Re: Annoying Nokia about Flash until they update it
Originally Posted by javispedro
(Post 308494)
Doesn't Flash 10 require 3D. What you should pledge instead is for websites to stop requiring the greatest&latest version when there's no need.
Wrong. FP10 does not require 3D. There was (true) 3D in Flash via Papervision3D since honestly FP8. The 3D in FP10 can use some GPU acceleration; but it's not required.
Meanwhile, I do agree that websites unnecessarily jump the gun and push for the latest version when honestly it's not needed. Sure, the video codec difference(s) in FP8 to FP9 sometimes warranted the need to push upwards to FP9, otherwise it wouldn't work/show. But the move to FP10, not unless you're using the 3D portions of FP10, you don't have really any other reason to push towards 10. Even the bitmap portions are the same as FP9.