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DaKing 2009-09-05 04:13

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
hey everyone :) .. i just wanted to ask u some strange question i want to pre-order the N900 but am just wondering will this version be made in China as what happened in US in the N97 and in europ only made in Finland or in all countries from Finland.. thank you

Bratag 2009-09-05 16:24

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
Order placed. I figure I used to spend 4-8 bucks a day on coffee but since Ive started making my own I spend maybe 30cents. The excitement about getting a n900 has to equal at least a couple of dozen coffees ..... wait I forgot where I was going with this.


Crashdamage 2009-09-05 16:48

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 322130)
Order placed. I figure I used to spend 4-8 bucks a day on coffee but since Ive started making my own I spend maybe 30cents. The excitement about getting a n900 has to equal at least a couple of dozen coffees ..... wait I forgot where I was going with this.

Maybe you were going a little development work for Maemo apps? (Hint...VNC...poke poke)

It's a race...I ordered mine yesterday...I'd better get it before you!

mykenyc 2009-09-05 17:29

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
im assuming when you pre-order they take the full amount immediately right?

jandmdickerson 2009-09-05 17:56

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by mykenyc (Post 322151)
im assuming when you pre-order they take the full amount immediately right?

Yes, the only thing Nokia loves more than revenue is unearned revenue. All the money and none of the work. ;) They took it all out my account the day after my pre-order.

I want my tablet/mobile computer/phone thingy right now!!

mykenyc 2009-09-05 18:05

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by jandmdickerson (Post 322157)
Yes, the only thing Nokia loves more than revenue is unearned revenue. All the money and none of the work. ;) They took it all out my account the day after my pre-order.

I want my tablet/mobile computer/phone thingy right now!!

lol okay time to sell me a touch pro 2 and order it next we schwing!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

Bratag 2009-09-05 19:15

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by Crashdamage (Post 322138)
Maybe you were going a little development work for Maemo apps? (Hint...VNC...poke poke)

It's a race...I ordered mine yesterday...I'd better get it before you!

Yeah Definitely will be developing for maemo. Will be a relief to get off of android were the API, the docs and real life seem to differ daily.

There were so many things that annoyed me about android it amazes me I coded the 6 apps I did

talmage 2009-09-06 17:00

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
I pre-ordered mine about five minutes ago. The more I thought about it, the more the phone looked like the one I've wanted for about five years: WIFI, mobile broadband, lots of internal storage that I can add to, built-in GPS, decent screen and keyboard, pocket sized. Yay Nokia!

---- EDIT: 9/16/2009 ----

After 40 minutes on the telephone with Nokia USA, I canceled my pre-order because Nokia's billing software is broken. When I placed the order, Nokia placed a pre-authorization hold for the total on my credit card. That's fair. When the hold expired today, Nokia placed another pre-authorization hold for a new amount: the original plus sales tax. The problem is that the original amount already included sales tax. This new hold, which my bank rejected, would deny me the use of some of my credit. Nokia USA told me that they cannot do anything about it. I have to accept this higher pre-authorization hold or cancel my order. So I canceled my order. I might order from Amazon, which has it for much less than Nokia.

bAxon 2009-09-07 01:12

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
how bad is BH-703 (being offered with N900)..I wonder if there is a way to pay the difference and upgrade to a better unit like BH -804

jandmdickerson 2009-09-07 01:23

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by bAxon (Post 322908)
how bad is BH-703 (being offered with N900)..I wonder if there is a way to pay the difference and upgrade to a better unit like BH -804

Seems decent...:)

ysss 2009-09-07 08:10

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
A list of worldwide 3G carrier frequencies, to see how much this 1700 vs 1900 mhz thing matters to you:

DaKing 2009-09-07 15:37

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
please can anyone tell me the manufacturing place if it is from finland or china i had some bad experience with chinese N95 thats why am worried so plz help :confused::confused::confused:

SD69 2009-09-07 15:48

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 323020)
A list of worldwide 3G carrier frequencies, to see how much this 1700 vs 1900 mhz thing matters to you:

That info is not the info you want to use. As has been said before, AWS band will be common in the Americas within the next few years. Here is the 3rd hit on a Google search for "AWS Americas"

R-R 2009-09-07 18:29

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
Can anyone from Nokia explain why i can't order from Canada and get it shipped here? :-(

christexaport 2009-09-08 16:07

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
the RX-51 is with AWS only, and only in the US, from the looks of it. You'll have to order from and have shipped to you. Is that what you've tried?

ysss 2009-09-08 16:19

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by SD69 (Post 323229)
That info is not the info you want to use. As has been said before, AWS band will be common in the Americas within the next few years. Here is the 3rd hit on a Google search for "AWS Americas"

wait, if i I live in a country listed in the previous link with a carrier that'ss 2100mhz compatible (ie: singapore), doesn't that mean that N900 will work fine here?

klinglerware 2009-09-08 16:53

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 323815)
wait, if i I live in a country listed in the previous link with a carrier that'ss 2100mhz compatible (ie: singapore), doesn't that mean that N900 will work fine here?

