes they are being competitive.

What's a corrupt?

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