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zerojay 2009-08-28 13:07

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by korbé (Post 317140)
Yes, but the iPhone are a fast search software, Spotlight, while the N900 does not have similar software type. Yet it has the advanced indexing system Tracker.

And the iPhone OS can be displayed horizontally and vertically, while Maemo 5 can be displayed in horizontal.

But it isn't open source!

pycage 2009-08-28 13:16

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
Just adding another pointless comparison. :)

Darwin kernel originated from BSD is a true Unix.

Linux kernel is a Unix-like implementation from scratch. Not a true Unix.

korbé 2009-08-28 13:17

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 317143)
But it isn't open source!

But Nokia will accept contributions if it replaces a feature they have developed?

attila77 2009-08-28 13:36

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
That's irrelevant. As long as you can replace/improve it yourself, it's just a convenience question.

nowave7 2009-08-28 13:40

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by pycage (Post 317151)
Just adding another pointless comparison. :)

Darwin kernel originated from BSD is a true Unix.

Linux kernel is a Unix-like implementation from scratch. Not a true Unix.

Both OSs are not officially POSIX compatible, but conform in large part, and interestingly neither is listed as compliant with Single Unix Specification. So which one is true UNIX then? :)

nowave7 2009-08-28 13:53

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
Besides, iPhone OS is based on XNU kernel, which in turn was based on Mach microkernel. Whatever was not implemented by Mach was taken from BSD.

nilchak 2009-08-28 14:14

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 316980)
I dont have an iphone... so i may be wrong on a number of factors...

No tryng to douse your N900 fervour here... but I think not owning and extensively using an iPhone and writing a comparative review based on feature lists is not really a way to convince people.

First of all you have to be convinced - strictly on the merits itself - not on any hatred or fanboyism - and that can only be done if you have used the device itself. You obviously haven't used both the iPhone and the N900.

And secondly why do you keep bringing up the iPhone meme whenever the merits of the N810 or N900 are discussed, yet you keep bashing the iPhone also in each thread on founded and unfounded grounds ?

Seems like a strange love-hate relationship :D

Best thing to do in technology world is to discuss the N900 strictly on its own terms - not on the iPhone terms or any other device's terms.

ColdFusion 2009-08-28 14:22

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by nowave7 (Post 317173)
Besides, iPhone OS is based on XNU kernel, which in turn was based on Mach microkernel. Whatever was not implemented by Mach was taken from BSD.

I'll wait till Maemo is based on Gnu/Hurd :p

allnameswereout 2009-08-28 14:27

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
If you're not interested in the subject don't reply with noise. This way you respect those who are interested in the subject.


Originally Posted by pycage (Post 317151)
Just adding another pointless comparison. :)

Darwin kernel originated from BSD is a true Unix.

Linux kernel is a Unix-like implementation from scratch. Not a true Unix.

Only certain versions of Mac OS X 10.5.0 are UNIX (r) (tm).


Although it has its side effects, being that it cannot be used with anything except your bare finger.
However, you can use a stylus on the iPhone which resembles a finger.


The main advantage is that you could use your swap memory to open many applications simultaneously.
At what performance cost though.


9. Full QWERTY tactile keyboard Vs Only on-screen keyboard.
Full QWERTY onscreen keyboard
OTOH the iPhone OSK has good quality. Its interesting to note why the G1 with Android dropped keyboard.


12. Internet calling Vs None

This means voip calls can be made using the n900
Easily solved with jailbreak. Will Maemo 5 have equivelant of push notifications?


13. Maemo browser powered by Mozilla technology Vs Safari without flash.
Adobe Flash™ 9.4 support
Idem dito, and Mobile Safari ad blocker costs 2 EUR or sth.


14. Pre-loaded Ovi Maps application Vs None
Those are just maps. Google Maps does not come with preloaded maps, but there are now 3rd party applications which come with offline maps. For voice guided turn by turn navigation on either device you have to pay a subscription. No matter if its TomTom or Ovi Maps, it will cost money.


18. Background pictures Vs None.
Something like this is possible on iPhone with jailbreak.


19. Widgets on your desktops Vs None
With jailbreak you can make the iPhone's default interface more informative but by default you're right. This does give a peace of mind when you start though.