It should, at least for voice and probably for data too. T-mobile USA phones with the 1700/2100 band have been able to leverage the 2100 band for calls in places like Japan, that use the 2100 band.

I assume that it means that it will work where 2100 is used for 3G, but I don't know for sure.

ysss 2009-09-08 16:57

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by klinglerware (Post 323839)
It should, at least for voice and probably for data too. T-mobile USA phones with the 1700/2100 band have been able to leverage the 2100 band for calls in places like Japan, that use the 2100 band.

I assume that it means that it will work where 2100 is used for 3G, but I don't know for sure.

It says the 3G data uses wcmda, and there are 3 bands listed\used: 900/1700/2100.

So I assume from the previous list of worldwide UMTS frequency deployment, if your carrier uses any one of the 3 supported wcdma frequencies, you'll get 3G data?

What frequency does 2.5G use? Doesn't that make use of the EGSM frequencies than the wcdma ones?

klinglerware 2009-09-08 17:15

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 323843)
It says the 3G data uses wcmda, and there are 3 bands listed\used: 900/1700/2100.

So I assume from the previous list of worldwide UMTS frequency deployment, if your carrier uses any one of the 3 supported wcdma frequencies, you'll get 3G data?

What frequency does 2.5G use? Doesn't that make use of the EGSM frequencies than the wcdma ones?

Depends. For T-mobile in the US, you need both the 1700 & the 2100 bands, since one is used for uploads and the other is used for downloads. I think that just having the 2100 band may be sufficient in other countries that use the 2100 band--NOKIA has released n-series smartphones with just the 2100 3g band, in the past, so I'm guessing that is all that is necessary in some countries.

UMTS (faster than edge but slower than HSDPA) uses the same bands as HSDPA.

EDGE & GPRS use the standard GSM cellular bands (850, 900, 1800, or 1900--depending on your network and country)

kenny 2009-09-08 20:26

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 323812)
the RX-51 is with AWS only, and only in the US, from the looks of it. You'll have to order from and have shipped to you. Is that what you've tried?

The Nokia N900 is being released in various areas of the world ("in selected markets" ) with one model only (as apples to the GSM radio frequencies.) Those frequencies are stated in the specs, and are also stated in this and several other threads here at talk.maemo.
I'm curious. Do you ever read any of the replies here? It strikes me that for a tech journalist / blogger, there often seems to be a high level of incorrect information in your posts.

Crashdamage 2009-09-08 20:56

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
To get back to the subject of pre-orders from Nokia USA...I just got a phone call from Nokia to verify the charges on my credit card. Seems my N900 will be shipped in a day or two. So I should actually have it my grubby fist sometime next week!

mhotep 2009-09-08 20:59

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
I really hope that is true. If so I'm ordering mine ASAP! :D


Originally Posted by Crashdamage (Post 323953)
To get back to the subject of pre-orders from Nokia USA...I just got a phone call from Nokia to verify the charges on my credit card. Seems my N900 will be shipped in a day or two. So I should actually have it my grubby fist sometime next week!

Bratag 2009-09-08 21:01

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by Crashdamage (Post 323953)
To get back to the subject of pre-orders from Nokia USA...I just got a phone call from Nokia to verify the charges on my credit card. Seems my N900 will be shipped in a day or two. So I should actually have it my grubby fist sometime next week!

Damn - where is my phonecall.

Crashdamage 2009-09-08 21:02

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by mhotep (Post 323955)
I really hope that is true. If so I'm ordering mine ASAP! :D

I would NOT pull everyone's chain about a thing like that. Of course, I'll post again when it actually arrives with some first impressions.

mhotep 2009-09-08 21:08

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
Oh. I believe you, just hoping someone at Nokia didn't make a mistake. Is this the usual method, call to verify CC info then ship a few days later? Anyone else getting phone calls to verify no mistakes on Nokia's end?


Originally Posted by Crashdamage (Post 323958)
I would NOT pull everyone's chain about a thing like that. Of course, I'll post again when it actually arrives with some first impressions.

hypnotik 2009-09-08 21:09

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by Crashdamage (Post 323953)
To get back to the subject of pre-orders from Nokia USA...I just got a phone call from Nokia to verify the charges on my credit card. Seems my N900 will be shipped in a day or two. So I should actually have it my grubby fist sometime next week!

Did Nokia actually say they would be shipping it soon? They already charged my credit card - well actually Brightpoint NA charged it immediately upon placing the preorder. I still am under the impression that orders won't be shipped out until mid-October.

