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Andre Klapper 2009-08-31 10:13

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by arj (Post 318670)
What exactly is the difference in keyboard between the German and the Italian e.g.?

See "Keyboard layout" on Wikipedia.

OVK 2009-08-31 10:17

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by Andre Klapper (Post 318697)
See "Keyboard layout" on Wikipedia.

By the way, has it been confirmed that N900 will have different kinds of regional keyboards available?

vvaz 2009-08-31 10:19

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by OVK (Post 318700)
By the way, has it been confirmed that N900 will have different kinds of regional keyboards available?

Yes. At least it was confirmed for German variant.

kenny 2009-09-03 03:29

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 318092)
not entirely true. In order to work on TMoUSA, it needs 1700 and 2100, not only one, so if these aren't on the Euro model, and they aren't, you'll only get EDGE data speeds.

I thought the ONLY model that has been announced has 900, 1700, and 2100?

kenny 2009-09-03 03:35

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 318560)
I'm hoping a quadband model supporting 850/1700/1800/2100 to cover all us models.

Shouldn't that be 1900 instead of 1800?
And you're referring to US only, correct?

bac522 2009-09-03 11:20

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

mjc 2009-09-03 11:29

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by bac522 (Post 320765)

It is nice to see it up for US pre-order, but their detailed specs seem to be a little inflated (ie SMS, MMS, digital compass).

ossipena 2009-09-03 11:30

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by vvaz (Post 318701)
Yes. At least it was confirmed for German variant.

finnish variant has also been confirmed

quipper8 2009-09-03 11:36

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 318577)
You must also realize that Nokia won't allow at&t to do the branding and locking down of the device, and they probably don't even want it, since it would cripple their network further with its data hungry browser and nature.

They allowed them to do it to the e71x

BolajiDotNet 2009-09-03 21:37

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
N900 now available for preorder on

nilchak 2009-09-03 21:45

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by BolajiDotNet (Post 321136)
N900 now available for preorder on

$649 is the preorder price.

So I am gonna wait for a month and hopefully it will be under $600 by the time I jump for it. :)

quipper8 2009-09-03 22:39

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by BolajiDotNet (Post 321136)
N900 now available for preorder on charges sales tax, bummer!

quipper8 2009-09-03 22:40

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
when I added to my cart they added a BH-703 BT headset for free too. bummed that they charge $50 of sales tax though

bluehash 2009-09-03 23:15

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
Direct link anyone?Please
I can only see the N86 on preorder.


sachin007 2009-09-03 23:19

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

christexaport 2009-09-04 03:07

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
I see the N900 page, but where does it allow you to preorder?

christexaport 2009-09-04 03:08

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
Don't see the link anywhere. Can you do a screenshot or something?

nilchak 2009-09-04 03:12

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
See the screenshot here

christexaport 2009-09-04 03:32

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
All I needed to see...

allnameswereout 2009-09-07 07:18

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
Is there anything more known about the UK launch date? Cause I'm going to UK in October. Would be nice to grab one with the low GBP :)

deadmalc 2009-09-07 09:09

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 323003)
Is there anything more known about the UK launch date? Cause I'm going to UK in October. Would be nice to grab one with the low GBP :)

I've pre-ordered and all it says on the order is:

"This order has not shipped", not particularly helpful.

I am hoping that it will ship 1st October (naturally I'm hoping it will ship before, ideally today - but I was hoping the n900 was out last year - eternal optimist)

Just tried phoning the helpline but got bored waiting for call to be answered

dwould 2009-09-07 09:36

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
I've also just done my pre-order. The nearest I've seen to a date is actually on the Expansys site which says expected 19th October. I'm hoping that coming direct from Nokia will be sooner than that.

sachin007 2009-09-07 15:28

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
According to a tweet

" #N900 delivery is delaying, nokia changed the date from 1st of october to 12th october. this affects all preorders too."

range 2009-09-07 15:30

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 323216)
According to a tweet

" #N900 delivery is delaying, nokia changed the date from 1st of october to 12th october. this affects all preorders too."

Don't do this to me (and the people around me which are already suffering enough!) :rolleyes:

GeneralAntilles 2009-09-07 15:40

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 323216)
" #N900 delivery is delaying, nokia changed the date from 1st of october to 12th october. this affects all preorders too."

It's going to be super awesome if we're all carrying N800s and N810s to the Summit. Have fun talking about Harmattan, Nokia, when we're still on Diablo. :rolleyes:

DaKing 2009-09-07 15:40

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
hey sachine i just wanted to ask you the US version for pre-order is this version made in finland or made in china please need to know :confused::confused::confused:

digittante 2009-09-07 17:04

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 318560)
I'm hoping a quadband model supporting 850/1700/1800/2100 to cover all us models.

+1 for your very sane suggestion. The segmentation of 3G technology at all levels of the mobile value chain (OEM's, carriers, retailers) has been rife w/ mis/dis-information for years. "Will this work on my carrier?", "Does this phone have 1700mhz or 1900mhz?", "What if I travel overseas with it?"