20. Intelligent contact shortcuts Vs None
Agreed, good point, this would be something I'd have expected from Mac OS X and Apple.


21. PDF reader Vs Safari handles pdf
Which PDF reader is being embedded here? Often holes are found in PDF readers.

Now some advantages of the iPhone 3GS:
1) Hype / trend.
2) Market penetration.
3) 'iPhone' always refers to latest device.
4) Big developer base.
5) Big user base.
6) iTunes integration, more known that Ovi.
7) Champion in UI consistency

And for N900:
1) Nokia brand recognition.
2) No childish App Store reviewing. Nokia doesn't have the name to censor and protect stuff like Apple does.
3) A clear, new path from Nokia.
4) Like you said the 32 GB flash on board with microSD slot is a huge advantage. Its pathetic the difference between devices price is only one feature: on-board flash size.
5) Many people own iPhone 3G instead of iPhone 3GS. The iPhone 3GS is not a big upgrade compared to iPhone 3G, while the N900 will provide far better performance than iPhone 3G.

nowave7 2009-08-28 14:30

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by ColdFusion (Post 317197)
I'll wait till Maemo is based on Gnu/Hurd :p

Well, in that case you'll be waiting for a loooong, long time... :D

Reggie 2009-08-28 14:36

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
Something from InfoSync World:

"When comparing the Nokia N900 to Apple's iPhone, there are clearly many similarities. However, there's one big difference, at least up until recently: The iPhone exists to ensure that Apple's services and software will reach a portable audience also in the future, while the Nokia N900 will exist to pave the way for the LTE era. We seriously hope that Vodafone, Verizon Wireless and other carriers that are planning to roll out LTE early will embrace Maemo soon, as that would give 4G services a flying start."

EDIT: Added link to what LTE is.

volt 2009-08-28 14:39

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 317011)
@sachin: i don't think you're qualified to write the comparison in the first place for:
a). not having owned the iphone for 1st hand knowledge, as can be seen with the numerous factual error
b). blatant hatred of apple and iphone ;) (bias)

This is clearly wrong.

sachin has never owned an iphone OR an N900, while you want it written by someone who has owned an Iphone and only an Iphone, since the N900 is not currently in sales.

So he is objective, and you are clearly biased.


varunkrish 2009-08-28 14:39

Nokia N900 vs iPhone 3GS
Hi Guys ,

Posted a comparison between Nokia N900 and iPhone 3GS

Hope you help me answer the iPhone fanboys

allnameswereout 2009-08-28 14:42

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by volt (Post 317216)
This is clearly wrong.

sachin has never owned an iphone OR an N900, while you want it written by someone who has owned an Iphone and only an Iphone, since the N900 is not currently in sales.

So he is objective, and you are clearly biased.


Whether you owned or used a device at least get your facts straight :) which is what I tried to do in my last post. And, I never owned an iPhone. I own an iPod touch 2nd generation.

Bundyo 2009-08-28 14:47

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by ColdFusion (Post 317197)
I'll wait till Maemo is based on Gnu/Hurd :p

First you'll have to wait for the Hurd. :)

volt 2009-08-28 14:52

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
Of course get the facts straight. As far as I can tell, he had done research for each of these points to see how it is implemented in both devices. The people who pull out the "biased" word will only do research to prove him wrong, not to inform.

He's the better person for it.

Also, f.y.i, everyone is biased.

froid 2009-08-28 15:30

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
Specs and hardware and screen sizes are all nice and dandy...but they can be, and will be constantly improved through innovation. Wait a year and something newer and better will come out.

However there is a reason I avoid Apple like the plague...they are unfriendly to standards. They use proprietary cables and ports and hardware and software all the time which restricts my choices. They make other decisions that restrict me as well...non-multitasking...locked expandable memory...and even batteries that cannot be removed.

Nokia restricts me much less...micro SD for memory expansion, no software restrictions (Or at the very least LESS restrictions), multitasking, removable battery. Freedom!! Or at least more of it.

This is the same reason I will not buy anything from Sony...I have no interest in Memory Stick matter how good their stuff is.

korbé 2009-08-28 15:36

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
I hope the sound quality of the N900 is much higher than that of the iPhone.