Laughing Man 2009-09-08 21:22

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by mhotep (Post 323962)
Oh. I believe you, just hoping someone at Nokia didn't make a mistake. Is this the usual method, call to verify CC info then ship a few days later? Anyone else getting phone calls to verify no mistakes on Nokia's end?

Not sure if it's the usual method, but for high value purchases I've noticed that either the credit card company or the seller will call the buyer to make sure everything checks out or is valid.

klinglerware 2009-09-08 21:28

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 323956)
Damn - where is my phonecall.

I received a phone call also but they did not promise a ship date, only a "you will know when it ships when you receive a tracking number from the shipper".

One could hope for earlier, but my sense is that early October is really when we will be seeing it.

Crashdamage 2009-09-08 23:19

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by klinglerware (Post 323969)
I received a phone call also but they did not promise a ship date, only a "you will know when it ships when you receive a tracking number from the shipper".

One could hope for earlier, but my sense is that early October is really when we will be seeing it.

Could be, just have to see what happens. But...when I asked the Nokia rep when it would be shipped she said it "would take a day or two." So I said then I likely would have it next week and she answered that with 3-day shipping I should. She said they were "working through the first round of orders."

Also, I got an email notice of the charges from Nokia which said I would get an another email notice when the item was actually shipped. I didn't expect to get it for at least a month but now, even if I don't get it next week it probably won't be a friggin' month either. Clearly the unit hasn't actually left the building yet, but I'm gettin' a positive vibe about this.

ysss 2009-09-09 13:19

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
Are you guys serious? i've been putting off my N900 order cause the expected ship date is still more than a month away (from previous rumors). Any updates from those who got called today?

BruceL 2009-09-09 17:50

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
Ysss and others,

Unfortunately, I got a call too and when he said "It will ship tomorrow or the next day" I asked him to verify that. Then he looked at the order and said "Oh you just have a pre-order. No, that will ship when it's ready." I asked "do you have any idea when that will be?" "With the N900s and phone like that they don't tell us" Blah blah blah.

So, sadly, it was probably just a mistake made from the operators saying the same thing over and over all day long.

There's always hope though!


BTW for those who haven't pre-ordered yet, the call is because the order is over $500.

ysss 2009-09-09 17:52

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
@BruceL: Ahhh ok..
Well, I'm placing my preorder today anyway :D

Kisama 2009-09-09 20:14

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
I pre-ordered it. I'm locked in a T-mob contract, so I'll just relocate the SIM and sell my G1.

Bratag 2009-09-09 21:05

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by Kisama (Post 324458)
I pre-ordered it. I'm locked in a T-mob contract, so I'll just relocate the SIM and sell my G1.

Wifes getting my G1. Keeping tmobile though

jalladin 2009-09-09 21:45

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
hey i'm not sure which place most ppl are use to pre-order but i found a site that the same policy as exspansys but has the n900 going for 498.88 ... i placed my order:rolleyes:

misticjeff 2009-09-09 21:53

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by jalladin (Post 324530)
hey i'm not sure which place most ppl are use to pre-order but i found a site that the same policy as exspansys but has the n900 going for 498.88 ... i placed my order:rolleyes:

Of course sharing the site with the community might be too much to ask??? :confused:

UCOMM 2009-09-09 23:13

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by jalladin
hey i'm not sure which place most ppl are use to pre-order but i found a site that the same policy as exspansys but has the n900 going for 498.88 ... i placed my order

Of course sharing the site with the community might be too much to ask???

here i found it for you

seriously though, thats an ******* move not mentioning the website

never ordered from celluloco before, website looks like a mess, makes me hesitant, always see their youtube videos though ;p

mhotep 2009-09-09 23:29

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
So the price I buy it at stays the same, even if Nokia changes the price when it becomes in stock? If so I may be in. Gotta check this dealer out a little before I order.:)


Originally Posted by jalladin (Post 324530)
hey i'm not sure which place most ppl are use to pre-order but i found a site that the same policy as exspansys but has the n900 going for 498.88 ... i placed my order:rolleyes:

dvergin 2009-09-09 23:42

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA

Originally Posted by UCOMM (Post 324574)

Note this under the "Package Includes" tab on that page:


* European/Asian Warranty Only

* Please note that if this mobile brings a memory card, you may get a different memory denomination card than the one orginally mentioned in the manufacturer's global site. This discrepancy occurs due to the fact that manufacturers package different configurations in different countries where they launch their products. Hence, since sources the mobiles in numerous regions of the world, we also receive differently packaged configurations of the mobiles we buy varying on a weekly basis.. Please email us prior to buying mobile to find out which size of memory comes in the configuration we have in stock!
I'm not sure how concerned U.S. buyers should be about the sourcing from different countries.

sachin007 2009-09-09 23:44

Re: n900 preorder on Nokia USA
Doesnt look good...especially for high end nokia phones....

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