Most recent example of this (and relevant to this N900 thread): I rang T-Mo last week just before buying an N900: The Tier3 tech support guy hadn't heard of the N900 but said it needed "1.9gigaherz" to be compatible w/ T-Mo US 3G. When I shared the N900 3G freqs, he check w/ his manager and reported back that the N900 likely has "European 3G" and wouldn't work in the US. When I repeated again the N900 had 1700mhz/2100mhz just like T-Mo US, he checked again with his supervisor. "Yeah, but that's European 2100mhz" he said. "Not American 2100mhz..." What's the difference? He couldn't say. I suspect there isn't one, and he (and his boss) were simply FUD'ing about a 'foreign' device.

Quad-band GSM phones have been around for a while now, why can't OEM's just make 'quad-band' 3G phone and eliminate all the confusion?

And for the record, I've been w/ T-Mo/DeutscheTelekom for over a decade and almost always bring my own phone. When T-Mo established a separate tech support team to help customers w/ non-T-Mo phones, support really improved (for me). I'm curious if Sprint/Verizon/AT&T provide similar support?

ColdFusion 2009-09-07 17:27

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by sachin007 (Post 323216)
According to a tweet

" #N900 delivery is delaying, nokia changed the date from 1st of october to 12th october. this affects all preorders too."

Probably overwhelmed with preorders. Nokia when are you going to take Maemo seriously! :rolleyes:

deadmalc 2009-09-07 17:40

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
Boy do I feel like knee-capping someone (anyone will do)

Bratag 2009-09-07 17:47

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
Can I ask who the tweet was from? Just dont want to go off before i know its a reputable source.

generationally 2009-09-07 17:54

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 323291)
Can I ask who the tweet was from? Just dont want to go off before i know its a reputable source.

Did a quick twitter search:

Bratag 2009-09-07 17:56

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by generationally (Post 323294)

Ahh ok. But nothing from nokia directly then? Just I checked my pre-order and it makes no mention of a delay.

DaKing 2009-09-07 18:20

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
mm why no one is answering my question about the us version if the N900 will be made in finland or china !!! ?

texaslabrat 2009-09-07 18:23

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by DaKing (Post 323310)
mm why no one is answering my question about the us version if the N900 will be made in finland or china !!! ?

Maybe because nobody knows? Take a chill pill, man.

MaxiKana 2009-09-07 18:25

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by DaKing (Post 323310)
mm why no one is answering my question about the us version if the N900 will be made in finland or china !!! ?

I don't think no one really knows yet. AFAIK Nokia have changed their manufacturing in recent years to cut logistical costs to a model where they try to make the handset as close to the markets as possible. So I'm guessing the US handsets won't be made in Finland since the factory in Salo will be producing handsets for the EU market.

allnameswereout 2009-09-07 18:30

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
Well it cannot ship on 1 October 2009 in UK because that is (or was?) the launch date in DE & IT.


Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles (Post 323223)
It's going to be super awesome if we're all carrying N800s and N810s to the Summit. Have fun talking about Harmattan, Nokia, when we're still on Diablo. :rolleyes:

Maybe N900 is sold on summit ;)

dantonic 2009-09-07 18:40

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by digittante (Post 323273)
And for the record, I've been w/ T-Mo/DeutscheTelekom for over a decade and almost always bring my own phone. When T-Mo established a separate tech support team to help customers w/ non-T-Mo phones, support really improved (for me). I'm curious if Sprint/Verizon/AT&T provide similar support?

Just wanted to mention that I've used ATT in the past, and have now been with Tmobile for 5years. My wife still uses ATT.
Tmobile has excellent customer service in comparison, but the coverage... :( sometimes I just want to scream!

texaslabrat 2009-09-07 18:54

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by dantonic (Post 323324)
Just wanted to mention that I've used ATT in the past, and have now been with Tmobile for 5years. My wife still uses ATT.
Tmobile has excellent customer service in comparison, but the coverage... :( sometimes I just want to scream!

I just switched to T-mobile in preparation for receiving my new N900 (and saving $60/month in the process...happy bonus). One thing that I've noticed is the marked decrease in signal strength indoors due to the lack of 850Mhz coverage. Still, even with 1-2 bars of signal on the N95's meter, the calls are clear and I've yet to have one drop yet. So, while on paper it looks worse, in practice it seems to actually be an improvement in performance. Perhaps that's due to the oversubscription of AT&T's network due to the iphone...plenty of RF signal strength but the network falls down due to the load. Hopefully the same will prove true with the 3G performance as well..but I'll have to wait until my new toy arrives to test it.

lagonda 2009-09-07 19:26

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
I though shipping meant when the goods were leaving the factory. They still have to get to the local distributer before they can be sent out to the customer. If that is true then around about the middle of Oct for delivery sounds about right for a shipping date of the 1st.

rok 2009-09-07 20:53

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 323317)
Well it cannot ship on 1 October 2009 in UK because that is (or was?) the launch date in DE & IT.

12th October is also the shipping day in Germany according to the online shop. :(

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