Because it is very difficult to have a good sound quality on a mobile phone (because of the radio transmitter).

christexaport 2009-08-28 16:17

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 316976)
One problem...

Not correct. iPhone 3G/3GS support TV Out via part number MB129LL and MB128LL at 480p - read here...

only for the gallery, not the whole device, as Nokia TV out devices always have.

sachin007 2009-08-28 16:23

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 317200)
If you're not interested in the subject don't reply with noise. This way you respect those who are interested in the subject.

Only certain versions of Mac OS X 10.5.0 are UNIX (r) (tm).

However, you can use a stylus on the iPhone which resembles a finger.

At what performance cost though.

OTOH the iPhone OSK has good quality. Its interesting to note why the G1 with Android dropped keyboard.

Easily solved with jailbreak. Will Maemo 5 have equivelant of push notifications?

Idem dito, and Mobile Safari ad blocker costs 2 EUR or sth.

Those are just maps. Google Maps does not come with preloaded maps, but there are now 3rd party applications which come with offline maps. For voice guided turn by turn navigation on either device you have to pay a subscription. No matter if its TomTom or Ovi Maps, it will cost money.

Something like this is possible on iPhone with jailbreak.

With jailbreak you can make the iPhone's default interface more informative but by default you're right. This does give a peace of mind when you start though.

Agreed, good point, this would be something I'd have expected from Mac OS X and Apple.

Which PDF reader is being embedded here? Often holes are found in PDF readers.

Now some advantages of the iPhone 3GS:
1) Hype / trend.
2) Market penetration.
3) 'iPhone' always refers to latest device.
4) Big developer base.
5) Big user base.
6) iTunes integration, more known that Ovi.
7) Champion in UI consistency

And for N900:
1) Nokia brand recognition.
2) No childish App Store reviewing. Nokia doesn't have the name to censor and protect stuff like Apple does.
3) A clear, new path from Nokia.
4) Like you said the 32 GB flash on board with microSD slot is a huge advantage. Its pathetic the difference between devices price is only one feature: on-board flash size.
5) Many people own iPhone 3G instead of iPhone 3GS. The iPhone 3GS is not a big upgrade compared to iPhone 3G, while the N900 will provide far better performance than iPhone 3G.

I was comparing with a non jail broken iphone.

sachin007 2009-08-28 16:25

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 317286)
only for the gallery, not the whole device, as Nokia TV out devices always have.

So you cant use the accelerometer based games on the big screen?

In my nokia n95-8gb i can play n-gage games. The only problem is that the resolution sucks on the big tv.... but with the n900's resolutions the games are going to be a lot better. And the av connector is not included in the box.

albson 2009-08-28 16:26

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
For me there is no comparison of both tools.
They are fine both and they both answer to different people.
If Nokia think that they will put in trouble Apple by getting market share with N900 they are wrong.

christexaport 2009-08-28 16:29

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
"Easily solved with jailbreak. Will Maemo 5 have equivelant of push notifications?"

IMO, Push Notifications are a bandaid for lacking multitasking. With a gig or RAM, who needs it?

sachin007 2009-08-28 16:33

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 317034)
You mean via bluetooth? OBEX is not supported. But bluetooth sharing of photos and contacts - Bluetooth Photo Share is free - is out there. I'm not a fan of bluetooth transfers though due to the lack of speed.

May be you dont like bluetooth. But it has been very well used in the developing countries to send pictures and ringtones from one phone to another. So i would consider it very useful.

Yes, since day one. Lock in to where you're at in under 5 seconds too.

I am sorry i am not talking about google maps. I am talking about an inbuilt maps application which doesnt need to download data and will work without the cell connection. I understand that tom tom released an app recently. But the advantage with ovi is that you can still browse the maps for free and only routing is paid.

Useless? That's a bit much. I mean, I use them. All of the above have "push notifications" (ok, I do NOT buy into this feature being called push notifications personally) but I wouldn't say useless since I've used them in said manner.

Push notifications work for those applications like skype too? I mean how can someone call you on gtalk or skype without your application being open? On my friend's iphone i have to physically open the application and leave it open for me to be visible as online on another computer and the moment i open another application it shows me as logged out.... so how do i call a logged out person?

Right. But as I was stating, if were to buy the N900 off-contract (is that the right term?) I couldn't take it to AT&T or Verizon... or just about anybody else but T-Mobile.

And that, is quite a limiting feature. Whereas you can jailbreak the iPhone - for instance - and use it on T-Mobile (voice, not sure about data) or other GSM providers.

My whole point is about the 3G data. Even the n900 has quadband edge and so it is similar to the iphone 3G in that respect.

I cannot make any changes to my first post because it already exceeded the maximum characters.

ysss 2009-08-28 16:40

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 317297)
"Easily solved with jailbreak. Will Maemo 5 have equivelant of push notifications?"

IMO, Push Notifications are a bandaid for lacking multitasking. With a gig or RAM, who needs it?

The advantage of push notification is that it's cpu, bandwidth and battery efficient.

protium 2009-08-28 16:58

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 317297)
IMO, Push Notifications are a bandaid for lacking multitasking. With a gig or RAM, who needs it?

Actually the iPhone scheduler is capable of running (multiple) applications in the background (multitasking), The reason they introduced Push Notifications is due to the decrease in battery life of the phone when multiple applications are running.

Applications running in the background prevent the phone from going to sleep/run in the lowest power state.

peterjb31 2009-08-28 17:18

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 317112)
Wasn't GPS added in 3G? And isn't this "Maps App" actually opening Google Maps? Whereas OVI Maps will probably have offline DB like on the S60 devices.

Indeed, GPS was added with the 3G. Before that there was a map application which used the cell towers for position which worked better than many other implementations and yes I imagine OVI maps will have an offline cache meaning you can do route planning and such without being connected to a network.

sevla 2009-08-28 17:25

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
How can you do a comparison without mentioning the app store?? it's probably the main reason people are on that platform.

Ur comparison is biased imo.

sevla 2009-08-28 17:26

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 317312)
The advantage of push notification is that it's cpu, bandwidth and battery efficient.

I've never heard anyone use push notification as a positive feature. I highly doubt you gain any significant battery life through push notification.

sachin007 2009-08-28 17:28

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by sevla (Post 317341)
I've never heard anyone use push notification as a positive feature. I highly doubt you gain any significant battery life through push notification.

Agree. The app store is a big factor. I also hope developers will start developing for meamo considering it is a linux variant and most of it is open source. It will take time though.

ysss 2009-08-28 17:35

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by sevla (Post 317341)
I've never heard anyone use push notification as a positive feature. I highly doubt you gain any significant battery life through push notification.

If you read my sentence, it was merely stating the advantage ;) I didn't say push is a superset of multitasking. The battery saving is no bs btw, try installing 'backgrounder' (available from cydia) which lets the iphone multitask, and watch the battery plummets.

BUT, it is useful for a class of apps that is better run off of your device: Filtered RSS/Twitter/Database app that alerts you when a certain conditions are met.

sevla 2009-08-28 17:39

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 317342)
Agree. The app store is a big factor. I also hope developers will start developing for meamo considering it is a linux variant and most of it is open source. It will take time though.

RIght. I think they will but it will take some time.. People forget that the app store has been out for a long time now. it took years to get to this point.

It's pretty clear that the n900 beats the pants of most phones in terms of features. However what I've noticed is that the iPhone doesn't really do anything that other phones can't do but when it DOES do something it's presented to the user in a very clean user friendly visually appealing package. This goes a loooong way. The interface is really polished. For example the way they implemented cut and paste (even though it took two years) is simply awesome.

I was drinking the iPhone Kool-Aid for a while until they released the 3gs. It was clear that they had no intention of bringing innovative features to this iteration and they simply wanted to reny people's 2 year contract. When the iPhone first came out it was the only touch screen option.. Now not only are there other options but there are other phones that do it better! I'm hoping that the n900 is one of them.

As of now Nokia is ahead a little bit. But if they don't continuously release new and improved phones then they will be right back where they started. Especially if Apple releases a new phone summer 2010.

allnameswereout 2009-08-28 17:49

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by volt (Post 317234)
Of course get the facts straight. As far as I can tell, he had done research for each of these points to see how it is implemented in both devices. The people who pull out the "biased" word will only do research to prove him wrong, not to inform.

He's the better person for it.

Also, f.y.i, everyone is biased.

I appreciate the effort and mean no offense; I contributed as well. My main issue is claiming iPhoneOS by default has no Maps application. That is utter nonsense. And if you share your 'research' on a forum you can expect feedback.

Now it is clear what was meant is a Maps application with offline maps. OK, clear. You can actually download offline maps with an application for Google Maps or simply download a free application with offline maps from App Store, but OK.


Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 317289)
I was comparing with a non jail broken iphone.

Ah, yeah, you compare with a non jailbroken iPhone (why?) without taking into consideration anything provided (for gratis or a fee) on App Store (why?). Now that is journalism ripe for superb stub on wiki... come on, get a grip for a second. You can get offline maps on iPhone just like you can get it on N900 and N8x0. It'd actually be more interesting to compare the quality of the offline maps applications. Or their price.

ysss 2009-08-28 17:51

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by sevla (Post 317350)
RIght. I think they will but it will take some time.. People forget that the app store has been out for a long time now. it took years to get to this point.

The AppStore opened just a year ago (mid July 2008).

sachin007 2009-08-28 17:54

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 317357)
The AppStore opened just a year ago (mid July 2008).

Then again i would think it would be very simple to port the small applications which are 99 cents to 2$ which are the majority in the app store. And i assume atleast half of the apps are fart/flash light apps or shortcuts to websites. With a full fledged web-browser and the ability to have active widgets for any bookmarks negates the need for many of those website apps.

sevla 2009-08-28 17:58

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 317357)
The AppStore opened just a year ago (mid July 2008).

I t was a typo.. I meant to say " A Year". Still longer then any other platform has been out.

ysss 2009-08-28 18:00

Re: N900 vs Iphone.
@sachin: you know.. if the n900 doesn't 'convert' as much iphone users as you expect\hope\wish, it would be much easier to accept that fact when you know the reality of iphone's ecosystem than hanging on to your iFart-dominated iPhone fairyland bias.

allnameswereout 2009-08-28 18:03

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 317362)
Then again i would think it would be very simple to port the small applications which are 99 cents to 2$ which are the majority in the app store. And i assume atleast half of the apps are fart/flash light apps or shortcuts to websites. With a full fledged web-browser and the ability to have active widgets for any bookmarks negates the need for many of those website apps.

Is not that simply because they are written in Cocoa; not GTK or Qt.

And even then, who is going to do that? Proprietary app, forget it, and most are. Open source app, you may have some chance, but why bother for so few users? In my compare I stated clearly the iPhone has a big developer and user base.

With some luck we see some nice ports, and some nice new software inspired or copied from Android and iPhoneOS as well as previous Maemo versions. But it will need time, I guarantee you that.

PS: Oh and you lack App Store framework for micro payments and developers traditionally don't get paid in Maemo community. So it requires technical and cultural/moral changes.

zerojay 2009-08-28 18:15

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by sevla (Post 317340)
How can you do a comparison without mentioning the app store??

As an iPhone developer, you're right. The app store's easily the worst thing about the iPhone so it definitely SHOULD be mentioned. :)

iamNarada 2009-08-28 18:43

Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 317034)

Right. But as I was stating, if were to buy the N900 off-contract (is that the right term?) I couldn't take it to AT&T or Verizon... or just about anybody else but T-Mobile.

And that, is quite a limiting feature. Whereas you can jailbreak the iPhone - for instance - and use it on T-Mobile (voice, not sure about data) or other GSM providers.

This is pretty much the silliest thing I've heard today (it's been a quiet day). The n900 has all 4 GSM bands for voice (850,900,1800,1900), which are the same bands that the Iphone has. Granted, the 3G bands are different. So, you could take the n900 to AT&T, and use it for voice. Note that since the Iphone doesn't have 1700 and doesn't support CDMA, therefore (in the states) the iphone is effectively locked to AT&T in the same manner that you're saying the n900 is locked to T-mobile. They both can be used for voice on other networks, and neither of them can be use another network's 3G (in the states). I want to know why the n900 doesn't have 850MHz and 1900MHz in addition to the 1700.

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